tagged articles with: peace

Iraqi sisters stay as civilians flee Mosul

Iraqi sisters stay as civilians flee Mosul

Dawn Cherie Araujo - Activities el Thu, Jun 19th 2014

“The extraordinary thing about the sisters right now is their commitment, regardless of the danger, to stand with their people and not abandon them,” Markham said.The sisters are well aware of the danger in their situation, especially now that ISIS controls Mosul, at least for the time being. All anyone can do for them is pray.

A free man demands freedom for all

A free man demands freedom for all

Reporters-ucanews.com - JPIC News el Tue, Jun 17th 2014

"You (the Chinese communists) can tie me up, can take me away, chop my head off, but not as a slave," said the cardinal in an online radio program yesterday evening. Hong Kong people should "not succumb to fate but maintain one's own dignity," the cardinal said.

Blessed are the peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers

Josephine McKenna & Inna Lazareva- The Telegrpah - JPIC News el Mon, Jun 9th 2014

Pope Francis calls for 'new journey towards peace' in unprecedented prayer meeting at the Vatican between Israeli and Palestinian presidents, Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas.

Who wants to destroy the family?

Who wants to destroy the family?

Vincenzo Pinto - World Issues el Mon, Jun 9th 2014

"Families are the home Church where Jesus grows," Francis said. "He grows in the spouses' love and in the children's lives. For this reason, the enemy attacks the family so much. The devil does not want it. He tries to destroy it, to prevent love from becoming free....

Reconciliation - Rwanda Genocide: 20 Years Later

Reconciliation - Rwanda Genocide: 20 Years Later

Religion and Ethics - Video el Tue, Jun 3rd 2014

In 1994, ethnic tensions in Rwanda culminated in one hundred days of killing, in which nearly one million Tutsi men, women and children were killed by their Hutu neighbors. Now, two decades later in the largely Christian country, many perpetrators are being released from prison and seeking forgiveness from those they traumatized.

Iranian killer's execution halted at last minute by victim's parents

Iranian killer's execution halted at last minute by victim's parents

Saeed Kamali Dehghan - The Guardian - JPIC News el Sat, May 3rd 2014
The victim's mother hugged the grieving mother of the man her son had killed. The two women sobbed in each other's arms – one because she had lost her son, the other because hers had been saved. The action by Hosseinzadeh's mother was all the more extraordinary as it emerged that this was not the first son she had lost.
Dutch priest murdered in his church in the besieged Syrian city of Homs

Dutch priest murdered in his church in the besieged Syrian city of Homs

Ruth Sherlock, Beirut and Magdy Samaan - BBC - Missions el Tue, Apr 8th 2014

A Dutch priest who had refused to leave the besieged Syrian city of Homs in solidarity with its residents, was on Monday beaten and then shot dead in his monastery by a masked gunman. During more than three years of war, Jesuit Father Francis Van der Lugt, 75, had insisted on remaining in Homs, risking starvation and near constant shellfire, until every last civilian could be evacuated from the district.

"Never be afraid of tenderness"

"Never be afraid of tenderness"

Andrea Tornielli - Vatican Insider - Articles el Wed, Dec 25th 2013

 In this exclusive interview, Pope Francis speaks about Christmas, hunger in the world, the suffering of children, the reform of the Roman Curia, women cardinals, the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), and the upcoming visit to the Holy Land.

Council of Europe hailed for religious freedom resolution

Council of Europe hailed for religious freedom resolution

Carl Bunderson - CNA - JPIC News el Sat, May 4th 2013

A resolution passed by the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly is being lauded as an important – although limited – recognition of religious and conscience rights in the public sphere. “The important step with this resolution is the mention of the right to conscientious objection and the enlargement of its scope of application,”

January 13, 2013 World Day of Migrants and Refugees

January 13, 2013 World Day of Migrants and Refugees

Pope Benedict XVI - World Issues el Sun, Jan 13th 2013

Migration is in fact “a striking phenomenon because of the sheer numbers of people involved, the social, economic, political, cultural and religious problems it raises, and the dramatic challenges it poses to nations and the international community”, for “every migrant is a human person who, as such, possesses fundamental, inalienable rights that must be respected by everyone and in every circumstance”

Focus on conflict in Papal speech to diplomats

Focus on conflict in Papal speech to diplomats

Alessandro Speciale, Vatican City - World Issues el Wed, Jan 9th 2013

Benedict strongly appealed for an end to the bloodshed in Syria saying that the conflict will “know no victors but only vanquished if it continues.” He called on Israeli and Palestinian leaders to “commit themselves to peaceful coexistence within the framework of two sovereign states,” a solution which remained far from reality in 2012.

Christians without compromises

Christians without compromises

Benedict XVI - Financial Times - Articles el Mon, Dec 24th 2012

In an article for the 'Financial Times' Benedict XVI presents Christmas as a time to engage with the world. This infant, born in an obscure and far-flung corner of the Empire, was to offer the world a far greater peace, truly universal in scope and transcending all limitations of space and time.

Global security must not rely on nuclear weapons

Global security must not rely on nuclear weapons

VIS - World Issues el Sun, Sep 23rd 2012

"Global security must not rely on nuclear weapons", the archbishop said in his English-language remarks. "The Holy See considers the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) an important tool to achieve this aim, without mentioning its potential civil and scientific application through its International Monitoring System

Pope says he is a ‘pilgrim of peace’ as he arrives in Lebanon

Pope says he is a ‘pilgrim of peace’ as he arrives in Lebanon

By Francis X Rocca - Church News el Sat, Sep 15th 2012

Pope Benedict XVI has arrived in Lebanon, saying that he comes “as a pilgrim of peace, as a friend of God and as a friend of men”. In his remarks at a welcoming ceremony at Beirut’s airport, Pope Benedict praised Lebanon, with a mixed population of Christians and Muslims, for its distinctive record of “coexistence and respectful dialogue”.

The Dreyfus Affair by Piers Paul Read: review

The Dreyfus Affair by Piers Paul Read: review

John Preston - The Telegraph - Book Review el Tue, Sep 11th 2012

This is the book I was telling you about; It is necessary to really understand the French Revolution in order to understand all the wars and religious hatred that have happened since.  The Dreyfus Affair brought down one government, caused the resignation of three Ministers of War, led to France’s most famous novelist being sentenced to a year in prison and almost precipitated the country’s second civil war in little more than 100 years.