tagged articles with: religion

Blessed are the peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers

Josephine McKenna & Inna Lazareva- The Telegrpah - JPIC News el Mon, Jun 9th 2014

Pope Francis calls for 'new journey towards peace' in unprecedented prayer meeting at the Vatican between Israeli and Palestinian presidents, Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas.

Bill Viola on St Paul's Cathedral commission: 'It flummoxed me'

Bill Viola on St Paul's Cathedral commission: 'It flummoxed me'

Martin Gayford - The Telegraph - Expressions el Thu, Jun 5th 2014

For over a decade, Viola has been pondering the task of making two video-art altar pieces for St Paul’s Cathedral, to stand at the east ends of the north and south choir aisles. Now, after over a decade of thought, they are completed, installed and will be seen for the first time by the public at evensong on Wednesday, May 21st.

Reconciliation - Rwanda Genocide: 20 Years Later

Reconciliation - Rwanda Genocide: 20 Years Later

Religion and Ethics - Video el Tue, Jun 3rd 2014

In 1994, ethnic tensions in Rwanda culminated in one hundred days of killing, in which nearly one million Tutsi men, women and children were killed by their Hutu neighbors. Now, two decades later in the largely Christian country, many perpetrators are being released from prison and seeking forgiveness from those they traumatized.

Traditional values are secret of our success, say Scouts as membership soars

Traditional values are secret of our success, say Scouts as membership soars

John Bingham - The Telegraph - Activities el Thu, May 8th 2014

Holding on to traditional values – including keeping God in its promise – has helped the Scouts see a dramatic increase in members, the organisation’s chief commissioner has insisted. New figures show that the number of Scouts in the UK has jumped by almost a quarter in the last decade and membership is now at its highest level for a generation.

Underground churches in China dig in despite harassment

Underground churches in China dig in despite harassment

Michael Sainsbury, Bangkok - UCAnews - Articles el Sat, May 3rd 2014

While Shouwang has been a target of the government for many years, the latest move against underground churches is part of a broader crackdown on dissent since the regime of leader Xi Jinping came to power in late 2012. The new government is targeting any organization perceived as a threat to Chinese Communist Party policy. 

Iranian killer's execution halted at last minute by victim's parents

Iranian killer's execution halted at last minute by victim's parents

Saeed Kamali Dehghan - The Guardian - JPIC News el Sat, May 3rd 2014
The victim's mother hugged the grieving mother of the man her son had killed. The two women sobbed in each other's arms – one because she had lost her son, the other because hers had been saved. The action by Hosseinzadeh's mother was all the more extraordinary as it emerged that this was not the first son she had lost.
Hunger for Life

Hunger for Life

Jean Houston - Articles el Thu, Apr 24th 2014

The world has been re-arranged, the reset button of history has been hit. Many are called to take initiatives that before would have seemed unlikely, if not downright impossible, including the rethinking of the reality of the Intelligence that underlies the universe….

"Never be afraid of tenderness"

"Never be afraid of tenderness"

Andrea Tornielli - Vatican Insider - Articles el Wed, Dec 25th 2013

 In this exclusive interview, Pope Francis speaks about Christmas, hunger in the world, the suffering of children, the reform of the Roman Curia, women cardinals, the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), and the upcoming visit to the Holy Land.

Grey Wisdom:not quite the last word on religious pluralism

Grey Wisdom:not quite the last word on religious pluralism

Michael Barnes SJ - Thinking Faith - Ecumenism el Wed, Nov 20th 2013

In his inaugural lecture at Heythrop College, newly-appointed Professor Michael Barnes SJ explored the value attributed to the ‘fourth stage’ of life by various religious traditions. Old age ‘opens up a contemplative space that cultivates attention not just to the great sweep of life but more exactly to the present moment’: how does this idea find expression in different communities of faith?

How dare God disagree with Richard Dawkins

How dare God disagree with Richard Dawkins

Charles Moore - The Telegraph - Articles el Tue, Nov 5th 2013

 John Henry Newman wrote the greatest spiritual autobiography in English, his Apologia. In it, he recalls that, when young, he lived under the ''detestable doctrine’’ of predestination. He believed he was saved, which made him ignore everyone else and ''rest in the thought of two and two only absolute and luminously self-evident beings, myself and my Creator’’.

'Catholic' confession is good for the soul - says Archbishop of Canterbury

'Catholic' confession is good for the soul - says Archbishop of Canterbury

John Bingham - The Telegraph - Ecumenism el Thu, Oct 10th 2013

The Archbishop of Canterbury is encouraging Anglicans to adopt the practice of going to confession, a tradition more commonly associated with the Roman Catholic Church. His comments came as he addressed the heads of other churches – including the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England Wales, the Most Rev Vincent Nichols – about divisions between Christians.

Ofsted: Christianity sidelined in poor quality RE lessons

Ofsted: Christianity sidelined in poor quality RE lessons

Graeme Paton - The Telegraph - Church Issues el Sun, Oct 6th 2013

In a damning report, the education watchdog warned that teaching about Britain’s principal religion was “one of the weakest aspects” of RE lessons in English state schools. Ofsted found that overall standards of RE were poor in six-in-10 primary schools and just over half of secondaries.The subject was a “very low priority” in many schools, inspectors warned.

Fatima, May 13th - all Catholic life is here!

Fatima, May 13th - all Catholic life is here!

Richard Collins - Mary el Mon, May 13th 2013

 I do not know how many thousand or hundreds of thousands filled The Sanctuary at the site where the original holm oak grew that formed the platform for Our Lady to alight upon, but it was many. The came by road, sea and air and many walked from their villages in the North of Portugal.

Council of Europe hailed for religious freedom resolution

Council of Europe hailed for religious freedom resolution

Carl Bunderson - CNA - JPIC News el Sat, May 4th 2013

A resolution passed by the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly is being lauded as an important – although limited – recognition of religious and conscience rights in the public sphere. “The important step with this resolution is the mention of the right to conscientious objection and the enlargement of its scope of application,”

Un Dios Prohibido - A Forbidden God

Un Dios Prohibido - A Forbidden God

Contracorriente Productions - Video el Tue, Feb 26th 2013

Summer 1936 at the start of the Spanish Civil War. The film tells us about the martyrdom of 51 members of the Claretian Community of Barbastro (Huesca, Spain). Excellent portrait of the human and religious dimension of each person involved in such a real tragedy of our history. The sacrifies of young Claretians proclaim that "Love overcomes death." 

Debate: Religion has a place in the 21st century.

Debate: Religion has a place in the 21st century.

The Telegraph - Reporters - Activities el Sun, Feb 3rd 2013

 In his address, Lord Williams said: ''Religion has always been a matter of community building, a matter of building relations of compassion, fellow-feeling and, dare I say it, inclusion. ''The notion that religious commitment can be purely a private matter is one that runs against the grain of religious history.''