News in Activities

Filipino priests ordained amid typhoon ruins

Filipino priests ordained amid typhoon ruins

by: UCA News in Activities,

 "No trial or storm or typhoon can destroy our resolve". Seven Catholic priests were ordained on Monday amid the ruins of the centuries-old cathedral in the archdiocese of Palo, Leyte province, which was devastated by Super Typhoon Haiyan on November 8. 

The First Sunday of Advent: Preparing for What Matters

The First Sunday of Advent: Preparing for What Matters

by: Fr. Joseph Pellegrino SJ in Activities,

This is the First Sunday of Advent.  Advent is the season of preparation.  Only, unlike the shopping sprees we go on, or the other parts of Christmas preparation, like cards and parties and gift wrap, we are not preparing for just one day, or even a week. Advent is the season of preparation for the rest of our lives.

NHS wants 'samaritan army' to help elderly

NHS wants 'samaritan army' to help elderly

by: Laura Donnelly - The Telegraph in Activities,

The NHS is calling for an “army of good Samaritans” to check on lonely, elderly neighbours in cold weather, amid fears that too many pensioners end up in hospital because they have been neglected.

Bay Psalm Book: Why the £18m price tag?

Bay Psalm Book: Why the £18m price tag?

by: Aidan Lewis / BBC in Activities,

The first book printed in what later became the United States of America is expected to set a world record at auction on Tuesday. The Bay Psalm Book is valued not only as an object of extreme rarity, but also as a symbol of a future nation's identity.

HMS Illustrious sails off on aid mission to Philippines

HMS Illustrious sails off on aid mission to Philippines

by: Dan Rivers - BBC in Activities,

Packed with half the rice in Singapore, HMS Illustrious is now steaming as fast as she can towards the carnage left by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. This has been an extremely rapid change of plans for the almost 956 crew and other personnel aboard, many of whom hoped to be home for Christmas.

Feast of St. Cecilia, patron of musicians

Feast of St. Cecilia, patron of musicians

by: James MacMillan in Activities,
James MacMillan is a Scottish composer whose symphonies, concertos, operas, sacred music and many orchestral and instrumental works are strongly influenced by his Catholic faith. His St John Passion was premiered by Sir Colin Davis and the LSO in 2008; his specially commissioned congregational Mass was performed when Pope Benedict XVI beatified Cardinal Newman during his visit to Britain in 2010.
Can Chris Christie become the next Catholic U.S. President?

Can Chris Christie become the next Catholic U.S. President?

by: ark Bonamo -| in Activities,

According to a priest shaking hands after Sunday Mass in St. Joseph's Church, Mendham, the parish has seen the governor's face in the pews before. There is no question that Christie, of half-Irish, half-Sicilian descent, is Catholic. The question is, can Christie be the next Catholic president? 

Why even atheists should be praying for Pope Francis

Why even atheists should be praying for Pope Francis

by: Jonathan Freedland - The Guardian in Activities,

That Obama poster on the wall, promising hope and change, is looking a little faded now. The world's liberals and progressives are searching for a new pin-up to take the US president's place. As it happens, there's an obvious candidate: the head of the -Catholic church. The obvious new hero of the left is the pope.

Philippines typhoon: UK commits extra £30m in aid

Philippines typhoon: UK commits extra £30m in aid

by: BBC - News in Activities,

The UK government is to give an extra £30m in emergency aid following the devastating Philippines typhoon, Prime Minister David Cameron has announced. The pledge takes British government assistance following Typhoon Haiyan to a total of £50m. 

UK medical team off to Philippines

UK medical team off to Philippines

by: Press Association in Activities,

A team of British medical experts and the first consignment of UK aid will leave shortly for the disaster-hit Philippines, David Cameron has said. The Prime Minister said the scenes of devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan were "heart-breaking" as he announced that a 12-strong team of paramedics and surgeons would help the relief effort. 

Typhoon Haiyan won't keep us Filipinos down for long

Typhoon Haiyan won't keep us Filipinos down for long

by: Rachel Obordo in Activities,

 The Philippines is used to natural disasters and extreme hardship. After this latest tragedy we'll come back fighting. Such a tragedy is not enough to keep us down. Filipinos are used to hardship, and for those who have survived this terrible disaster they will stand up and come back fighting– although it may be difficult – with the resilience that has always shaped us.

Facts about November in England

Facts about November in England

by: Angela McGhin - Reporter in Activities,

Few people find November pleasant. The Anglo-Saxons called November 'Wind monath', because it was the time when the cold winds began to blow. They also called it 'Blod monath', because it was the time when cattle were slaughtered for winter food. The poet T.S. Elliot called it 'Sombre November'. 

CAFOD's Pope Paul VI Lecture: A Billion Reasons to Believe in Africa

CAFOD's Pope Paul VI Lecture: A Billion Reasons to Believe in Africa

by: CAFOD in Activities,

Our agency for overseas Aid and Development, CAFOD, hosted its annual Pope Paul VI Memorial Lecture on Friday 18 October, as Fr Agbinkhianmeghe E. Orobator SJ, Provincial of the Eastern Africa Jesuit Province, gave a talk entitled A billion reasons to believe in Africa: The long march from ‘the hopeless continent’ to ‘the spiritual lung of humanity'.

Malala meets the Queen as Prince Philip jokes education in Britain is 'to get children out of the house'

Malala meets the Queen as Prince Philip jokes education in Britain is 'to get children out of the house'

by: The Independent in Activities,

The Queen described the campaigning work of Pakistani teenager Malala Yousafzai, who survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban, as “wonderful” when the pair met at Buckingham Palace. Malala, 16, was shot in the head in Pakistan last October after campaigning for the right of girls to go to school without fear, in a part of the country where Islamic fundamentalists were trying to impose a strict form of Sharia.

Egypt gunmen open fire on Coptic Christian wedding in Cairo

Egypt gunmen open fire on Coptic Christian wedding in Cairo

by: BBC - News in Activities,

Three people, including a girl aged eight, died when gunmen on motorcycles opened fire on a wedding party outside a Coptic Christian church in Cairo. At least nine others were wounded in the attack in Giza, officials said. Egypt's Coptic Christian community has been targeted by some Islamists who accuse the Church of backing the army's overthrow of President Mohammed Morsi in July.

Venerating Fatima statue, pope entrusts world to Mary

Venerating Fatima statue, pope entrusts world to Mary

by: Catholic News Agency in Activities,

“Mary points to Jesus,” he said. “She asks us to bear witness to Jesus, she constantly guides us to her son Jesus, because in him alone do we find salvation. He alone can change the water of our loneliness, difficulties and sin into the wine of encounter, joy and forgiveness. He alone.”

Vatican Takes Fresh Look at 'Woman' and her Role in the Church

Vatican Takes Fresh Look at 'Woman' and her Role in the Church

by: Andrea Michele Piacquadio - Aleteia in Activities,

Thursday morning 10 October, the Vatican began a conference on woman, entitled “God entrusts the human being to the woman”, a phrase taken from Blessed John Paul II’s apostolic letter Mulieris Dignitatem (1998).  Pontifical Council for the Laity holds a conference with specialists from all over the world, to discuss 'woman' in the 21st Century.