News in Church Issues

Are Catholic Colleges Catholic Enough?

Are Catholic Colleges Catholic Enough?

by: Patrick J. Reilly in Church Issues,

Colleges that have deliberately watered down their Catholic identity, in part to help themselves compete for government aid, now face church pressure to strengthen their religious identity. The choice for Catholic educators is increasingly clear: defend religious liberty and stand up for a strong Catholic identity—or give up the pretense.

When are Catholic schools no longer Catholic?

When are Catholic schools no longer Catholic?

by: Sam Adams - The Tablet in Church Issues,

Does the proportion of Catholic children in Catholic schools actually matter? According to the latest census data from the Catholic Education Service of England and Wales (CES), Catholic schools in some dioceses, such as Plymouth, are more likely than not to have a majority of non-Catholic pupils.

The real crisis facing the Church  is a crisis of faith

The real crisis facing the Church is a crisis of faith

by: Benedict XVI in Church Issues,

 The Church in Germany is superbly organized. But behind the structures, is there also a corresponding spiritual strength, the strength of faith in the living God? We must honestly admit that we have more than enough by way of structure but not enough by way of Spirit. I would add: the real crisis facing the Church in the western world is a crisis of faith. If we do not find a way of genuinely renewing our faith, all structural reform will remain ineffective.

New translation muddies waters

New translation muddies waters

by: Mike MacLachlan - UCA News in Church Issues,

Journalist Michael MacLachlan describes his first experience of the new English translation of the Roman Missal in England.  Revised version of Missal in English has more than its share of linguistic oddities.

The Holy See Responds to the Cloyne Report.

The Holy See Responds to the Cloyne Report.

by: Vatican Information Service in Church Issues,

Recognising the seriousness of the crimes detailed in the report, which should never have happened within the Church of Jesus Christ, and wishing to respond to the Irish Government's request, the Holy See, after carefully examining the Cloyne Report and considering the many issues raised, has sought to respond comprehensively.

10 Reasons Churches Should Prioritize Youth Ministry

10 Reasons Churches Should Prioritize Youth Ministry

by: Greg Stier in Church Issues,

 I like what Greg Stier writes about paying attention to Youth Ministry in our different churches. While attending World Youth Day in Madrid and looking at the huge multitude of young believers I came to realise that the youngster with their faith and joy re-present truely the Risen Lord. Christ is young, and so should be the Church. (GG)

A goal greater than profit

A goal greater than profit

by: Cardinal Bertone in Church Issues,

The Church has always stressed that commercial activity is essential to the common good.  Her social teaching, past and present, insists that commercial activity should be directed to the common good and not merely to the private profit of property holders

Liturgy for the young

Liturgy for the young

by: Bob Rainbow in Church Issues,

Pope Benedict said there was an “urgency of the reform” to favour the “adaptation of rites to the various cultures, especially in mission territory”. Surely the most important mission territory the European Church must address if it is to have any future is literally on its doorstep – the young of our countries.

Dangers of Clericalism

Dangers of Clericalism

by: The Tablet Editorial 21/05/11 in Church Issues,

To be against clericalism is not the same as being anticlerical. Clericalism was dealt a heavy blow by the emphasis in the teaching of Vatican II on the priesthood of all believers and on common baptism. But there is evidence of a clericalist backlash among some of those undergoing training for the priesthood or recently ordained.

John Paul II’s legacy

John Paul II’s legacy

by: The Tablet - Editorial 7th May in Church Issues,

It would be a mistake harmful to the Church to regard the beatification and eventual canonisation of Pope John Paul II as putting his papacy beyond criticism. None of these factors detracts from the admiration and gratitude that is Pope John Paul II’s due, for a remarkable and even astonishing papacy.

International Liturgical Congress

International Liturgical Congress

by: Robert Mickens - The Tablet in Church Issues,

Fr. Matias Augé, Spanish Claretian, said self-styled traditionalists were wrong to “inappropriately and polemically” claim that the Vatican II liturgy was a “rupture with tradition” that now required a “reform of the reform”.

Only the strength of love

Only the strength of love

by: Osservatore Romano in Church Issues,

In a rare interview broadcast on Italian television RAI, Pope Benedict XVI answered questions submitted by people from around the world. Touching on topics ranging from Iraq to the Resurrection, the Pope demonstrated his unique capacity to offer profound analysis of political, ethical and theological issues in a simple way.

The daunting journey from faith to faith

The daunting journey from faith to faith

by: Stephen Hough - Telegraph in Church Issues,

Concert pianist, Stephen Hough, writes about becoming a catholic.
All those years ago, when I became a Catholic, it was as if I’d walked through a huge, forbidding door. But now I thank God that when people make that journey, the door no longer closes with a forbidding click; it is left swinging open, with the light shining through.  

Bishops seek to ‘revitalise’ Lent as season of penitence

Bishops seek to ‘revitalise’ Lent as season of penitence

by: Anna Arco in Church Issues,

The general secretary of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has been tasked with finding ways to revitalise Lent as the penitential season. ....The move comes in a bid to restore public manifestations of Catholicism following the Pope’s visit which was widely hailed as a success.

Pope Benedict XVI’s Message for Lent 2011

Pope Benedict XVI’s Message for Lent 2011

by: Pope Benedict XVI in Church Issues,

“You were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him.” (cf. Col 2: 12)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Lenten period, which leads us to the celebration of Holy Easter, is for the Church a most valuable and important liturgical time, in view of which I am pleased to offer a specific word in order that it may be lived with due diligence.



by: British Jesuit Media in Church Issues,

Pray-as-you-go is a daily prayer session, designed for use on portable MP3 players, to help you pray whilst travelling to and from work, study, etc. A new prayer session is produced every day.  It is not a 'Thought for the Day', a sermon or a bible-study, but rather a framework for your own prayer