News in JPIC News

Law and Good Ecclesial Government: The Vademecum for cases of sexual abuse and the reform of canonical criminal law

Law and Good Ecclesial Government: The Vademecum for cases of sexual abuse and the reform of canonical criminal law

by: Federico Lombardi, SJ - La Civiltà Cattolica in JPIC News,

The Vademecum on some points of procedure in the treatment of cases of sexual abuse of minors committed by clerics was long overdue. Many bishops and religious superiors in past years had found themselves in great difficulty when faced with the emergence of allegations and subsequent scandals involving sexual abuse by members of the clergy, and were unable to act decisively and clearly.

My Father was a Stranger: Biblical Teaching on Migrants

My Father was a Stranger: Biblical Teaching on Migrants

by: Pietro Bovati, SJ - La Civiltà Cattolica in JPIC News,

It is inevitable; however; that we all forget the events of the distant past, and then we find ourselves in situations which appear unusual; exceptional; and without parallel; their presumed abnormality becomes a source of anxiety. Among such surprising and unnerving events, we can include that of the waves of migration from Africa; the Near East; and Eastern Europe in recent years, which flow like an unstoppable tide towards the shores of a land of hope – our own.

Church activist shot dead in the Philippines

Church activist shot dead in the Philippines

by: Joseph Peter Calleja, Manila - UCAN in JPIC News,

Zara Alvarez, a church worker from Negros province in the central Philippines, signs a manifesto signifying her commitment to work for human rights on Aug. 22, 2019. Alvarez was shot dead in Bacolod City on Aug. 17.

Nigeria divided: when poverty and ignorance kill

Nigeria divided: when poverty and ignorance kill

by: Matthew Hassan Kukah - The Tablet in JPIC News,

Nigeria’s bishops have launched peaceful protests against the ‘brutal killing of innocent Nigerians’. Two prominent Nigerian Catholics argue that the root of the current spate of killings is not religious difference but the cynical manipulation of Islam by a corrupt elite.

Human dignity is in danger. In 2019 we must stand as one to survive

Human dignity is in danger. In 2019 we must stand as one to survive

by: Ai Weiwei - The Guardian in JPIC News,

Persecution, censorship and environmental destruction are on the rise – but resistance is possible. What does it mean to be human? That question sits at the core of human rights. To be human has specific implications: human self-awareness and the actions taken to uphold human dignity – these are what gives the concept of humanity a special meaning.

Catholics call Assam church attack a hate crime

Catholics call Assam church attack a hate crime

by: reporter, New Delhi in JPIC News,

Church officials in India want police to conduct a thorough probe into an attack on a Catholic church in Assam, saying it could be part of a plan to create religious-based divisions in the northeastern state ahead of Christmas. Parishioners of St. Thomas Church in Chapatoli, in Dibrugarh Diocese said they found their church vandalized on Dec. 15.

Cardinal Tagle: Global Pact for Migration is a source of hope

Cardinal Tagle: Global Pact for Migration is a source of hope

by: Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle - La Croix International in JPIC News,

Every day news reports point to a world that is fracturing due to fear, prejudice and hate. We seem to forget the Golden Rule that is at the root of many of our religions and cultures: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” When we see refugees fleeing wars or migrants arriving in our countries looking for a better life, a raw human instinct pushes us to close our doors in their faces, to close our eyes and close our hearts.

Catholic aid charity Cafod appoints new director

Catholic aid charity Cafod appoints new director

by: Ruth Gledhill-The Tablet in JPIC News,

Christine Allen, currently director of policy and public affairs at Christian Aid, will take up her new post at Cafod in the spring. Mr Bain has delayed his retirement until then, although a Mass of thanksgiving to mark his retirement is planned for 5 December at St George's Cathedral.

My Father was a Stranger: Biblical Teaching on Migrants

My Father was a Stranger: Biblical Teaching on Migrants

by: Pietro Bovati, SJ - La Civilta Cattolica in JPIC News,

Looking back at the past, we acknowledge that there is nearly no region or nation which, in its history, has not seen the immigration of people moving though in caravans or even entire ethnic populations arriving with the intention to settle in lands distant from their homeland, considering them oases of refuge.

Combating a cycle of despair

Combating a cycle of despair

by: Ruth Gledhill - The Tablet in JPIC News,

A young girl, almost as soon as she is old enough to walk, goes out to work in the fields with her mother and sibling. It is unrelentingly hot and the work is grindingly monotonous. In tilling and hoeing a small patch of unforgiving land, the family expend more calories than they will ever gain back from any produce they manage to grow.

Pakistan acquits Asia Bibi on death row

Pakistan acquits Asia Bibi on death row

by: reporter, Islamabad in JPIC News,

Pakistan's Supreme Court has set aside the death sentence for blasphemy of Catholic woman Asia Bibi and ordered her release from prison. The mother of five was sentenced to death in 2010 on charges of making derogatory remarks about the Prophet Muhammad during an argument with a Muslim farm worker. A three-member court bench comprising Chief Justice Saqib Nisar, Justice Asif Saeed Khosa and Justice Mazhar Alam Khan announced the verdict on Oct. 31.

China bans minors in Tibet from religious events

China bans minors in Tibet from religious events

by: Song Jieja, Lhasa - UCAN in JPIC News,

Beijing tightens screws to keep young generations de-rooted from traditional culture while flooding province with Han Chinese. Over the years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has adopted various means to instill the idea in native Tibetans that their traditional culture and religion are backwards, barbaric and based on superstitious beliefs.

World faith leaders eye 'middle path' to combat extremism

World faith leaders eye 'middle path' to combat extremism

by: Konradus Epa, Jakarta - UCAN in JPIC News,

 Religious leaders, scholars and activists from around the globe ended a three-day interfaith forum in Indonesia on Aug. 16 with a message for world leaders to use a "middle path" to overcome poverty, discrimination, and extremism. Values such as goodness, tolerance, justice, solidarity, charity, and equality were the central theme of the 7th World Peace Forum in Jakarta attended by 250 people from 43 countries. 

Catholic magazine "Famiglia Cristiana" compares Salvini to the devil

Catholic magazine "Famiglia Cristiana" compares Salvini to the devil

by: Christopher Lamb , Isabella Haberstock de Carvalho - The Tablet in JPIC News,

The magazine's front cover lit up social media in Italy soon after its release and has sparked a huge debate with some heavily criticising the cover headline while others have praised the editor for taking a courageous stand. Mr Salvini replied to Famiglia Cristiana via Twitter writing that while he is not a "perfect" Christian, "I do not think I deserve that."