News in Activities

Mariology since Vatican Council II

Mariology since Vatican Council II

by: Vatican Information Service in Activities,

 "Mariology since Vatican Council II: reception, outcomes and prospects" is the theme of the twenty-third International Mariological Congress. The Holy Father highlighted the appropriateness of the theme in light of the fact that 11 October this year will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Council.

Commentary to the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time B

Commentary to the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time B

by: Fr James Gilhooley in Activities,

The Jesus story of pain is familiar to us. But we are reminded that without a Good  Friday there can be no Easter Sunday. The British writer CS Lewis wrote an incisive line in The Problem of Pain. "God whispers to us in our pleasure, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain."

Charity shouldn’t begin at home for Save the Children

Charity shouldn’t begin at home for Save the Children

by: Anthony Daniels The Telegraph in Activities,

 The state of childhood in Britain is woeful – but poverty is not to blame, whatever Save the Children might claim. The Save the Children advert focuses on families living in 'poverty'. But Britain's problem is an ever more deeply entrenched cultural one, of state-encouraged, if not promoted, ignorance, dependence and cultural degradation. 

Pope calls on lay Africans to evangelize their continent

Pope calls on lay Africans to evangelize their continent

by: By David Kerr - EWTN News in Activities,

 Pope Benedict XVI has called upon lay Catholics to evangelize Africa, the “continent of hope.” “In this transformation of the whole society, which is so urgent for Africa today, the lay faithful have an irreplaceable role,” the Pope said in a Sept. 5 message to the Pan-African Congress of Catholic Laity.

Prophet for our times

Prophet for our times

by: The Tablet in Activities,

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini must have known what he was doing when he gave an interview, to be published after his death, that amounted to a sweeping indictment of the last two papacies.

A cross to bear

A cross to bear

by: Laura Donnelly - The Telegraph in Activities,

This week, four Christians will argue in court that they face discrimination in Britain because of their faith. Discriminated: A woman who was asked to remove her cross while working as a nurse is taking her case to the European Court of Human Rights to argue that she has suffered discrimination as a result of her faith. 

Communion on the Moon: July 20, 1969

Communion on the Moon: July 20, 1969

by: Eric Metaxas in Activities,

I presume that most of us were unaware of this story.Forty-three years ago two human beings changed history by walking on the surface of the moon. But what happened before Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong exited the Lunar Module is perhaps even more amazing.

2012 Olympic choir to sing at Paralympic Mass of thanksgiving

2012 Olympic choir to sing at Paralympic Mass of thanksgiving

by: Southawk Diocese in Activities,

“We need to treat the Paralympic Games with exactly the same enthusiasm as the Olympics and really get behind the athletes. Whilst they are separate games, Paralympians are amazing sports people who have worked hard and have faced the same ups and downs as those who participated in the Olympics"

The Irish priest coaching Kenyan athletes

The Irish priest coaching Kenyan athletes

by: Michael J. O'Loughlin in Activities,

Watching the Olympics this week? If you tune into the men’s 800-meter track final on Thursday, pay attention to Kenya’s David Rudisha, the current world record holder and favorite to win gold. Rudisha’s coach happens to be a Catholic priest originally from Ireland.

Bishop urges young evangelists to spread the Gospel at the Olympics

Bishop urges young evangelists to spread the Gospel at the Olympics

by: Catholic Herald in Activities,

Hundreds of young people have gathered near the London 2012 Olympic Park at the start of a 12-day evangelisation event called the Joshua Camp. The camp is being held at St Bonaventure’s Catholic high school in one of the most deprived parts of East London, a mile away from the Olympic Park. It is hosted by the Sion Community.

Pope: Symphony of peace between peoples

Pope: Symphony of peace between peoples

by: Vatican Radio in Activities,

The concert by this unique orchestra of musicians from Israel, Palestine and other Arab nations, began as the sun-set over the courtyard of the Apostolic Palace in Castel Gandolfo. As the last notes of the symphony died on the evening air, Pope Benedict addressed those gathered, praising the foresight of the Israeli Maestro, whom together with the late Edward Said – a Palestinian intellectual and accomplished pianist – founded the orchestra to give the children of these divided communities a vehicle to look beyond their differences.

English Catholic Church has a great deal in store for the Olympics

English Catholic Church has a great deal in store for the Olympics

by: Alessandro Speciale in Activities,

 With the London Olympics just days away, the Archbishop of Westminster talks to "Vatican Insider" about the initiatives launched by Catholics With the London Olympics just days away, the Catholic Church is ready to do its part to ensure this great event is not just a series of competitions but truly representative of the “Olympic spirit”.

Bells ring out for Olympic Games, also in Hayes

Bells ring out for Olympic Games, also in Hayes

by: Press Association in Activities,

Big Ben has chimed non-stop for three minutes to ring in the Olympic Games. The London landmark was joined by hundreds of churches and other organisations across the nation as bell ringers greeted the official start of London 2012. Fr. Philip Blandford, full of Olympic Spirit run the bells of the Imm. Heart of Mary Parish in Hayes as an expression of joy and unity the London 2012 means to all nations.

Philippines: Missionaries escape Basilan ambush

Philippines: Missionaries escape Basilan ambush

by: Louis Guades, cmf - UCA News in Activities,

Two Claretian missionary priests, a deacon and a theology student narrowly escaped an attempted ambush by suspected Abu Sayyaf militants in Basilan province Sunday. The incident occurred four days after the al-Qaeda-linked terror group were thought to have killed eight people and wounded 22 others in an attack on plantation workers on the same road near the village of Tumahubong.

Called to account - Ethics of British banking

Called to account - Ethics of British banking

by: Paul Moore - The Tablet July-2012 in Activities,

The Barclays rate-fixing scandal has refocused attention on the behaviour of Britain’s banks. Here, a whistle-blower who exposed excessive risk-taking at HBOS argues that only a mass movement of social renewal can address the root causes of the crisis.

Deacons, priests, nuns and laity to serve as Olympic chaplains

Deacons, priests, nuns and laity to serve as Olympic chaplains

by: Greg Kandra - U.S. Catholic in Activities,

The Catholic chaplains have been selected from a range of backgrounds and include priests, deacons, sisters and laypeople, who will work eight-hour shifts beginning a week before the games open and up to a week after they close. Besides athletes from all over the world, they will offer spiritual support to more than 50,000 unpaid volunteers and about 25,000 journalists.

Friar who evangelizes in the mall: 'We are an absolutely passive church'

Friar who evangelizes in the mall: 'We are an absolutely passive church'

by: Ed Langlois - CS in Activities,

Fr. Tony Wall thinks Catholics should spend more time living out their faith in the marketplace. That's why he spent every day, except Sunday, for a month in Portland's Lloyd Center Mall. Father Wall, a priest for 60 years, wore his Roman collar or white friar's habit, simply making himself obvious for those yearning to talk about life's greater issues.