tagged articles with: peace

  Educating Young People in Justice and Peace

Educating Young People in Justice and Peace

Pope Benedict XVI - JPIC News el Tue, Dec 20th 2011

Realise that you yourselves are an example and an inspiration to adults, even more so to the extent that you seek to overcome injustice and corruption and strive to build a better future. Be aware of your potential; never become self-centred but work for a brighter future for all.

Suu Kyi meets papal envoy in church in Yangon

Suu Kyi meets papal envoy in church in Yangon

Thomas Toe - Church News el Sat, Dec 10th 2011

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino spoke together for several minutes ahead of the celebration, the details of which were not immediately known. Her visit underscores her call for national conciliation to include all in society no matter their ethnic or religious background.

Friars Respond to Occupy Movement in USA

Friars Respond to Occupy Movement in USA

Toni Cashinelli - American Catholic - JPIC News el Sat, Nov 26th 2011

We Have to Work Together - People Before Profit.  “It would be good if we did that as a Church.” So far the closest thing to that is a document on global finance by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. “Catholic social teaching and the Occupy Wall Street movement agree that the economy should be at the service of the human person and that strong action must be taken to reduce the growing gap between rich and poor,”

The true God is accessible to all

The true God is accessible to all

L'Osservatore Romano - Ecumenism el Thu, Oct 27th 2011

The address of the Pope in the Basilica of St Mary of the Angels.  God is not the "property" of believers and no one can in his name "feel vindicated in using force against others". This was the appeal made by the Pope in Assisi on the occasion of the Day of Reflection, Dialogue and Prayer for Peace and Justice in the World which opened Thursday morning, 27 October, with religious leaders in the Basilica of St Mary of the Angels. 

Assisi 2011: religions to renew their commitment to peace and justice

Assisi 2011: religions to renew their commitment to peace and justice

Asian News - Ecumenism el Thu, Oct 27th 2011

“Pilgrims of truth, pilgrims of peace”. It aims “to show, with simplicity, that as religious men and men of good will, we want to offer our own articulated contribution to the building of a better world, whilst at the same time acknowledge the need to grow in dialogue and mutual esteem so as to improve the efficacy of our actions.”  At the initiative of Benedict XVI, this event is designed to mark the 25th anniversary of the first Assisi meeting and is meant “to be a dream that continues, becoming more and more a reality. As everyone is with others, no one is against others. Marching from various points on earth, all nations come together as a one family.”

London 2012: "100 days of peace" campaign is launched

London 2012: "100 days of peace" campaign is launched

BBC - Church News el Tue, Oct 11th 2011
The Olympics must be remembered "for peace as well as sport", the brother of a teenager killed in London has said. George Mizen, 12, is joining thousands of British children from nearly 500 Catholic schools in London, Essex, Kent and Hertfordshire to call for "100 days of peace" around next year's Games.
The schoolboy lost his brother Jimmy, 16, when he was stabbed at a bakery in Lee, south-east London, in May 2008. A mass will be held at Westminster Cathedral later to launch the campaign.
Iran: Pastor Nadarkhani refuses to recant during trial

Iran: Pastor Nadarkhani refuses to recant during trial

Christian Solidarity Worldwide - JPIC News el Wed, Sep 28th 2011

 Iranian pastor Yousef Nadarkhani has twice refused to recant his Christian faith during two court hearings held in Rasht, Gilan Province on 25 and 26 September. Sources close to CSW indicate that recanting will again be demanded at sessions scheduled for 27 and 28 September, and that if he continues to refuse, he will be executed thereafter.

September 21: International Day of Peace

September 21: International Day of Peace

USG - Activities el Wed, Sep 21st 2011

 On September 21, 2011, a variety of groups, organizations and people worldwide will host and attend International Day of Peace.   In 2002, the U.N. General Assembly officially declared September 21 as the permanent date for the International Day of Peace.  The JPIC commission of the General Superiors invites all of us to be part of this action for peace in a prayerful way. This prayer material was prepared to be used by your communities, houses, groups, parishes and dioceses.

Meeting Real Heroes Who Expose Themselves to Kidnappers and the MILF to Help Kids.

Meeting Real Heroes Who Expose Themselves to Kidnappers and the MILF to Help Kids.

Armand Dean Nocum - Congregation el Tue, Aug 9th 2011

Today I doff my hat off to real heroes in the person of Claretian priest Fr. Larry Miranda and Fr. Pedro Cleofe who run the Claret Kindergarten School of Tungawan and the Calret Mission Center in Sitio Bangkal where we brought books to start work on what would later be a full-scale library borne out of the partnership of the Claret Mission Center, Kris Peace Library; and the Kapatirang Claretian Inc, a group of Claretian priests and seminarians I now head. 

World remembers Hiroshima and Nagasaki

World remembers Hiroshima and Nagasaki

ICN - Activities el Sun, Aug 7th 2011

 Over the next few days, around the world, Pax Christi members will be remembering the anniversaries of the first use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki through prayer, discussion and action. In the UK, vigils, exhibitions and stalls will be held in London, Coventry, Oxford, Abingdon and Aylesford, inviting people to work to reverse Government policies on the renewal of Trident.

South Sudan: How long will the smiles last?

South Sudan: How long will the smiles last?

From Will Ross BBC News, Juba - Reporters el Sat, Jul 9th 2011

 "Our parents and grandparents were suffering for so long because of war. They brought us independence and so I thank them and I thank God," secondary school student Sarah Keji told me. Expectations here are high and the wish list is as long as the Nile. "After independence, life will be better than before. We are going to see justice, prosperity and our country will develop."

A goal greater than profit

A goal greater than profit

Cardinal Bertone - Church Issues el Thu, Jun 16th 2011

The Church has always stressed that commercial activity is essential to the common good.  Her social teaching, past and present, insists that commercial activity should be directed to the common good and not merely to the private profit of property holders

One year to go to prepare for the Olympic Truce!

One year to go to prepare for the Olympic Truce!

- JPIC News el Wed, Jun 8th 2011

Justice and Peace Commissions from Brentwood, Southwark and Westminster dioceses are preparing activities for '100 Days of Peace' around the Olympic and Paralympic Games next year.In particular, they are highlighting  two initiatives for peace, one involving churches and schools, and one involving the UK government and the UN.

The Spanish Revolution grows and spreads

The Spanish Revolution grows and spreads

Typicallyspahish h.b. - Reporters el Fri, May 20th 2011

They want to see fiscal reform that favours those on a low income, they demand dignified housing, and the ability to cancel mortgage debt if the property becomes embargoed. They want to see a single constituencies arranged proportionally to the number of votes in each area, ... They demand that financial rescues be directed at families facing eviction rather than at the banks.