tagged articles with: peace

The heart of the West’s dilemma

The heart of the West’s dilemma

The Tablet - World Issues el Tue, Apr 5th 2011

Pope Benedict XVI’s words last weekend need to be heeded. He said: “I am becoming progressively more concerned about the wellbeing and safety of civilians.” He went on to plead for a ceasefire and a negotiated solution to the conflict.

Turning crisis into action - Keys to the City of God

Turning crisis into action - Keys to the City of God

Cardinal Peter Turkson - The Tablet - Articles el Mon, Mar 21st 2011

In his social encyclical Caritas in Veritate, Pope Benedict presented the global economic crisis as an opportunity to shape a new vision for the future. Here, the president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace sets out the steps to realising that vision

Against All Odds: Sudan’s Peaceful Vote

Against All Odds: Sudan’s Peaceful Vote

Kenneth F. Hackett - World Issues el Tue, Feb 15th 2011

Against all odds, southern Sudan’s fragile government called on its people—scattered and benumbed by generations of war—to cast a credible vote on an historic measure in the span of a week. Against every rational forecast, they did so not only without physical violence, but without grumbling.