News in Church Issues

Pope inspires new thinking on bishop appointments

Pope inspires new thinking on bishop appointments

by: Fr. Joseph Bai, Shanghai - UCANews in Church Issues,

The appointment of a bishop is a very important issue in the study of theological doctrine relating to the Catholic Church. According to the Code of Canon Law, "the Supreme Pontiff freely appoints bishops or confirms those legitimately elected." It also stipulates that "in the future, no rights and privileges of election, nomination, presentation, or designation of bishops are granted to civil authorities" by the church.

Adult baptism requests shake up the Catholic Church

Adult baptism requests shake up the Catholic Church

by: Arnaud Bevilacqua - La Croix International in Church Issues,

The rising number of adult catechumens living in increasingly “complex” matrimonial situations raises many questions for Catholic leaders. The Catholic Institute of Paris recently hosted a study day to examine the issues and seek ways forward. 

An Irish theologian looks back at tumultuous change in the Church

An Irish theologian looks back at tumultuous change in the Church

by: Gabriel Daly-The Tablet in Church Issues,

Looking back over my theological life has been a thought-provoking and sometimes humbling experience. At the conclusion of my primary studies for the priesthood in the late 1940s and early 1950s, I was regrettably incurious about what was going on in the wider theological world – beyond the then mandatory narrow and legalistic scholasticism.

Pope speaks to young people at the cathedral in Yangon

Pope speaks to young people at the cathedral in Yangon

by: UCA News in Church Issues,

Dear young people of Myanmar, hearing your young voices and listening to you sing today, I want to apply those words to you.  Yes, you are "a welcome sound;" you are a beautiful and encouraging sight, for you bring us ‘good news’, the good news of your youth, your faith and your enthusiasm.  Indeed, you are good news, because you are concrete signs of the Church’s faith in Jesus Christ, who brings us a joy and a hope that will never die.

Vietnamese bishops journey with young families

Vietnamese bishops journey with young families

by: reporter, Ho Chi Minh City in Church Issues,
As part of this education, priests should encourage families to pray together at home, attend retreats. Young families should receive guidance on reproduction, education of their children and how to best resolve marriages disputes and family conflicts. "Dioceses should establish parish-based counselling groups that work with young couples facing problems of family and marriage," said Joseph Tran Van Dai, a Catholic from Ho Chi Minh City Archdiocese.
Can the Catechism of the Catholic Church evolve?

Can the Catechism of the Catholic Church evolve?

by: Céline Hoyeau-La Croix International in Church Issues,

“A tradition, if it is not to die, must express its convictions in the language of the time: a language that will, therefore, be new.” “Evangelical values enter the consciousness of human beings over time,” adds the Jesuit theologian Bernard Sesboüé, “and the Church has sometimes had to follow a long road in order to increasingly clarify the element of ‘infallible truth’”.

Catholic Church in Scotland wants hate crime stopped

Catholic Church in Scotland wants hate crime stopped

by: La Croix International Editor in Church Issues,

Catholic Church leaders worried about religious hate crime in Scotland, is to hold talks with the Scottish government to help curb the violence.“They have urged ministers to acknowledge the frequency with which Catholics are being targeted,” reports 

There are more than 5000 Bishops-Far more than the Pope can know personally

There are more than 5000 Bishops-Far more than the Pope can know personally

by: Sara Maitland-The Tablet in Church Issues,

There are slightly more than 5,000 bishops in the Catholic Church – far more than the Pope can possibly know personally. Last year 193 new bishops were consecrated. That is very nearly four a week, from five continents, speaking God alone knows how many languages. Each one is appointed personally and directly by the Pope, and he is free to select anyone he likes – a right not fully established until it was included in the Code of Canon Law in 1917 and confirmed at the Second Vatican Council.

Pope Francis ‘pleased’ with Card Parolin’s ‘constructive’ visit to Russia

Pope Francis ‘pleased’ with Card Parolin’s ‘constructive’ visit to Russia

by: Vatican Radio in Church Issues,

(Vatican Radio)  Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, is just returned from a 4-day state visit to Russia, with which he says Pope Francis is “pleased”. In an exclusive interview with Vatican media on Friday, Cardinal Pietro Parolin reviewed his state visit to Russia this week, pointing out its highlights and the issues as yet unresolved between the Holy See and the Russian Federation. 

