tagged articles with: faith

Go, Be Missionaries - WYD Rio 2013 Anthem English Version

Go, Be Missionaries - WYD Rio 2013 Anthem English Version

claret.org.uk - Video el Thu, Feb 21st 2013

London pop band Ooberfuse have been chosen to sing and record in English the official youth anthem of World Youth Day 2013. This English version of the WYD Rio 2013 is great, youthful, faithful, joyful. Congratulatios Ooberfuse. Hope Cherrie Anderson's voice will encourage many to "Go, be missionaries".

Debate: Religion has a place in the 21st century.

Debate: Religion has a place in the 21st century.

The Telegraph - Reporters - Activities el Sun, Feb 3rd 2013

 In his address, Lord Williams said: ''Religion has always been a matter of community building, a matter of building relations of compassion, fellow-feeling and, dare I say it, inclusion. ''The notion that religious commitment can be purely a private matter is one that runs against the grain of religious history.''

Ecumenism - Our Neglected Mandate

Ecumenism - Our Neglected Mandate

Ron Rolheiser, OMI - Ecumenism el Fri, Feb 1st 2013

While saying farewell the night before he died, Jesus told those with him that he "had other sheep that are not of this fold" and that those with him at that particular moment were not his only followers. Very importantly, he also said that he longed for unity with those others just as urgently and deeply as he longed for unity with those in the room with him. 

Encounter, Illumination, and Conversion: On the Road to Damascus

Encounter, Illumination, and Conversion: On the Road to Damascus

Carolyn Pirtle - Notre Dame Center - Articles el Fri, Jan 25th 2013

 In celebrating the lives of her saints, rarely does the Church bestow more than one feast day on the same person. Even more rarely does she celebrate specific events in the lives of those saints other than the day of their birth into eternal life (the die natale). Therefore, today's celebration – the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, Apostle – is one that deserves our contemplation.

Christians' rights: Martyred on a cross of secular liberalism

Christians' rights: Martyred on a cross of secular liberalism

Paul Diamond - The Telegraph - Articles el Sun, Jan 13th 2013

The battle has been almost universally one way as the rights of Christians, in terms of the ability to practise their faith in the public sphere, have been eroded to the point where they have virtually no protection. The cases that I have been instructed in are alarming- and it’s not just the “little people”: health workers or junior civil servants.

Be bearers of the message of Christian unity

Be bearers of the message of Christian unity

Pope Benedict XVI - Activities el Sun, Jan 6th 2013

Be bearers of the message of Christian unity. Pope addresses 45,000 young members of the ecumenical Taizé community. Dear young friends, Christ does not remove you from the world. He sends you there where His light is missing, so that you may bring it to others. Yes, you are all called to be small lights to those around you.

Goodbye to Canterbury

Goodbye to Canterbury

Gerard O'Donovan - Activities el Wed, Jan 2nd 2013

Nothing captures that better than his own words: “Canterbury is much more than a functional building. It is an effort to make sense of the cosmos and reach out to its maker. Whether or not you want to talk about God, you can’t help but stand back and admire what humans can achieve in pursuit of transcendence.”

Taizé in Rome

Taizé in Rome

L'Osservatore Romano - Activities el Sat, Dec 29th 2012

The 35th European Youth Meeting sponsored by the Taizé Community begins on Friday, 28 December, in Rome. More than 40,000 youth are expected for the traditional “Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth” which will last for six days. 

Colm Tóibín's Mary: helps us understand the inexplicable

Colm Tóibín's Mary: helps us understand the inexplicable

Lynda Grant - New Statesman - Book Review el Tue, Dec 11th 2012

The Testament of Mary - review. Perhaps Mary is too well known? After all, her life is recorded in one of the two great originating books of the Judaeo- Christian tradition. The question for the wary reader approaching Tóibín’s novel is whether it is an atheist’s demolition job or an attempt to deepen our religious understanding of the birth, the death and the resurrection.

Theologian says China to have largest Christian population

Theologian says China to have largest Christian population

Estefania Aguirre - CNA - Ecumenism el Mon, Dec 10th 2012

During a recent book launch in Rome, a noted theologian said that China will be home to the majority of the world's Christians within the next two decades.  “Interfaith dialogue is something that China, which will have the world's largest Christian population in 20 years, lives with every day,” said Harvey Cox during the presentation at the Gregorian University.

How to get an "A Plus" during the Year of Faith

How to get an "A Plus" during the Year of Faith

CatholicismLive - Fr. Mark Clarke, cmf - Video el Thu, Oct 18th 2012
Father Mark Clarke, CMF,  is always 'in school' as the Director of Campus Ministry / Young Adult Ministry for the Archdiocese of San Antonio, TX. So, we asked him, "How do we get an A+ during the Year of Faith?" Enjoy his tips.