tagged articles with: education

Sally Read: Outfoxed by God

Sally Read: Outfoxed by God

Sally Read - The Tablet - Discernment el Fri, Aug 3rd 2012

For almost all of her 40 years, a Suffolk-born psychiatric nurse-turned published poet and passionate atheist felt little but contempt for Catholicism. But then, in less than a year, after a springtime epiphany she was received into the Church. This is her journey.

What hope for the faith school?

What hope for the faith school?

Peter Stanford - The Telegraph - Church Issues el Wed, Aug 1st 2012

Thirty years ago, its 400 pupils were all Catholics, many of them first or second-generation Irish. Now all but 10 per cent are Muslims, yet their parents are apparently happy for them to sit through lessons taught by a largely Christian staff and taken from a Catholic syllabus. “What can I say?” exclaims 72-year-old Fr Kelly. “It’s their choice. We make no imposition on them to change their religion.”

Will it be grandparents who save the faith?

Will it be grandparents who save the faith?

Greg Kandra - Articles el Sat, Jul 14th 2012

“The faith of our forefathers is hanging in the balance, especially in the western world. Grandparents have a special role to play in passing it on to their grandchildren. If we don’t act now, it may be too late, as quite often our own children have little knowledge of the faith. I truly believe that grandparents are being called at this moment in history.

Child soldier recruitment up, says UN

Child soldier recruitment up, says UN

UCAnews - World News el Wed, Jun 20th 2012

The involvement and association of children in armed conflicts in the Philippines continues to increase, the UN said Wednesday.“These children are not only casualties of explosions, shootings, and attacks but are also victims of kidnapping, killing, and maiming.” 

London's Churches lead Olympic 'journey to peace'

London's Churches lead Olympic 'journey to peace'

Reporters - Church News el Fri, Jun 8th 2012

For the London 2012 Olympic Games, Christian Churches in the UK have also picked up the theme of 100 days of peace around this major sporting event. It will be launched at an all night prayer vigil in London’s central Trafalgar Square on Friday June 8th by Church leaders including Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster and the Anglican Bishop of London Richard Chartres.

Scandal can be the cost of truth

Scandal can be the cost of truth

William Grimm - JPIC News el Fri, May 4th 2012

Being a journalist with integrity is a dangerous way to make a living. People with something to hide fear and hate journalists, because beyond providing sports scores and traffic accident reports, their vocation is to expose what is hidden in darkness so that it might be cleansed in the light. A good journalist is a passionate pursuer of truth, but also a target.

Assurances of Faith: How Catholic was Shakespeare? How Catholic are his Plays?

Assurances of Faith: How Catholic was Shakespeare? How Catholic are his Plays?

Paul J. Voss - Articles el Tue, Apr 24th 2012

The Catholic imagination — the imagination that allowed Shakespeare to sprinkle his plays with references to Catholic religious beliefs and practices in meaningful ways — also helped to create the fictive worlds of Denmark, Rome, Verona, Venice, and Illyria. The imagination that made him Catholic also helped make him the greatest writer in the English-speaking world.

Prison premiere for Turnage's Olympic music

Prison premiere for Turnage's Olympic music

Ian Young - BBC - Activities el Mon, Jan 23rd 2012

Prison director Gareth Sands said music was among a number of activities the inmates take part in. "We see changes in them and music is part of that driver for change," he said."Music and the arts can play a part in their rehabilitation and we hope the Turnage project will be successful in helping prisoners raise their aspirations so they don't return to a life of crime," he said. 

The Gospel in the time of Facebook

The Gospel in the time of Facebook

Cristian Martini Grimaldi - Church Issues el Sat, Jan 21st 2012

Facebook, the most popular social network in the world, has several tools to maintain and enrich mutual friendship: this is well-known. However, in general, no one asks themselves how come the dynamics of relationships are exclusively based on positive feedback (thumbs up, sharing) and there are no instant options for disapproval

Are Catholic Colleges Catholic Enough?

Are Catholic Colleges Catholic Enough?

Patrick J. Reilly - Church Issues el Tue, Oct 4th 2011

Colleges that have deliberately watered down their Catholic identity, in part to help themselves compete for government aid, now face church pressure to strengthen their religious identity. The choice for Catholic educators is increasingly clear: defend religious liberty and stand up for a strong Catholic identity—or give up the pretense.