tagged articles with: family

Second chances: Remarriage and the Eucharist

Second chances: Remarriage and the Eucharist

Christopher Lamb - The Tablet - Church Issues el Tue, Oct 4th 2011

Whether divorced and remarried Catholics can receive Communion is now firmly back in the spotlight after the 400 clerics backing the Austrian Priests’ Initiative said in their “Appeal to Disobedience” that they would not refuse Communion to remarried divorcees. Christian Wulff, a divorced and remarried Catholic, said he hoped the Church would soften its position on admitting people in his position to the sacraments.

9 things you shouldn't say to your child

9 things you shouldn't say to your child

By Paula Spencer - Parenting.com - Married el Wed, Jul 13th 2011

We all say the wrong thing sometimes, leaving our kids feeling hurt, angry, or confused. Read on for some of the most common verbal missteps moms and dads make, and kinder, gentler alternatives. 'Leave me alone!' - 'You're so...' - 'Don't cry' - 'Why can't you be more like your sister?' - 'You know better than that!' - 'Stop or I'll give you something to cry about!' - 'Wait till daddy gets home!' - 'Great job!" or "Good girl!'

Archbishop Nichols: marriage is a public good

Archbishop Nichols: marriage is a public good

Simon Caldwell - Catholic Herald - Married el Thu, Jun 16th 2011

In his homily Archbishop Nichols explained that marriage was nevertheless the key to a successful family life and the happiness and security of children because it was the most successful framework “for the relationship of love of a man and a woman to become faithful, fruitful and permanent”.

National Family Week 2011, Celebrating family life in the UK

National Family Week 2011, Celebrating family life in the UK

Angela McGhin - Activities el Tue, Jan 25th 2011

National Family Week will take place from Monday, 30 May to Sunday, 5 June, and promoters say it will be bigger and better than ever. It aims to celebrate family life in the UK and connect millions of families with the organisations, good causes and services that support them. This year, the main events will be centred around the cities of London and Liverpool.