News in Church Issues

An Asian Woman’s Theology

An Asian Woman’s Theology

by: Several Authors - UCAnews in Church Issues,

It is important to hear and to incorporate the voices from cultures and peoples long silenced so that all will truly know the life-giving love of the Triune God. We need to once again start from lived experience and only then move to finding theological words to express those experiences.

Cardinal praises Catholics in Vietnam for their witness to the faith

Cardinal praises Catholics in Vietnam for their witness to the faith

by: Andrea Gagliarducci for CNA/EWTN News in Church Issues,

Cardinal Fernando Filoni, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, lauded the efforts of the Catholic community in Vietnam during his pastoral visit last week and encouraged them in the path of mission. Cardinal Filoni's dicastery coordinates missionary cooperation throughout the world, and he visited Vietnam after having accompanied Pope Francis' visit to Sri Lanka and the Philippines earlier this month.

Pope launches scathing attack on Vatican plagued by ills

Pope launches scathing attack on Vatican plagued by ills

by: Ella Ide for AFP, Vatican City in Church Issues,

Pope Francis lambasted the Vatican's bureaucracy on Monday, saying some within the Church lusted for power and suffered from "spiritual Alzheimer's" in comments likely to outrage his adversaries.The Argentine pontiff used a Christmas speech to cardinals, bishops and priests to list a catalogue of ailments plaguing the very top of the Church.

Vatican asks for wide input on 2015 synod on the Family

Vatican asks for wide input on 2015 synod on the Family

by: Joshua J. McElwee - National Catholic Reporter in Church Issues,

For the second time in two years, the Vatican has asked national bishops' conferences around the world to seek input from Catholics at "all levels" about how the church should respond to sometimes difficult questions of modern family life, such as divorce and remarriage.

Family: A Domestic Church

Family: A Domestic Church

by: UCA News in Church Issues,

In our modern world (often hostile to religion), religious families are extremely important centers of living faith. They are “domestic churches” in which the parents are the first heralds of faith (Second Vatican Council). In the home, father, mother, and children exercise their baptismal priesthood in a privileged way.

Final Address by Pope Francis to the Synod on the Family

Final Address by Pope Francis to the Synod on the Family

by: Pope Francis in Church Issues,

There were moments of profound consolation listening to the testimony of true pastors, who wisely carry in their hearts the joys and the tears of their faithful people. Moments of consolation and grace and comfort hearing the testimonies of the families who have participated in the Synod and have shared with us the beauty and the joy of their married life.

Divorce divides the Synod

Divorce divides the Synod

by: Iacopo Scaramuzzi - Vatican Insider in Church Issues,

The Extraordinary Synod on the Family is tackling the issue of remarried divorcees head on. The Synod Fathers have been dealing with the issue—which had emerged occasionally in previous discussions—since Wednesday afternoon as they work their way through the Instrumentum Laboris, the Synod’s working document.

Let us pray for a new attitude to Catholics who divorce

Let us pray for a new attitude to Catholics who divorce

by: Cristina Odone - The Daily Telegraph in Church Issues,

It is rumoured that Pope Francis is ready to present his revolutionary take on divorce sooner than expected. What’s the big deal, non-Catholics must be asking? Cardinal Vincent Nichols, leader of Britain’s 4.5 million Catholics, is making noises about how his Church of “sinners” should show “mercy” to divorcees. He says there may have to be a “radical rethink” on the issue.

 Pope Francis anniversary: 'I've done things well. I've done things wrong'

Pope Francis anniversary: 'I've done things well. I've done things wrong'

by: Peter Stanford - The Telegraph in Church Issues,
Humble, magnanimous, a tornado of fresh air – the 'Francis Revolution’ is refilling churches and restoring Catholic pride. But, one year after his election, what do we really know of the man in the Vatican? Our writer went to the Pope’s Argentine home of Buenos Aires to meet the people who know him the best.
Ukraine's churches - Inspiring and confusing

Ukraine's churches - Inspiring and confusing

by: The Economist in Church Issues,

AMONG the most striking and inspiring images to emerge from the battle-scarred streets of Kiev have been photographs of priests, alone or in groups, standing between protestors and police, offering blessings, tending the wounded and praying over the dead. But who are exactly are these clerics?

The Bible has disappeared from our children's lives

The Bible has disappeared from our children's lives

by: Cristina Odone - The Daily Telegraph in Church Issues,

 Almost a third of children do not know their Adam from their Noah or that David slew Goliah. The Good Samaritan is a stranger and the Nativity just a Christmas play. The latest Bible Society findings prove that the West has erased its Christian heritage from public life.

Catholic identity must be clear, uncompromising, pope tells university

Catholic identity must be clear, uncompromising, pope tells university

by: Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service in Church Issues,

 Catholic universities must give "uncompromising" and "unambiguous" witness to church teaching and defend themselves from all efforts to dilute their Catholic identity, Pope Francis said. Catholic universities, "by their very nature, are committed to demonstrating the harmony of faith and reason and the relevance of the Christian message for a full and authentically human life,"

Women should play a greater role in Church, says Pope

Women should play a greater role in Church, says Pope

by: Carol Glatz in Church Issues,

Women should play a greater role in society and the church, Pope Francis has said, stating that this could be done without sacrificing their essential attention and contribution to their families. Women’s distinctive skill sets and sensibilities make them invaluable not only for building “peace and harmony” in families, but for all of humanity, too, he said.

Pope: 'In the Church we are all missionaries and disciples'

Pope: 'In the Church we are all missionaries and disciples'

by: ICN in Church Issues,

Baptism brings us into the 'People of God', makes us members of a 'People on a journey', a 'Pilgrim People in history' - Pope Francis asserted, quoting words from the Second Vatican Council during his Wednesday catechesis at the general audience, which was dedicated to the first of the sacraments.

Get them while they’re young: why kids intuitively understand prayer

Get them while they’re young: why kids intuitively understand prayer

by: James Roberts - The Tablet in Church Issues,

 May I take gentle issue with the view expressed by Daniel Kearney in his blog of 2 January that “kids don’t get prayer’? The innocence of children, we are led to believe, reaches directly to heaven, while adult piety, which may win some but certainly loses many of the battles with the ego, usually takes a more circuitous route.