News in Activities

2013 Pontifical Yearbook: Permanent diaconate booms in Europe, U.S.

2013 Pontifical Yearbook: Permanent diaconate booms in Europe, U.S.

by: Vatican Radio Website in Activities,

The number of Catholics globally remains largely unchanged at 1214 million, rising only slightly higher than global population growth for the 2010/2011 period. The number of priests (religious and diocesan) has grown, largely thanks to a rise in vocations in Asia and Africa which has helped balance the continued decline in Europe (-9% in the last decade). 

How one woman's faith survived 23 years of Communist repression

How one woman's faith survived 23 years of Communist repression

by: James Martone - Catholic News Services in Activities,

Maria Dhimitri kept praying while churches were closed and priests abducted or shot. Almost every evening at 6, the sounds of the organ resonate in the brick Catholic church on Kavaja Street. The hymns may vary, but the organist, Maria Dhimitri, is always the same. It has been that way for nearly 23 years and could have been double that, Dhimitri said in a recent interview, if it had not been for a brutally enforced ban on religion in her country in southeastern Europe from 1967 to 1990.

Commentary to the Fourth Sunday of Easter

Commentary to the Fourth Sunday of Easter

by: Demetrius R. Dumm, O.S.B in Activities,

When Jesus says, therefore, that "My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me," he is assuming that the sheep already know how completely he has earned their trust. The sheep hear his distinctive call and follow him, not just because he is an authority figure in their lives, but because he has been such a good shepherd to them.

England and Wales bishops meet Pope during Rome retreat

England and Wales bishops meet Pope during Rome retreat

by: The Tablet in Activities,

The bishops of England and Wales had their first private meeting with Pope Francis today. The bishops are spending the week on retreat in the Villa Palazzola. They travelled to the Vatican today to attend the General Audience and afterwards were granted an impromptu private meeting with Pope Francis in the Paul VI Hall.

The gun-control debate: A Catholic block

The gun-control debate: A Catholic block

by: The Economist in Activities,

As faithful citizens—Catholic theologians, priests, sisters and social justice advocates—we join our bishops, the Catholic Health Association and Catholic Charities USA in calling for common-sense reforms to address the epidemic of gun violence in our nation.

Start an orphanage in the Philippines at age of 80? Why not?

Start an orphanage in the Philippines at age of 80? Why not?

by: Gail Wood - Christian Science Monitor in Activities,

At age 80, Ms. Prater, who had been a stay-at-home housewife all her married life, sold her Seattle-area home, her car, and other belongings to build an orphanage in the Philippines. She became the unlikely helping hand for hundreds of orphaned children over the years, many of whom were abused or abandoned. 

Bishops, Pope offer prayers after death of Britain's Margaret Thatcher

Bishops, Pope offer prayers after death of Britain's Margaret Thatcher

by: Simon Caldwell - Catholic News Service in Activities,

Soon after news of her death was made public, Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster, president of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, issued a short statement. "It was with sadness that we heard the news of the death of Baroness Thatcher, who served this country for many years"; "We pray for the repose of her soul and for the intentions of her family and all those who now mourn for her," he added.

Middle Eastern intolerance means Filipinos have to be careful about their faith

Middle Eastern intolerance means Filipinos have to be careful about their faith

by: UCA News in Activities,

An estimated 12 million Filipinos are working abroad in over 200 countries. Celeste Macaldo says she’s a “devout” Catholic who attended Mass every week until she landed a job as a caregiver in Lebanon five years ago. “For five years, I remember going to church to attend Mass only five times, and only on Christmas Eve,” she told

How come more people don’t go to church?

How come more people don’t go to church?

by: Deacon Greg Kandra in Activities,

The Rev. Stephen Fichter understood just how dominant a role sports has assumed in the culture when a family told him they would be out of town Good Friday to Easter Sunday to attend their child’s volleyball tournament.

The Seven Corporal Works of Charity

The Seven Corporal Works of Charity

by: Angela McGhin in Activities,

To feed the hungry; to give drink to the thirsty; to clothe the naked; to visit and ransom the captive (prisoners); to shelter the homeless; to visit the sick; and to bury the dead. The scriptural text is  Matthew 25:35-6

Pope Francis celebrates first Palm Sunday

Pope Francis celebrates first Palm Sunday

by: The Guardian in Activities,

 Pontiff urges crowd of thousands in St Peter's Square to lead simple lives as he marks start of Holy Week. Recalling the triumphant welcome into Jerusalem, Francis said Jesus "awakened so many hopes in the heart, above all among humble, simple, poor, forgotten people, those who don't matter in the eyes of the world".

Interview with Claretian Fr. Gustavo Larrazábal, personal friend of Pope Francis I

Interview with Claretian Fr. Gustavo Larrazábal, personal friend of Pope Francis I

by: Fr. Alberto Rossa, cmf in Activities,

Fr. Gustavo Larrazabal, an Argentine Claretian missionary, has been the publisher of the books of Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francisco, during all his years as Archbishop of Buenos Aires. "Editorial Claretiana" Buenos Aires, belongs to Claret Publishing Group. The writings of this unknown Pope are now being made available to the rest of the world.

Myanmar pilgrims reach for the heights in Lent

Myanmar pilgrims reach for the heights in Lent

by: Thomas Toe - UCA in Activities,

More than 2,000 join bishop for Mass on a mountaintop. Pilgrims take part in a Way of the Cross at the foot of the mountain. Nyi Soe is one of the 2,000 pilgrims who recently participated in a trek up a popular mountaintop shrine for a Mass in the run-up to Easter. The 185-meter climb up Cross Mountain in east-central Myanmar helps Catholic pilgrims reflect on Jesus´ passion.