News in Activities

Invoking the Gift of Unity Among Christians

Invoking the Gift of Unity Among Christians

by: VIS in Activities,

"This spiritual event, which unites Christians from all traditions, increases our awareness of the fact that the unity we strive for cannot result merely from our own efforts; rather, it is a gift we receive and must constantly invoke from on high".

Dickens and Christmas

Dickens and Christmas

by: Joe Unsworth in Activities,

As we approach the bicentenary of Charles Dickens (born in February 1812) we will get the chance to see many productions of his famous stories on TV, as well as in our theatres and cinemas. Now during Christmas, we can remember perhaps his most famous Christmas story as it is revealed here by Mr. Joe Unsworth writing in Sursum Corda, the Magazine of St. Mary's Catholic Cathedral, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Constructing History by Uniting Faith and Culture

Constructing History by Uniting Faith and Culture

by: Pope Benedict XVI in Activities,

The Lord asks each of you to collaborate in constructing the city of man, uniting faith and culture with seriousness and passion. Therefore I invite each of you to seek the true Face of God with patient constancy. ... Announce to everyone that the true Face of God is in the Baby of Bethlehem, so close to each of us that no one can feel excluded.

Let's end the global food waste scandal

Let's end the global food waste scandal

by: Tristram Stuart - CNN in Activities,

If we could hypothetically save all the food wasted across the UK on any one day, there would be enough to feed 60 million people. In straitened times it becomes ever more important to address the chronic problem of wastage in food production on farms, in factories, in supermarkets, restaurants, and in homes all across the world. Saving food really does help alleviate hunger, in rich countries as in poor ones.

What's with the youth?

What's with the youth?

by: Angela McGhin in Activities,

This month, from Nov. 17th- 19th, the Indianapolis Catholic Youth Conference has seen a gathering of Bishops, priests and religious, together with guest speakers, musicians and artists to work and pray with 25,000 young Catholics from both America and abroad.



by: Gerald Manley Hopkins in Activities,

Glory be to God for dappled things  -
For skies of couple - colour as a brinded cow;
For rose - moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
Fresh - firecoal chestnut - falls; finches' wings;..

Eleven Eleven Eleven: 11,000 Pangasinan youth to pray the rosary for world peace

Eleven Eleven Eleven: 11,000 Pangasinan youth to pray the rosary for world peace

by: Eva Visperas -The Philippine Star in Activities,

Dagupan City, Philippines  – About 11,000 youth will simultaneously pray the rosary for world peace at 11 a.m. on Nov. 11 in an event called “Eleven Eleven Eleven” here. The youth will gather for a Marian procession from the De Venecia Highway towards the Dagupan Cathedral where the archbishop together with the priests and the youth will pray the rosary for peace in the world.

Pupils join bid to halt knife crime

Pupils join bid to halt knife crime

by: Press Association in Activities,

 Inner-city teenagers are swapping ideas with police as part of a fresh bid to beat the capital's knife crime problems. More than 90 schoolchildren are taking part in the new scheme aimed to shape the way youth violence is tackled. Barry Mizen, whose 16-year-old son Jimmy was murdered in 2008, is among a panel of experts speaking to 14 and 15-year-olds at City Hall.

Saints, not ghouls, go marching in Bulacan, Philippines.

Saints, not ghouls, go marching in Bulacan, Philippines.

by: Jocelyn R. Uy - Philippine Daily Inquirer in Activities,

There will be no children costumed as devils, wicked witches or terrifying zombies and vampires to go trick-or-treating, carving jack-o’-lanterns or playing pranks on Halloween. The eve of All Saints’ Day will instead find these children, aged 5 to 13, from Bagbaguin in Sta. Maria, Bulacan, dressed in pristine robes and radiant veils and garments to emulate some of the saints and martyrs venerated by the Catholic Church.

