News in Church Issues

Summary of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "ECCLESIA IN MEDIO ORIENTE"

Summary of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "ECCLESIA IN MEDIO ORIENTE"

by: Pope Benedict XVI in Church Issues,

The Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortion "Ecclesia in Medio Oriente" is the document elaborated by Benedict XVI based on the forty-four final propositions of the special Synod for the Middle East, which was held in Vatican City from 10 to 26 October 2010 on the theme: "The Catholic Church in the Middle East: Communion and witness. 'The company of those who believed were of one heart and soul'".

Pope in Lebanon: Address to Young People

Pope in Lebanon: Address to Young People

by: Pope Benedict XVI in Church Issues,

Pope Benedict XVI is known to have a special place in his heart for young people. Following his meeting with government officials, he delivered an address to young people gathered on the square in front of the Maronite Patriarchate at Bkerke.

What hope for the faith school?

What hope for the faith school?

by: Peter Stanford - The Telegraph in Church Issues,

Thirty years ago, its 400 pupils were all Catholics, many of them first or second-generation Irish. Now all but 10 per cent are Muslims, yet their parents are apparently happy for them to sit through lessons taught by a largely Christian staff and taken from a Catholic syllabus. “What can I say?” exclaims 72-year-old Fr Kelly. “It’s their choice. We make no imposition on them to change their religion.”

Researchers find growth in Churches in Britain

Researchers find growth in Churches in Britain

by: Abigail Frymann in Church Issues,

MORE THAN 5,000 churches have opened in Britain in the last 30 years, and there are many examples of “substantial and sustained church growth” across the country, according to new research. “Church Growth in Britain: 1980 to the Present” found substantial growth among black, Asian and ethnic-minority churches, and among churches that are less than 100 years old, such as those in the Pentecostal movement.

Next Synod On New Evangelisation

Next Synod On New Evangelisation

by: Vatican Information Service in Church Issues,

The Synod Fathers "will reflect upon the transmission of Christian faith, one of the great challenges facing the Church which will be examined in the context of new evangelisation. ... The work of the Synod will be enriched by its association with the Year of Faith", which begins on 11 October.

Anglican and Catholic churches in the UK reject the government's plan to legalise same-sex marriage

Anglican and Catholic churches in the UK reject the government's plan to legalise same-sex marriage

by: Gerald O'Connell in Church Issues,

The Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches in Britain strongly reject the coalition Government’s plan to introduce legislation that would allow same-sex marriages, and so redefine marriage. Leaders of most other religious communities too, including Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh, also oppose the plan which Prime Minister David Cameron is seeking to push through.

Returning to the essential aspects of Christian Life in order to Relaunch Evangelisation

Returning to the essential aspects of Christian Life in order to Relaunch Evangelisation

by: VIS in Church Issues,

 "The fundamental condition in order to be able to speak about God is to speak with God, increasingly to become men of God, nourished by an intense life of prayer and moulded by His Grace. We must allow ourselves to be found and seized by God so as to help the people we meet be touched by the Truth.The old and new mission facing us is that of introducing the men and women of our time to a relationship with God.

Local Churches must incorporate the patrimony of Faith and Culture of Catholic Immigrants.

Local Churches must incorporate the patrimony of Faith and Culture of Catholic Immigrants.

by: VIS in Church Issues,

The Church in America, the Pope said to the bishops, "is called to embrace, incorporate and cultivate the rich patrimony of faith and culture present in America's many immigrant groups, including ... the swelling numbers of Hispanic, Asian and African Catholics. The demanding pastoral task of fostering a communion of cultures within your local churches must be considered of particular importance.

Laity to the rescue

Laity to the rescue

by: Bernard Cotter - The Tablet in Church Issues,

Most bishops in Britain are faced with the dilemma of how to respond to a shortage of priests and fewer practising Catholics. Here, a rural parish priest envisages a larger role for laypeople to keep churches open.

Church - a cold place for liberals

Church - a cold place for liberals

by: Fr Kevin Hegarty - The Tablet in Church Issues,

The Vatican Council promised an open and dialogical Church - that was the overall emphasis at that time; that seems to be particularly missing in the Catholic Church now. What we have seen especially in the last 30 years is a resiling from the reforms of the Vatican Council - and a conservative interpretation put on them.

Britain, Holy See Celebrate 30 Years of Diplomatic Relations

Britain, Holy See Celebrate 30 Years of Diplomatic Relations

by: Ann Schneible - Zenit in Church Issues,

"We respect one another even if we claim that we are not listening enough to one another. But that in itself calls for a more fruitful dialogue. The British Embassy to the Holy See and the Papal Nunciature at the Court of St. James' exist to foster that, and have shown in recent years the capacity to do so, the willingness to do so, the joy in so doing."

Ireland visitation report: full text

Ireland visitation report: full text

by: Catholic Herald in Church Issues,

The Apostolic Visitation should now be considered completed. The Holy See entrusts its conclusions to the responsibility of the Bishops, clergy, Religious and lay faithful of Ireland, in the hope that they will bear fruit worthy of that process of healing, reparation and renewal which Pope Benedict XVI so eagerly desires for the beloved Church in Ireland.

Religious denominations and the European Union

Religious denominations and the European Union

by: Michele Madonna - L'Osservatore Romano in Church Issues,

Looking at the horizon unfolding before us Europe cannot and must not give up the contribution of Catholicism and of the other religious denominations because, as Benedict XVI clearly affirmed during his recent Visit to the United Kingdom, faith “is not a problem for legislators to solve, but a vital contributor to the national conversation”, and proper attention should also be paid to “the legitimate role of religion in the public square”.

The Catholic Church and gay marriage

The Catholic Church and gay marriage

by: Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP - The Tablet in Church Issues,

The Catholic Church does not oppose gay marriage. It considers it to be impossible. If it were possible, then we would have to support it since the Church tells that we must oppose all discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Spanish bishop's solidarity pay cut

Spanish bishop's solidarity pay cut

by: Reporter in Church Issues,

Spain's youngest bishop has taken a voluntary pay cut as a mark of solidarity with the poor and unemployed. His country has the highest unemployment rate in Europe with 5.3 million out of work, or 23 per cent of the working age population.

Catholics seen as threat: say Alencherry, the new Indian cardinal.

Catholics seen as threat: say Alencherry, the new Indian cardinal.

by: Alessandro Speciale - UCAnews in Church Issues,

Extremist groups in India see the growth of the Catholic Church as a “threat” and have successfully lobbied the government against Christians’ rights, the newly elevated Cardinal of the Syro-Malabar Church George Alencherry warned in an interview with in Rome. New Indian cardinal adds that radicals are a minority and that most Hindus 'live in harmony' with Christians.