tagged articles with: art

For every living creature on earth

For every living creature on earth

Mark Dowd-The Tablet - World Issues el Fri, Jun 19th 2015

Pope Francis is not the first pope to address environmental issues but he is the first to devote an encyclical to them. Tackling climate change is not only an issue of justice and human survival, but an act of faith in God’s creation of the world. Laudato Si is the most eagerly awaited papal encyclical for decades. 

Bill Viola on St Paul's Cathedral commission: 'It flummoxed me'

Bill Viola on St Paul's Cathedral commission: 'It flummoxed me'

Martin Gayford - The Telegraph - Expressions el Thu, Jun 5th 2014

For over a decade, Viola has been pondering the task of making two video-art altar pieces for St Paul’s Cathedral, to stand at the east ends of the north and south choir aisles. Now, after over a decade of thought, they are completed, installed and will be seen for the first time by the public at evensong on Wednesday, May 21st.

Earth In Crisis As Wildlife Numbers Plummet

Earth In Crisis As Wildlife Numbers Plummet

Sky News - Development el Tue, May 22nd 2012

Earth is a planet in crisis with wildlife populations declining by more than 30% in the past four decades, conservationists claim. A new report examined how more than 9,000 populations of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians and fish are faring.

It comes in the face of record over-consumption of natural resources with serious implications for human health, wealth and well-being.

Sacred art needs more attention in China

Sacred art needs more attention in China

ucanews - Reporters el Thu, Jun 16th 2011

The Beijing diocese began its Year of Evangelization in April, she said, adding that “we believe sacred art can play a certain role in evangelization.”Too few people in mainland China devote themselves to sacred art. “By organizing the exhibition we hope to attract more artists to create works rooted in Christian themes, as well as to provide a platform for encouraging more works by artists already engaged in this field.”

Holy Week through Art

Holy Week through Art

Arch. Vincent Nichols - Video el Fri, Apr 22nd 2011

Archbishop Vincent Nichols, presents the richness of our Holy Week Celebrations as reflected through arts. The video can help us to understand better the significant of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Lord.

Art as Mission

Art as Mission

Godgossip - Congregation el Thu, Jan 20th 2011

Fr. Cerezo Barredo, Claretian Missionary, has spent most of his life proclaiming the Gospel with his artistic talent. A reknown art professor in his native Spain, he left his students and went as missionary to Nicaragua in the 1970s.