Irish teenagers just don't 'do religion'

Irish teenagers just don't 'do religion'

by: Sarah Mac Donald - The Tablet in Church Issues,

Irish teenagers just don't 'do religion': Will Pope's Dublin visit bring renewal of faith to young catholics. There are hopes that Pope Francis’ arrival in Dublin next year will bring renewal of faith to lapsed young Catholics. Yet many worry that they may now be lost to the Church for good.

Imagining the future: A diocese in north east England takes the collapse in clergy numbers as an opportunity for renewal

Imagining the future: A diocese in north east England takes the collapse in clergy numbers as an opportunity for renewal

by: Jim O'Keefe - The Tablet in Church Issues,

Can Catholics deepen their faith even as the Church appears to be shrinking in size and losing confidence? It’s a question the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle is currently attempting to address. Three years ago, on 16 July 2014, the bishop, Séamus Cunningham, announced what appeared to some to be an audacious programme, not of rescue and survival, but of development and renewal.

Everyone Needs to Hear the Good News

Everyone Needs to Hear the Good News

by: Tom Grufferty - The Tablet in Church Issues,

When a diocese decided to explore strategies for evangelisation, the results were more positive than many had anticipated. One key discovery was the deep and neglected spiritual hunger in the general population

Terrorist attacks are to do with religion says Archbishop Welby

Terrorist attacks are to do with religion says Archbishop Welby

by: Rose Gamble - The Tablet in Church Issues,

The Archbishop of Canterbury warned that a line must be drawn between cultural conservatism and extremism. Terrorist attacks are to do with religion says Welby, urging faith leaders to take responsibility. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has said that the terrorist attacks are to do with religion and that to claim otherwise is “not getting us anywhere.”

 Survey shows Christians outnumbered by those with ‘no religion’

Survey shows Christians outnumbered by those with ‘no religion’

by: The Tablet - May 2017 in Church Issues,

ALMOST HALF of the adult population in England and Wales now claims to have no religion,although the number of Catholics has remained stable,according to a new analysis,writes Carina Murphy. The report, The “No Religion” Population of Britain, shows that the proportion of the population who identify in the British and European Social Attitudes surveys as having no religion has reached 48.6 per cent, compared to the 43.8 per cent who identify themselves as Christian – Catholics, Anglicans and other denominations.

Plan for laypeople to lead parishes

Plan for laypeople to lead parishes

by: Christa Pongratz-Lippitt - La Croix International in Church Issues,
Parish clustering is no answer to priest shortage, says German Cardinal Reinard Marx, a top aide and advisor to Pope Francis. Cardinal Reinhard Marx has announced plans to allow laypeople in his Archdiocese of Munich to lead parishes where there are no priests.
What Prince Charles might want to discuss with Pope Francis

What Prince Charles might want to discuss with Pope Francis

by: Austen Ivereigh - CRUX April 4, 2017 in Church Issues,

Pope Francis will welcome this afternoon Prince Charles of Wales in the Vatican. The two have many issues in common: From the protection of the environment and persecuted Christians, to their reservations about the rise of scapegoating populism. But Austen Ivereigh suggests the two might want to talk about an issue they both consider important, but on which they might not always see eye to eye.

 Crisis at the chalkface

Crisis at the chalkface

by: Dorothy Lepkowska - The Tablet in Church Issues,

Teacher shortages are hitting Catholic schools hard, with some unable to recruit for long periods. Dorothy Lepkowska examines the problem and discovers one solution that may be paying dividends

More Dalit priests needed in India, Cardinal Gracias says

More Dalit priests needed in India, Cardinal Gracias says

by: Bijay Kumar Minj, UCAN- New Delhi in Church Issues,

There are few Dalit church officials despite the group making up nearly two-thirds of India's Catholics  More Dalit priests needed in India, Cardinal Gracias says

Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Bombay has appealed to Dalit Catholic lay leaders to promote priestly vocations in their communities as a way to end discrimination they face within the church.

The sociology of French Catholics

The sociology of French Catholics

by: Anne-Bénédicte Hoffner and Gauthier Vaillant - La Croix International in Church Issues,

A wide-ranging sociological study commissioned by the Bayard group and published jointly by La Croix and Pèlerin sheds unprecedented light on the makeup of French Catholicism. The two authors have distinguished six profile types, which provide tools for understanding the logic of a Catholic world that is far more diverse than may have appeared.