tagged articles with: development

Responsible Capitalism? New FairTrade Figures Show Business Is Changing for good

Responsible Capitalism? New FairTrade Figures Show Business Is Changing for good

Ann Mullaney - Activities el Sat, Mar 17th 2012

Ann Mullaney, Fairtrade representative in Hayes, West London, shares some encouraging information echoing the statement from Harriet Lamb, Fairtrade Executive Director:  ‘We believe that responsible businesses are those who don’t just tackle the company bonuses at the top – but take steps to ensure a fairer deal for the workers and farmers at the bottom of the supply chain too. Forward-thinking companies are showing leadership in committing to Fairtrade, realising that  they need to invest in smallholders, developing better, longer-term relationships.

International Women's Day

International Women's Day

Department of Public Information - United Nations - World Issues el Thu, Mar 8th 2012

International Women's Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by women's groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. When women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their Day.

Let's end the global food waste scandal

Let's end the global food waste scandal

Tristram Stuart - CNN - Activities el Wed, Nov 23rd 2011

If we could hypothetically save all the food wasted across the UK on any one day, there would be enough to feed 60 million people. In straitened times it becomes ever more important to address the chronic problem of wastage in food production on farms, in factories, in supermarkets, restaurants, and in homes all across the world. Saving food really does help alleviate hunger, in rich countries as in poor ones.

A new church initiative in Maoist area of West Bengal, India

A new church initiative in Maoist area of West Bengal, India

George Vayaliparampil - The C.S.F. - Reporters el Tue, Nov 22nd 2011

A study commission headed by the Claretian Missionary Father Michael presented a report to the assembly of Bishops and Major Superiors to take practical measures for the church presence in developmental activities. This joint initiative of Regional Bishops and Major Superiors is to be grounded in the poor areas of West Bengal which is traditional considered as Maoists stronghold. 

British Prime Minister praised for recognizing Christian persecution

British Prime Minister praised for recognizing Christian persecution

EWTN-News - JPIC News el Wed, Nov 2nd 2011

Prime Minister David Cameron drew praise from a Catholic group after he acknowledged that government funding should be axed to countries that persecute Christians as well as gay communities. “That the Prime Minister should publicly single out treatment of Christians as a factor in decisions on UK aid is an important step forward,” said Neville Kyrke-Smith, director of Aid to the Church in Need's U.K. office.

Crowded Earth: how many is too many?

Crowded Earth: how many is too many?

Marlowe Hood and Richard Ingham | AFP - World Issues el Tue, Oct 25th 2011

 On October 31, the world's population is officially scheduled to hit seven billion -- a rise of two billion in less than a quarter century. Over six decades, the global fertility rate has roughly halved, and amounts to a statistical 2.5 children per woman today. "Despite alarmist predictions, historical increases in population have not been economically catastrophic," notes David Bloom, a professor in the Department of Global Health and Population at Harvard.

“Feeding the World, Caring for the Earth.” Family Farming – our alternative for the future

“Feeding the World, Caring for the Earth.” Family Farming – our alternative for the future

Family Farming World Conference - Development el Mon, Oct 17th 2011

 In our world today, 3 billion people live in the rural areas. Most of them belong to families who are engaged in family farming or family agriculture, where both the husband and/or the wife together with the other household members are involved directly in the production processes and in the other many different activities in the farm, and where agriculture/livestock/aquaculture/forestry is the family’s main source of livelihood.

Protesters bed down at cathedral

Protesters bed down at cathedral

Associated Press - World News el Sun, Oct 16th 2011

 Protesters are preparing to spend their second night camped out in the grounds of St Paul's Cathedral as part of an anti-capitalist demonstration in London. The Reverend Dr Giles Fraser, Canon Chancellor of St Paul's Cathedral, said: "People have a right to protest and it's been very good natured. Church went down well this morning. There were no problems. We had no problems getting people in. People were very helpful."

Anti-corporate protests to hit London

Anti-corporate protests to hit London

Leon Neal | AFP - JPIC News el Fri, Oct 14th 2011

 "This is a people-powered movement protesting against the increasing social and economic injustice in the UK," OccupyLSX supporter Kai Wargalla explained on Wednesday.  "We want to stand with...the overwhelming majority who value people over profit. We want to make our voices heard against greed, corruption and for a democratic, just society," she added.

Explosive new book details war on unborn baby girls

Explosive new book details war on unborn baby girls

Marianne Medlin - JPIC News el Mon, Oct 3rd 2011


Imagine waking up one day to find that every single woman in the U.S. has disappeared. Picture this, writes author and scientific journalist Mara Hvistendahl, and you will come close to understanding the magnitude of over 160 million baby girls being selectively aborted in Asia and East Europe over the last few decades.

Tradition forces girls into prostitution

Tradition forces girls into prostitution

CNN - Activities el Thu, Sep 29th 2011

  In some Indian villages, girls are sent into prostitution by their families - a tradition that began as religious obligation but is now continued for money. In "Trapped by Tradition," which airs Saturday and Sunday on CNN International, "Slumdog Millionaire" star Anil Kapoor shows how Indian charities are trying to stop the tradition

British Catholics give £3m to Africa

British Catholics give £3m to Africa

Ed West - atholic Herald - Church News el Thu, Aug 11th 2011

The money was donated through Cafod, the agency of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. Cafod director Chris Bain said the sum was “a tremendous tribute to Catholic communities which – despite the economic hardships at home – have once again shown overwhelming generosity towards those in need”.

Meeting Real Heroes Who Expose Themselves to Kidnappers and the MILF to Help Kids.

Meeting Real Heroes Who Expose Themselves to Kidnappers and the MILF to Help Kids.

Armand Dean Nocum - Congregation el Tue, Aug 9th 2011

Today I doff my hat off to real heroes in the person of Claretian priest Fr. Larry Miranda and Fr. Pedro Cleofe who run the Claret Kindergarten School of Tungawan and the Calret Mission Center in Sitio Bangkal where we brought books to start work on what would later be a full-scale library borne out of the partnership of the Claret Mission Center, Kris Peace Library; and the Kapatirang Claretian Inc, a group of Claretian priests and seminarians I now head.