News in Church Issues

Pope Francis under fire

Pope Francis under fire

by: Richard R. Gaillardetz - The Tablet in Church Issues,

While many bishops have raised their voices in support for the Pope, many others have been content to simply wait out this papacy in silence. The challenges to Pope Francis by several among those closest to him represent a thinly-veiled attempt at something close to a palace coup.

Holy See signs deal with China over bishops

Holy See signs deal with China over bishops

by: Christopher Lamb - The Tablet in Church Issues,
Speaking after the deal was announced, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican's Secretary of State said it was now the first time in many years that all of China's bishops were now in communion with the Holy See. In a statement the Vatican said it had signed the deal on the 22 September in Beijing, a move that is the first step towards the Holy See and China re-establishing full diplomatic relations.
Call revived to end bishops' monopoly over wealth

Call revived to end bishops' monopoly over wealth

by: Joseph Benny, Kochi - UCAN in Church Issues,

A campaign to reform laws governing church property and finances has gained momentum in India's southern Kerala state, where a rape case against a bishop has created a furore. Church activists, including theologians, have for more than a decade sought greater lay participation in managing the temporal wealth of the Catholic Church, purportedly to check embezzlement.

Holy See signs deal with China over bishops

Holy See signs deal with China over bishops

by: Christopher Lamb - The Tablet in Church Issues,
Speaking after the deal was announced, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican's Secretary of State said it was now the first time in many years that all of China's bishops were now in communion with the Holy See. In a statement the Vatican said it had signed the deal on the 22 September in Beijing, a move that is the first step towards the Holy See and China re-establishing full diplomatic relations.
When making statues is a sin

When making statues is a sin

by: Kamran Chaudhry, Lahore - UCAN in Church Issues,

Some Protestants and Muslims in Pakistan accuse Catholics of being idol worshippers. Pakistani Catholic Yaqoob Masih is a controversial and polarizing figure among many Christians in Punjab province because of the statues he makes. 

Trent’s long shadow

Trent’s long shadow

by: Massimo Faggioli - La Croix International in Church Issues,

New investigations into the seminaries of Boston and Lincoln (Nebraska), and the grand-jury report from Pennsylvania, the sex abuse crisis has reached a new stage. If this is, as many believe, the most serious crisis in the Catholic Church since the Protestant Reformation, then the analysis of this systemic failure of the institutional church needs to take the long view, comparing this period in the church’s history to others in order to discover where exactly things went wrong.

Clericalism: The culture that enables abuse and insists on hiding it

Clericalism: The culture that enables abuse and insists on hiding it

by: Cindy Wooden - The Tablet in Church Issues,

Throughout his pontificate, Pope Francis has targeted clericalism as an illness in the church, an ailment that pretends "the church" means "priests and bishops," that ignores or minimises the God-given grace and talents of laypeople and that emphasizes the authority of clerics over their obligation of service.

Challenges for families today

Challenges for families today

by: Father Shay Cullen - UCAN in Church Issues,

What is family to each one of us and how important is it to belong to a family? We all greatly desire and long for the secure "happy family" whose members love and trust each other, share solidarity, give mutual help and care, and are faithful to shared values and goals.

A time to keep silence

A time to keep silence

by: Austen Ivereigh in Church Issues,

Pope Francis refused to answer reporters’ questions about a letter released on Sunday by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, instead urging reporters to draw their own conclusions about the former papal nuncio’s accusations. Austen Ivereigh explains that the roots of Francis’ response might be found in an article that Jorge Mario Bergoglio wrote in 1990, in which he claims silence is sometimes the only way to let the spirits reveal themselves.

Pope Francis voices shame over child sex abuse

Pope Francis voices shame over child sex abuse

by: Christopher Lamb in Rome - The Tablet in Church Issues,

Pope Francis has expressed his shame over the Church’s mishandling of the clerical sexual abuse scandal and has vowed to create a culture that prevents any future crimes against children being covered up.

Pope Francis' visit to Ireland offers a chance to start over

Pope Francis' visit to Ireland offers a chance to start over

by: Sarah Mac Donald - The Tablet in Church Issues,

Ensuring the visit of Pope Francis to Ireland over the weekend of 25-26 August runs smoothly has been a massive undertaking, the scale of which has not been seen in the country since the last papal visit in 1979, when an estimated 2.7 million (almost half the island’s population) turned out to see Pope John Paul II.

Pope Francis, the catechism and the death penalty debate

Pope Francis, the catechism and the death penalty debate

by: Anna Rowlands - The Tablet in Church Issues,

In a statement issued to time with the feast day of the moral theologian and legal thinker St Alphonsus Liguori, Pope Francis has approved a change to the catechism that declares the death penalty "inadmissible". He makes his argument based on three grounds: - - -

Goa still a 'battery' of Catholicism for Asia

Goa still a 'battery' of Catholicism for Asia

by: Bosco de Souza - UCAN in Church Issues,

Former Portuguese colony, like Kerala, keeps exporting prelates to keep faith strong in region, other countries. Goa, a former Portuguese colony that now ranks as having one of the most famous beaches in India, is continuing to promote Christianity in Asia as part of its colonial legacy, according to former Archbishop Raul Gonsalves.

The Life & -faith of Young Catholics in England and Wales Today

The Life & -faith of Young Catholics in England and Wales Today

by: Camino House in Church Issues,

In advance of Pope Francis’ Synod on Youth this autumn, research released on 12 June highlights shifting dynamics in the faith and life of Catholic young adults in England and Wales. The results show a decrease in agnosticism and atheism of 7 percentage points over an 8 year period (from 49% in 2009 to 42% in 2017) and an increase in those attending Mass regularly* of 11 percentage points (from 25% in 2009 to 36% in 2017).

Pope Francis preaches unity at World Council of Churches

Pope Francis preaches unity at World Council of Churches

by: James Roberts , Gregorio Sorgi - The Tablet in Church Issues,

Pope Francis told the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva today that past attempts to overcome divisions between Christian Churches have failed “because they have been inspired by a worldly logic”. That logic, he implied, is something that the devil has used to reinforce division.

Anger at U-turn over admissions cap

Anger at U-turn over admissions cap

by: Bernadette Kehoe - The Tablet in Church Issues,

The Veteran Conservative backbencher, Catholic MP Sir Edward Leigh, has angrily denounced the government’s U-turn over its election manifesto pledge to lift the schools admissions cap. In a statement to The Tablet, he described the turnaround as “a disgrace”.