News in Church Issues

A new way  of being Christian

A new way of being Christian

by: L'Osservatore Romano in Church Issues,

From Africa and from the World Youth Day in Madrid, a powerful remedy against faith fatigue and weariness The joyous experiences of faith lived in Madrid with the youth of the world, then  the recent Visit to Benin were moments of “great encouragement” for the Pope, showing him that it is possible to give life to “a new, more youthful form of Christianity” able to overcome the “ faith fatigue” ever more present in Europe.

Efforts converge to strengthen a dialogue of culture and peace

Efforts converge to strengthen a dialogue of culture and peace

by: L'Osservatore Romano- Archbishop Dominique Mamberti in Church Issues,

Archbishop Dominique Mamberty, head of the Delegation of the Holy See addresses the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and thanks its efforts in promoting a growing political will that seeks to reinforce a dialogue of culture and of peace within the OSCE region.

The Question of God in Today's World

The Question of God in Today's World

by: Vatican Information Service in Church Issues,

 The Pontifical Council for the Laity is currently celebrating its twenty-fifth plenary assembly on the theme: "The Question of God in Today's World".Turning his attention to World Youth Day, Benedict XVI said: "An extraordinary cascade of light, joy and hope illuminated not only Madrid, but also Europe and the entire world, clearly re-establishing the importance of seeking God in today's world."

Archbishop says cuts are hitting the vulnerable the hardest

Archbishop says cuts are hitting the vulnerable the hardest

by: Mark Greaves - Catholic Herald in Church Issues,

Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster has said in a speech to MPs, peers and charity workers that Government cuts are “already being felt disproportionally by the most vulnerable”. It is the closest a Catholic bishop in England and Wales has come to criticising the Coalition’s austerity measures.

Liturgist: ‘I'm at a loss with the new Missal'

Liturgist: ‘I'm at a loss with the new Missal'

by: Philip Endean SJ - The Tablet in Church Issues,

There are serious questions of integrity here. Mainstream Catholics are having imposed on them profound changes that are not self-evidently for the better. The real challenge of the new translation centres on how we handle those human and ecclesial realities. For my part, I am at something of a loss.

The silence of listening  in the spirit of joy

The silence of listening in the spirit of joy

by: Gianfranco Ravasi - L'Osservatore Romano in Church Issues,

Vladimir: “Did you ever read the Bible?” Estragon: “The Bible…. I must have taken a look at it.” This exchange by the two vagabond protagonists of Samuel Beckett’s celebrated play,Waiting for Godot (1952) expresses an attitude which is common to many: the Bible, which is so acclaimed, is at least worth a glance, but like the classics it is so little read.

New Jersey nurses face job loss for refusing to assist abortions

New Jersey nurses face job loss for refusing to assist abortions

by: By Marianne Medlin - CNA in Church Issues,

Twelve nurses in New Jersey have filed a lawsuit against a local government hospital for being told they would lose their jobs if they refuse to perform abortions. The case shows evidence of “a systematic attack on the right of pro-life professionals to engage in their careers without being forced to violate their fundamental moral and religious beliefs,” Matt Bowman, attorney for the Alliance Defense Fund, told CNA.

Is the Church inside or outside the establishment?

Is the Church inside or outside the establishment?

by: Stephen Tomkins - BBC in Church Issues,

 Major national Churches are often the focus of protest. A homeless man, known to the authorities for his radical activism, once slipped into one with his supporters and wrecked it, overturning tables and lashing out with a homemade whip. His point was that what should have been a place of prayer for all people had become an institution fleecing the poor. Those were tougher times than now, and he was executed a week later.

Holy See Calls for Reform of Global Finance

Holy See Calls for Reform of Global Finance

by: Vatican Information Service in Church Issues,

The Church does not wish to enter into the technical issues behind the current economic crisis, but remains within the ambit of her religious and ethical functions. Thus she highlights not just the moral causes of the crisis but, more specifically, the ideological causes. Old ideologies have been replaced by new ones, "neo-liberalist, neo-utilitarian, and technocratic which, by reducing the common good to economic, financial and technical questions, place the future of democratic institutions themselves at risk".

Catholics’ religious media tastes favor print publications

Catholics’ religious media tastes favor print publications

by: Kevin J. Jones - Ewtn-News in Church Issues,

 Catholics tend to prefer traditional print and television media for their religious news and commentary. They particularly favor their local diocese’s publication, according to a new survey from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. One in five respondents said they watched a religious or spiritual program on television in the last three months.

Second chances: Remarriage and the Eucharist

Second chances: Remarriage and the Eucharist

by: Christopher Lamb - The Tablet in Church Issues,

Whether divorced and remarried Catholics can receive Communion is now firmly back in the spotlight after the 400 clerics backing the Austrian Priests’ Initiative said in their “Appeal to Disobedience” that they would not refuse Communion to remarried divorcees. Christian Wulff, a divorced and remarried Catholic, said he hoped the Church would soften its position on admitting people in his position to the sacraments.