Tradition forces girls into prostitution

Tradition forces girls into prostitution

by: CNN in Activities,

  In some Indian villages, girls are sent into prostitution by their families - a tradition that began as religious obligation but is now continued for money. In "Trapped by Tradition," which airs Saturday and Sunday on CNN International, "Slumdog Millionaire" star Anil Kapoor shows how Indian charities are trying to stop the tradition

September 21: International Day of Peace

September 21: International Day of Peace

by: USG in Activities,

 On September 21, 2011, a variety of groups, organizations and people worldwide will host and attend International Day of Peace.   In 2002, the U.N. General Assembly officially declared September 21 as the permanent date for the International Day of Peace.  The JPIC commission of the General Superiors invites all of us to be part of this action for peace in a prayerful way. This prayer material was prepared to be used by your communities, houses, groups, parishes and dioceses.

Putting the celibacy debate into context

Putting the celibacy debate into context

by: Father Mike Kelly SJ - UCA News in Activities,

The rule of celibacy for the diocesan clergy is strangling the Catholic Church in many parts of the world. Dr Daley is the latest to say so, but perhaps the most well-known to nail his colours to the mast. The issue clouds discussion of the need for more fundamental changes in the Church.

Aimee Keate shares her experience of WYD in Madrid

Aimee Keate shares her experience of WYD in Madrid

by: Aimee Keane in Activities,

 Evening all, my name is Aimee and I attended my very first World Youth Day in Madrid this year with the Claretian family. I didn't really know what to expect as I had read and heard about previous WDYs but was still not entirely sure what it was all about. Happy to say I was presently surprised. 

World Youth Day: the most surreal experience of my life

World Youth Day: the most surreal experience of my life

by: Michael Thompson in Activities,

Michael Thompson is a twenty-year old mathematics student at the University of Edinburgh originally from Newcastle. He was involved with CAFOD’s ‘Step into the Gap’ gap year programme in 2009-10 and is passionate about issues of social justice and fighting for inequality in our world. He tells us about his experience in World Youth Day in Madrid. 

Pope announces theme for next World Youth Day in Brazil

Pope announces theme for next World Youth Day in Brazil

by: David Kerr - CNA in Activities,

 “The motto will be the command of Jesus: 'Go and make disciples of all peoples.' Even now I entrust to the prayers of all the preparation of these very important appointments,” said the Pope in his August 24 general audience at the papal summer residence of Castel Gandolfo.

WYD: Welcome celebration at the Plaza de Cibeles

WYD: Welcome celebration at the Plaza de Cibeles

by: Pope Benedict XVI in Activities,

I extend an affectionate greeting to the many English-speaking young people who have come to Madrid. May these days of prayer, friendship and celebration bring us closer to each other and to the Lord Jesus. Make trust in Christ's word the foundation of your lives! Planted and built up in him, firm in the faith and open to the power of the Spirit, you will find your place in God's plan and enrich the Church with your gifts. Let us pray for one another, so that we may be joyful witnesses to Christ, today and always. God bless you all!

WYD: Pope Benedict's welcome address at Madrid-Barajas airport

WYD: Pope Benedict's welcome address at Madrid-Barajas airport

by: Pope Benedict XVI in Activities,

I have come here to meet thousands of young people from all over the world, Catholics committed to Christ searching for the truth that will give real meaning to their existence. I come as the Successor of Peter, to confirm them all in the faith, with days of intense pastoral activity, proclaiming that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life; to motivate the commitment to build up the Kingdom of God in the world among us; to exhort young people to and so, rooted in his person, to become faithful followers and valiant witnesses.

World remembers Hiroshima and Nagasaki

World remembers Hiroshima and Nagasaki

by: ICN in Activities,

 Over the next few days, around the world, Pax Christi members will be remembering the anniversaries of the first use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki through prayer, discussion and action. In the UK, vigils, exhibitions and stalls will be held in London, Coventry, Oxford, Abingdon and Aylesford, inviting people to work to reverse Government policies on the renewal of Trident.