News in Activities

Goodbye to Canterbury

Goodbye to Canterbury

by: Gerard O'Donovan in Activities,

Nothing captures that better than his own words: “Canterbury is much more than a functional building. It is an effort to make sense of the cosmos and reach out to its maker. Whether or not you want to talk about God, you can’t help but stand back and admire what humans can achieve in pursuit of transcendence.”

King Herod and the Wise Men - A Christmas Challence

King Herod and the Wise Men - A Christmas Challence

by: Ron Rolheiser, OMI in Activities,

The Christmas story is surely one of the greatest stories ever told. It chronicles a birth from which the world records time as before or after. Moreover, it is written in a way that has inflamed the romantic imagination for 2000 years. This hasn't always been for the good. 

Taizé in Rome

Taizé in Rome

by: L'Osservatore Romano in Activities,

The 35th European Youth Meeting sponsored by the Taizé Community begins on Friday, 28 December, in Rome. More than 40,000 youth are expected for the traditional “Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth” which will last for six days. 

Pope's Message for Twenty-Eight World Youth Day

Pope's Message for Twenty-Eight World Youth Day

by: Pope Benedict XVI in Activities,

 "Go and make disciples of all nations!" is the title of the Holy Father's Message for the twenty-eighth World Youth Day 2013, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in July 2013. Some excerpts from the English language version of the text are given here.

Archbishop of Canterbury: society can’t wait to get old people ‘off our hands’

Archbishop of Canterbury: society can’t wait to get old people ‘off our hands’

by: John Bingham - The Telegraph in Activities,

British society is missing out on a massive contribution the elderly could play because too many people are simply waiting for them to die, the Archbishop of Canterbury has warned. In his last speech in the House of Lords before he steps down, Dr Rowan Williams said too many older people being were being “tolerated” rather than “valued”.

Benedict XVI@Pontifex

Benedict XVI@Pontifex

by: Reporters in Activities,

 Pope Benedict XVI has sent today his first tweets. We think it is an important day in history, when for the first time a Pope enters in this world-media network where millions of young people move and relate. "Dear friends,..." he tweets. 

Myth-busting the Christmas adverts

Myth-busting the Christmas adverts

by: Vanessa Barford & Gerry Holt - BBC in Activities,

Welcome to the world of Christmas adverts, where it's always snowing, the turkey's never overcooked, and the trees never shed their needles. Every year, some of Britain's biggest retailers turn TV commercial breaks into a winter wonderland. We all know it's a long way from reality, but it still looks like a nice place to visit - so just how far away is it?

Vatican unveils Pope's Twitter account @pontifex

Vatican unveils Pope's Twitter account @pontifex

by: BBC News in Activities,

The Pope is to begin sending Twitter messages using the handle @pontifex as his personal account, the Vatican said. A spokesman said Pope Benedict XVI wanted to "reach out to everyone" with tweets translated into eight languages.

What the youth say

What the youth say

by: Lucy Lamble - The Guardian in Activities,

Africa's employment crisis: 'Time to see the world through young people'. Africa's population boom means 1m new jobs are needed each month. Read how young people want to tackle the challenge.

CAFOD: Fifty years with the world's poorest

CAFOD: Fifty years with the world's poorest

by: Chris Bain - L'Osservatore Romano in Activities,

 In October 1962, in Rome, CAFOD, the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, was established by the Bishops of England and Wales. The Bishops gave CAFOD a mandate to work for justice and human development as a tangible expression of the solidarity and compassion of the Catholic community with our brothers and sisters in some of the world’s poorest communities. 

Reasons for the Holy Father's Hope for a New Awakening of Christianity in Europe

Reasons for the Holy Father's Hope for a New Awakening of Christianity in Europe

by: Catholic Education Research Center in Activities,

The film "Bells of Europe — A Journey into the Faith in Europe" was shown to several Synod Fathers. Fr.  Federico Lombardi says that "the importance of the film lies in the way it brings together a series of exceptional interviews regarding the relationship between Christianity and Europe, its history and culture."

A new vision

A new vision

by: Fr. Ray Blake in Activities,

Reading a few Amereican blogs, it strikes me that the US Church has rather painted itself into a corner,  what is inevitable the Church  will continue to wrestle with the Obama regime. I have to admit here, I would have struggled if I was an American voter.

Global security must not rely on nuclear weapons

Global security must not rely on nuclear weapons

by: VIS in Activities,

 "Global security must not rely on nuclear weapons", the archbishop said in his English-language remarks. "The Holy See considers the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) an important tool to achieve this aim, without mentioning its potential civil and scientific application through its International Monitoring System.

Commentary to the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time B

Commentary to the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time B

by: Fr. Joseph Pellegrino, SJ in Activities,

As Christians we are all called to be like Jesus.  We are called to bring God to others and others to God.  Some of us are called to have our spiritual characters transformed so that we can mediate Christ through the sacraments and preaching the word.