News in Activities

What Francis might mean by 'Fratelli Tutti'

What Francis might mean by 'Fratelli Tutti'

by: Carmen M. Nanko-Fernández - LCI United States in Activities,

If you want to understand Pope Francis, it helps to know tango, soccer lingo, and colloquial Argentinian Spanish. Making sense of Francis, I propose, also requires an ability to think in hyperlinks. In other words, what he says opens paths to multiple references that further enrich and expand possibilities for interpretation. Francis plays with language and space.

Booking the bibliophiliac brothers

Booking the bibliophiliac brothers

by: Michael Carter - The Tablet in Activities,

About 5000 books survive from English monasteries, and I’m the proud owner of two of them. Don’t get too excited. They’re not luscious manuscripts with glorious illuminations but humble paper printed books. But they’re treasures nonetheless, especially as both volumes provide priceless insights into the last phase of English medieval monasticism before Henry VIII brought it to an abrupt end.

British PM Boris Johnson's son baptized Catholic at Westminster Cathedral

British PM Boris Johnson's son baptized Catholic at Westminster Cathedral

by: La Croix International staff - United Kingdom in Activities,

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's infant son has been baptized Catholic. The Archdiocese of Westminster has confirmed that the baptism of Wilfred Johnson took place in London's Westminster Cathedral on September 12. That private ceremony was attended by both parents and a limited number of guests. 

How Catholic is Biden?

How Catholic is Biden?

by: Michael Sean Winters - The Tablet in Activities,

On Ash Wednesdays, Joe Biden’s forehead carries a tell-tale smudge. If he wins in November, he will be the second Catholic President of the United States, after John F. Kennedy. Yet his pro-choice position aggravates those who see abortion as the pre-eminent issue in public life. 

Mystical Experience and Everyday People

Mystical Experience and Everyday People

by: Ron Rolheiser, OMI in Activities,

What kinds of things help induce mysticism in our lives? I was asked that question recently and this was my immediate, non-reflected, answer: whatever brings tears to your eyes in either genuine sorrow or genuine joy; but that response was predicated on a lot of things. What is mysticism? What makes for mystical experience? 

As 'lockdown 2' hits, survey shows many prefer Mass online

As 'lockdown 2' hits, survey shows many prefer Mass online

by: Liz Dodd - The Tablet in Activities,

It comes as many churches have resumed Sunday and weekday services, with social distancing measures in place, and ceased live-streaming of Mass. But the return to a new “normal” is now once again under threat with the announcement today of what is trending as “lockdown 2” on social media, after prime minister Boris Johnson announced a ban on social gatherings of six or more starting next Monday.

A betrayal of Hong Kong's brave Catholics

A betrayal of Hong Kong's brave Catholics

by: Benedict Rogers - UCA News in Activities,

So it is perplexing to me as a relatively young Catholic that the Diocese of Hong Kong has reportedly banned a prayer for the city and its freedoms. They are concerned, it seems, that this particular prayer could be seen as a criticism of an “oppressive” government. But isn’t it the Church’s duty to speak out against oppression?

Cardinal Tagle tests positive for Covid-19

Cardinal Tagle tests positive for Covid-19

by: Junno Arocho Esteves - CNS in Activities,

In a statement last night, Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said the result was discovered after Cardinal Tagle, 63, was administered a swab test upon his arrival in Manila on Thursday. “His Eminence does not exhibit any symptoms and will remain in self-isolation in the Philippines, where he is located,” Bruni said.

Connecting in a time of Covid

Connecting in a time of Covid

by: Edward Kessler - The Tablet in Activities,

How does religious practice continue when people are apart? What is the long term impact of coronavirus on religion and belief? Ed Kessler, Founder of the Woolf Institute, interviewed religious and community leaders around the UK and posed these and other questions.

Born at the dawn of doubt: 1840 and the first issue of The Tablet

Born at the dawn of doubt: 1840 and the first issue of The Tablet

by: A.N. Wilson - The Tablet in Activities,

The Tablet was born, at a time of bitter divisions, hunger and disease, into the world of railways, mills and factories, and dawning scientific awareness and religious doubt. The world’s oldest religious newspaper was launched just at the moment when the ‘sea of faith’ appeared to be draining away.

Catholic parish priests hit by Covid financial crisis

Catholic parish priests hit by Covid financial crisis

by: Catherine Pepinster - The Tablet in Activities,

Priests who rely on church collections for their livelihoods have endured a catastrophic drop in income after churches closed in March because of the coronavirus lockdown. Now they have had their applications for a special government benefit turned down.

At 73, India is in the throes of change

At 73, India is in the throes of change

by: Myron J. Pereira - UCA News in Activities,

The best Indian tradition is dialogic, eclectic and inclusive. But notice how different things are today. In the strong desire for uniformity of thought and opinion, there is rising intolerance of dissent. Nay, independent thinkers are jailed or murdered.

Empty pews mean empty pockets

Empty pews mean empty pockets

by: Catherine Pepinster - The Tablet in Activities,

The lockdown has been more than a passing financial crisis for the Church in England and Wales. It has been a wake-up call that is challenging the way parishes and dioceses are funded and managed. When the doors of Catholic churches across Britain clanged shut in late March, it was a terrible blow to Massgoers. For priests, too, it was a terrible moment – and not just for spiritual reasons.

 New Vatican Library website aims to serve scholars, entice curious

New Vatican Library website aims to serve scholars, entice curious

by: Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service in Activities,

The Vatican Library has revamped its website to serve scholars better and facilitate navigation for the curious."Because of the pandemic, physical presence has become more difficult and, therefore, the website aims to be a place for welcoming, collaboration and openness," Msgr. Cesare Pasini, the library's prefect, told Vatican News July 22.

Is India losing its battle against Covid-19?

Is India losing its battle against Covid-19?

by: Nirendra Dev - CNS New Delhi in Activities,

India's bravado in dealing with Covid-19 seems to be heading towards near-collapse, with nearly 10,000 new cases added daily amid reports of a shortage of hospital beds and the breakdown of the economy.

News Briefing: Church in the World

News Briefing: Church in the World

by: James Roberts , Ellen Teague - The Tablet in Activities,

Christian groups around Europe have condemned a decision by the EU Commission to liquidate its office for religious freedom, led until the end of 2019 by the Slovak Jan Figel. The Vienna-based Documentation Centre for Religious Rights accused EU politicians of "closing their eyes" to growing religious freedom violations worldwide and ignoring past commitments. Eighteen (18) brief news about the Church in the world.

Vatican ejects ecumenical community founder

Vatican ejects ecumenical community founder

by: Cindy Wooden - CNS in Activities,

The Vatican has ordered Enzo Bianchi, the 77-year-old founder and former prior of the ecumenical Monastery of Bose, to leave the community following an apostolic visitation to clarify leadership within the group.