News in Activities

The Church and the 2012 games

The Church and the 2012 games

by: Sam Adams - The Tablet in Activities,

 With a year to go before the London Olympic Games, the Catholic Church’s plan to provide spiritual and practical support to spectators and athletes alike is well advanced. But there are even more ambitious plans to promote peace and build a new sports club in every parish.

Students sleep in the slums

Students sleep in the slums

by: Catholic Herald in Activities,

 About 70 young people from St Dominic’s Sixth Form College in Harrow, north-west London, took part in a Fair World Week, co-ordinated by college chaplain Angela Clapham in response to the Pope’s call for Catholics to be concerned with social justice. 

Homily for Pentecost Sunday

Homily for Pentecost Sunday

by: Fr. James Gilhooley in Activities,

Today is a good day to blow the dust off our spirits and play sweet music. The Spirit will assist us. He is the master of surprises making the impossible possible. He reminds us it does not require great people to do great things - just unselfish ones.

Butterflies close wings to avoid sex

Butterflies close wings to avoid sex

by: By Victoria Gill, Science reporter, BBC Nature in Activities,

In the fleeting existence of a female small copper butterfly, sex is a one-time affair. And scientists in Japan have observed that the butterflies have a simple way to avoid the unwanted attention of persistent males; they close their wings.

What the Church has given the world

What the Church has given the world

by: Fr Andrew Pinsent in Activities,

“What has the Church ever done for us?” Fr Andrew Pinsent is a priest of the diocese of Arundel and Brighton and Research Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion at Oxford University. He was formerly a particle physicist at CERN. He is co-founder, with Fr Marcus Holden, of the Evangelium Project, which is dedicated to improving the quality of Catholic education.

The splendour of God

The splendour of God

by: Osservatore Romano in Activities,

Benedict XVI delivers the traditional Message and ‘Urbi et Orbi’ Blessing
May Christ’s Resurrection mark the beginning of a new springtime for humanity. And “may people of good will open their hearts” in welcome to those fleeing war and to refugees. At the end of the Mass the Pope greeted the faithful in 65 languages.

A lot of Art for World Youth Day

A lot of Art for World Youth Day

by: in Activities,

Madrid, April 12, 2011.Today, the cultural program for World Youth Day (WYD) has officially been unveiled. There will be over 300 activities from 37 countries from every continent, of all artistic categories: movies, music, exhibitions, theater, and cultural tours of Madrid.

Catholic Youth Ministry Fed Congress 2011

Catholic Youth Ministry Fed Congress 2011

by: Catholic Youth Ministry Federation in Activities,

Making Saints - An Adventure in Love. Over 700 adults engaged in Youth Ministry in England and Wales assembled in London (on Saturday 12th March) for a National Congress. The theme: “Called to a Noble Adventure – A Vision for Youth Ministry”.

The Spiritual Reality Behind The King's Speech

The Spiritual Reality Behind The King's Speech

by: Melvin Rhodes in Activities,

The movie The King's Speech highlights the very personal struggle of Britain's King George VI to overcome a speech impediment. Behind the film is the historical reality of the man's deep religious faith, a conviction that enabled him to lead the British Empire during its time of greatest trial.

National Family Week 2011, Celebrating family life in the UK

National Family Week 2011, Celebrating family life in the UK

by: Angela McGhin in Activities,

National Family Week will take place from Monday, 30 May to Sunday, 5 June, and promoters say it will be bigger and better than ever. It aims to celebrate family life in the UK and connect millions of families with the organisations, good causes and services that support them. This year, the main events will be centred around the cities of London and Liverpool.