tagged articles with: religion

Ecumenism - Our Neglected Mandate

Ecumenism - Our Neglected Mandate

Ron Rolheiser, OMI - Ecumenism el Fri, Feb 1st 2013

While saying farewell the night before he died, Jesus told those with him that he "had other sheep that are not of this fold" and that those with him at that particular moment were not his only followers. Very importantly, he also said that he longed for unity with those others just as urgently and deeply as he longed for unity with those in the room with him. 

Goodbye to Canterbury

Goodbye to Canterbury

Gerard O'Donovan - Activities el Wed, Jan 2nd 2013

Nothing captures that better than his own words: “Canterbury is much more than a functional building. It is an effort to make sense of the cosmos and reach out to its maker. Whether or not you want to talk about God, you can’t help but stand back and admire what humans can achieve in pursuit of transcendence.”

King Herod and the Wise Men - A Christmas Challence

King Herod and the Wise Men - A Christmas Challence

Ron Rolheiser, OMI - Activities el Wed, Jan 2nd 2013

The Christmas story is surely one of the greatest stories ever told. It chronicles a birth from which the world records time as before or after. Moreover, it is written in a way that has inflamed the romantic imagination for 2000 years. This hasn't always been for the good. 

Madrid in the age of austerity - Wise Men, flamenco dolls and old values

Madrid in the age of austerity - Wise Men, flamenco dolls and old values

Jimmy Burns - The Tablet - Articles el Wed, Dec 26th 2012

 With Spain facing its toughest economic crisis for decades, this Christmas will be difficult for many families. But the festive season has inspired a certain wistfulness for simpler times and traditions, including the Catholic family of old. And with nearly two million seeking help from the Church, Catholic organisations are what stand between many people and destitution.

The meaning of Christmas

The meaning of Christmas

BBC - Articles el Tue, Dec 25th 2012

Christmas is marked on the 25 December. The Holy Family, Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus. Christmas is a Christian holy day that marks the birth of Jesus, the son of God.Jesus' birth, known as the nativity, is described in the New Testament of the Bible. 

Colm Tóibín's Mary: helps us understand the inexplicable

Colm Tóibín's Mary: helps us understand the inexplicable

Lynda Grant - New Statesman - Book Review el Tue, Dec 11th 2012

The Testament of Mary - review. Perhaps Mary is too well known? After all, her life is recorded in one of the two great originating books of the Judaeo- Christian tradition. The question for the wary reader approaching Tóibín’s novel is whether it is an atheist’s demolition job or an attempt to deepen our religious understanding of the birth, the death and the resurrection.

Confession: a sacrament in decline

Confession: a sacrament in decline

John Cornwell - UCA - Articles el Tue, Dec 11th 2012

Catholics of my generation, brought up in the faith before the Second Vatican Council, often went to confession weekly, and never less than monthly, as did our parents and grandparents. Today, the majority of Catholics in many parts of the world have stopped going to confession regularly.

Police close ‘offensive’ art exhibition

Police close ‘offensive’ art exhibition

Chirendra Satyal - UCA News - World Issues el Thu, Sep 20th 2012

Artist says he did not want to hurt feelings.  However Damodar Gautam, the second leader of the national office, urged caution on the part of artists working on controversial themes. “Artists should be careful not to hurt the religious sentiments of any religion,” he said. “The rights of any artist are not limitless in that sense.”

Pope says he is a ‘pilgrim of peace’ as he arrives in Lebanon

Pope says he is a ‘pilgrim of peace’ as he arrives in Lebanon

By Francis X Rocca - Church News el Sat, Sep 15th 2012

Pope Benedict XVI has arrived in Lebanon, saying that he comes “as a pilgrim of peace, as a friend of God and as a friend of men”. In his remarks at a welcoming ceremony at Beirut’s airport, Pope Benedict praised Lebanon, with a mixed population of Christians and Muslims, for its distinctive record of “coexistence and respectful dialogue”.

Communion on the Moon: July 20, 1969

Communion on the Moon: July 20, 1969

Eric Metaxas - Activities el Fri, Aug 31st 2012

I presume that most of us were unaware of this story.Forty-three years ago two human beings changed history by walking on the surface of the moon. But what happened before Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong exited the Lunar Module is perhaps even more amazing.