tagged articles with: faith

 Pope's “personal ecumenism” of encounter and friendship.

Pope's “personal ecumenism” of encounter and friendship.

Christopher Lamb - The Tablet - Ecumenism el Fri, Jan 29th 2016

He wants to build on this foundation but his approach is not to debate the finer points of ecclesiology. He instead operates a sort of “personal ecumenism” of encounter and friendship: a strategy that seeks to go round the structures and walls of division. One example of this is his planned visit this October to Lund, in Sweden for a gathering of October Catholic and Lutheran leaders preparing to mark the 500th anniversary of the reformation in 2017. 

Walking Together in the Service of God in the World

Walking Together in the Service of God in the World

Declaration after the meeting of Anglican Primates - Ecumenism el Thu, Jan 28th 2016

Declaration after the meeting of Anglican Primates, the senior bishops of the 38 Anglican Provinces, that took place in Canterbury between Monday 11 January and Friday 15 January at the invitation of Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury. We came knowing that the 2016 Primates’ meeting would be concerned with the differences among us in regard to our teaching on matters of human sexuality. We were also eager to address wider areas of concern. 

Filipinos' devotion is heroic but it needs to be purified.

Filipinos' devotion is heroic but it needs to be purified.

Joe Torres, UCA News Manila Reporter - Activities el Mon, Jan 18th 2016

There is no stopping Julian Vincent Mendoza, a 30-year-old father of three, from fulfilling a vow he made seven years ago. He, along his wife and three children, wade through a sea of bodies, all devotees of the Black Nazarene in Manila’s Quiapo district.Julian’s aim, like that of the mammoth crowd of about nine million at this year's feast, is to touch the statue

Full Text: Pope Francis’s address to diplomatic corps

Full Text: Pope Francis’s address to diplomatic corps

Catholic Herald - Staff Reporter - Monday, 11 Jan 2016 - World Issues el Tue, Jan 12th 2016

 The Pope spoke to members of the diplomatic corps in the Vatican's Apostolic Palace: I offer you a cordial welcome to this annual gathering. It allows me to offer you my best wishes for the New Year and to reflect with you on the state of our world, so loved and blessed by God, and yet fraught with so many ills.

Making your own mind up on role of religion and belief in UK public life--

Making your own mind up on role of religion and belief in UK public life--

Gwen Griffith-Dickson - The Tablet - Church Issues el Thu, Dec 31st 2015

The Commission’s vision report: a nation with a deeply-rooted Christian history, but which has accommodated others at an ever-accelerating pace. It argues that all should be treated with equal respect and concern, knowing that their culture, religion and beliefs are embraced and valued as contributing to the nation’s common life.

Faith leaders help to forge historic climate deal

Faith leaders help to forge historic climate deal

The Tablet - World Issues el Wed, Dec 30th 2015

United Nations secretary ­general Ban Ki-moon has acknowledged the contribution of faiths to last weekend’s accord between 195 countries to stem carbon emissions and set the world on a more sustainable ­environmental path. He included “faith leaders” in his list of civil society climate campaigners who have “come together under one banner and brought forth this moment of hope”. 

English Bishops: BBC's cuts to religion aid extremism

English Bishops: BBC's cuts to religion aid extremism

John Bingham, BBC Religious Affairs Editor - Church Issues el Mon, Dec 28th 2015

Corporation is preparing significant cuts to its religion and ethics budget despite accusations that it has already sidelined faith issues. Rt Rev Rachel Treweek remarked that the decision to cut religious programming had presumably been taken 'to reduce the possibility of offending people with too much God stuff over the holiday'

John Henry Newman: A Portrait

John Henry Newman: A Portrait

Roderick Strange, reviewed by A.N Wilson - The Tablet - Book Review el Wed, Dec 23rd 2015

One of the things which this reviewer takes away from his first reading of this selection of Newman’s letters – and it will certainly be the first of many rereadings – is how overwhelmingly important Oxford remained to Newman, from the moment of his arrival there until his death. The letters to his old Oxford friends, such as Mark Pattison, Dean Church and Pusey, are dotted as an affectionate, nostalgic chaplet, through all the Catholic years.

Crisis in Syria: On the Road from Damascus

Crisis in Syria: On the Road from Damascus

Timothy Radcliffe - The Tablet - JPIC News el Tue, Dec 22nd 2015

The bell rang out from the Carmelite monastery in the Syrian mountains between Damascus and Homs. It would be audible to Islamic State (IS) jihadists, whose front line is less than three miles away. It said defiantly: “We are still here.” The terrorists captured Qara, the local ­village, burnt the churches, dug up the Christian graves and scattered the bones. The friars and sisters had survived only by taking refuge in an old Roman tower where they were protected by Muslim friends. Now the village has been recaptured by the Syrian army.

Negative modern attitudes towards faith

Negative modern attitudes towards faith

Dr Rowan Williams - Evening Standard - Articles el Fri, Dec 18th 2015

As a cinemagoer, I’m being carefully targeted for conversion to a philosophy of life. If I don’t like it, that’s my problem. After all, this philosophy of life is completely self-evident to the film-makers, and assumed to be acceptable and attractive to every sane citizen. So advertising our Christian history is not intruding dangerous propaganda into a neutral and benign space. It is competing with existing propaganda, existing philosophies and ideologies. No wonder it’s a challenge for some.

History and Mystery: The O Antiphons in a Favorite Advent Hymn

History and Mystery: The O Antiphons in a Favorite Advent Hymn

Roseanne T. Sullivan - Spirituality el Thu, Dec 17th 2015

Many Catholics are becoming interested in including the O antiphons as part of their Advent preparations, by singing or reciting or listening to recordings (or doing all of these things) between Dec. 17 and 23. Everyone can find renewed inspiration at the end of Advent by praying the O antiphons as a countdown to the great feast that is to come. Names of a Scriptural type of the Messiah. He is the Wisdom of God, the Ruler of the House of Israel, the Root of Jesse, the Key of David, the Dawn, the King of the Nations, and God with us.

Goodbye Christianity, hello multicultural wasteland...

Goodbye Christianity, hello multicultural wasteland...

Peter Hitchens -THE MAIL ON SUNDAY - Articles el Tue, Dec 15th 2015

Would you believe they want to make state schools even less Christian than they already are – accusing our many excellent Church schools of being ‘socially divisive’ and of promoting ‘segregation’ – and to revise the Coronation and services of remembrance to make them more inclusive?