tagged articles with: religion

Pope: Symphony of peace between peoples

Pope: Symphony of peace between peoples

Vatican Radio - Activities el Mon, Jul 30th 2012

The concert by this unique orchestra of musicians from Israel, Palestine and other Arab nations, began as the sun-set over the courtyard of the Apostolic Palace in Castel Gandolfo. As the last notes of the symphony died on the evening air, Pope Benedict addressed those gathered, praising the foresight of the Israeli Maestro, whom together with the late Edward Said – a Palestinian intellectual and accomplished pianist – founded the orchestra to give the children of these divided communities a vehicle to look beyond their differences.

Cultivating Presence to the Sacred Heart

Cultivating Presence to the Sacred Heart

Matthew Hanley - Catholic Thing - Articles el Fri, Jun 15th 2012

“Behold this Heart which has loved men so much that it has spared nothing, to the point of exhausting and consuming itself to show them its love.” That’s the deepest understanding of the Sacred Heart, whose feast we celebrate today.

Hayes Encounter of Religious

Hayes Encounter of Religious

Fr. John O'Byrne, cmf - Religious el Tue, Jun 5th 2012

A two-day Conference on "The Future of Consecrated Life in the United Kingdom and Europe" was held in the parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Hayes, Middlesex on Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th May. Over 200 Religious men and women from the United Kingdom and Ireland attended.

The future of Consecrated Life in the UK and Europe

The future of Consecrated Life in the UK and Europe

Fernando Prado, cmf - Religious el Tue, Jun 5th 2012

This conference which took place in London last week had a remarkable and unprecedented reception and was organised by the Claretian Missionaries of the United Kingdom & Ireland.  Claretian Publications hope to publish the conclusions drawn in these meetings, with both English and Spanish translations, in the very near future.

Why religion is good for you

Why religion is good for you

Mark Vernon - The Tablet - Articles el Mon, May 7th 2012

Recent studies suggest that religious people tend to be happier and more fulfilled in their lives than non-believers. Here, a writer on religion and ethics assesses the evidence and identifies an essential component often missed.

Seeing Spring and Easter

Seeing Spring and Easter

Ron Rolheiser, OMI - Articles el Sun, Apr 15th 2012

Hugo of St. Victor once famously said: Love is the eye. When we see with love we not only see straight and clearly we also see depth and meaning. Those searching for life through the eyes of love, like Mary of Magdala searching for Jesus in the Garden on Easter Sunday morning, see spring and the resurrection. Any other kind of eye, and we're blind in springtime.

The Observatory's Report on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians

The Observatory's Report on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians

Observatory's Report - World Issues el Wed, Apr 4th 2012

This report portrays the most important developments with regard to freedom of religion, the most striking cases of intolerance and discrimination throughout Europe – and what individuals and institutions say about it. The report includes several statistics as well as analysis of the meaning of freedom of religion in the European context.

Religious denominations and the European Union

Religious denominations and the European Union

Michele Madonna - L'Osservatore Romano - Church Issues el Sun, Mar 18th 2012

Looking at the horizon unfolding before us Europe cannot and must not give up the contribution of Catholicism and of the other religious denominations because, as Benedict XVI clearly affirmed during his recent Visit to the United Kingdom, faith “is not a problem for legislators to solve, but a vital contributor to the national conversation”, and proper attention should also be paid to “the legitimate role of religion in the public square”.

Buddhist monk helps priest open clinic

Buddhist monk helps priest open clinic

Mark Chit - UCA - Ecumenism el Thu, Mar 15th 2012

Religions unite to care for those most in need in Mandalay, Myanmar. Working together is an interesting experience, according to Fr Aye Kyaw. “The relationship between us will develop even further through this clinic, Venerable Seinnita and I already consider ourselves as brothers,” he said.

Seventy per cent of World Population Live in Countries with High Restrictions on Religious Beliefs

Seventy per cent of World Population Live in Countries with High Restrictions on Religious Beliefs

Silvano M. Tomasi C.S - V.I.S - World Issues el Thu, Mar 8th 2012

"Terrorist attacks on Christians in Africa, the Middle East and Asia increased 309 per cent between 2003 and 2010. Approximately 70 per cent of the world’s population lives in countries with high restrictions on religious beliefs and practices, and religious minorities pay the highest price". 

Catholics seen as threat: say Alencherry, the new Indian cardinal.

Catholics seen as threat: say Alencherry, the new Indian cardinal.

Alessandro Speciale - UCAnews - Church Issues el Fri, Feb 24th 2012

Extremist groups in India see the growth of the Catholic Church as a “threat” and have successfully lobbied the government against Christians’ rights, the newly elevated Cardinal of the Syro-Malabar Church George Alencherry warned in an interview with ucanews.com in Rome. New Indian cardinal adds that radicals are a minority and that most Hindus 'live in harmony' with Christians.

Archbishop Vincent Nichols: secularists are holding back the faithful

Archbishop Vincent Nichols: secularists are holding back the faithful

Madelaine Teahan - The Catholic Herald - Church Issues el Fri, Feb 17th 2012

Speaking after an official state visit to the Holy See, Archbishop Vincent Nichols said that secularists, “with a kind of stubbornness, with a dogmatism, want to isolate faith and privatise it”, adding: “It is often that kind of intolerance of the reality of faith which is holding back some of the best contributions that can be made to the common good.”  

We stand side by side with the Pope in fighting for faith

We stand side by side with the Pope in fighting for faith

Baroness Warsi - The Daily Telegraph - Church Issues el Wed, Feb 15th 2012

 When I met the Holy Father in 2010 he told me that he had heard what I had been saying and urged me to carry on making my case robustly.  I will be arguing that to create a more just society, people need to feel stronger in their religious identities and more confident in their creeds. In practice this means individuals not diluting their faiths and nations not denying their religious heritages.

The Games are coming and they are a great opportunity.

The Games are coming and they are a great opportunity.

Christopher Jamison OSB - The Tablet - Activities el Tue, Feb 7th 2012

‘The Games are coming and we need to make the most of this unique opportunity. School sport is a place where so many Christian beliefs can be learnt and expressed but two in particular stand out: communion and integrity. Communion is the central reality of contemporary Catholic theology, a reality much more profound than contemporary understandings of community.

The situation of the church in Egypt

The situation of the church in Egypt

Zenit.org - Church Issues el Sun, Feb 5th 2012

Father Antoine Rafic Greiche, official spokesman for the Catholic Church in Egypt, warned that the success of the Salafists was a grave concern for Christians. "We were expecting the Muslim Brothers to do well but we did not expect at all the success of the Salafists," he said.