News in JPIC News

Bishops urge world leaders to address needs of people in Holy Land

Bishops urge world leaders to address needs of people in Holy Land

by: ICN in JPIC News,

 Since 1998, the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has organised the annual meeting of the Coordination of Episcopal Conferences in Support of the Church of the Holy Land and at the invitation of the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land. It is often more simply called the Holy Land Coordination.

  Educating Young People in Justice and Peace

Educating Young People in Justice and Peace

by: Pope Benedict XVI in JPIC News,

Realise that you yourselves are an example and an inspiration to adults, even more so to the extent that you seek to overcome injustice and corruption and strive to build a better future. Be aware of your potential; never become self-centred but work for a brighter future for all.

Violin symbolizes brush with slavery

Violin symbolizes brush with slavery

by: Colleen McEdwards (CNN) in JPIC News,

 My sister has a violin that was passed to her from my grandmother, to my mother, and on to her. To a musician today, the instrument would probably be written off as a ratty old fiddle. But to us it is not just a violin. It is the violin.

Friars Respond to Occupy Movement in USA

Friars Respond to Occupy Movement in USA

by: Toni Cashinelli - American Catholic in JPIC News,

We Have to Work Together - People Before Profit.  “It would be good if we did that as a Church.” So far the closest thing to that is a document on global finance by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. “Catholic social teaching and the Occupy Wall Street movement agree that the economy should be at the service of the human person and that strong action must be taken to reduce the growing gap between rich and poor,”

A place to talk - Crisis at the cathedral

A place to talk - Crisis at the cathedral

by: Chris Chivers - The Tablet in JPIC News,

St Paul’s Cathedral has faced turmoil with the resignation of three staff, including its canon chancellor and dean, over the encampment of anti-capitalism protesters around it. The dispute has raised further questions about the role of the cathedral and its relationship with the City

British Prime Minister praised for recognizing Christian persecution

British Prime Minister praised for recognizing Christian persecution

by: EWTN-News in JPIC News,

Prime Minister David Cameron drew praise from a Catholic group after he acknowledged that government funding should be axed to countries that persecute Christians as well as gay communities. “That the Prime Minister should publicly single out treatment of Christians as a factor in decisions on UK aid is an important step forward,” said Neville Kyrke-Smith, director of Aid to the Church in Need's U.K. office.

Archbishop Rowan Williams backing 'Robin Hood tax'

Archbishop Rowan Williams backing 'Robin Hood tax'

by: Press Association in JPIC News,

 In an article for the Financial Times, Dr Rowan Williams aligned himself with the anti-capitalist protesters camped outside St Paul's Cathedral by listing the tax as one of the specific measures that might advance their aims. He praised a document produced by the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace last week that supports a "Robin Hood" tax on share, bond and currency transactions.

Anti-corporate protests to hit London

Anti-corporate protests to hit London

by: Leon Neal | AFP in JPIC News,

 "This is a people-powered movement protesting against the increasing social and economic injustice in the UK," OccupyLSX supporter Kai Wargalla explained on Wednesday.  "We want to stand with...the overwhelming majority who value people over profit. We want to make our voices heard against greed, corruption and for a democratic, just society," she added.

A Catholic Call to Abolish the Death Penalty in USA

A Catholic Call to Abolish the Death Penalty in USA

by: Tobias Winright in JPIC News,

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops stated that “the sanction of death, when it is not necessary to protect society, violates respect for human life and dignity… We have other ways to punish criminals and protect society.” In earlier eras, Roman Catholic tradition acknowledged the necessity of capital punishment, in rare cases, to protect citizens from threats to the common good. In recent times, with more secure prison facilities that give us the means to offer such protection without executions, our church leaders have affirmed the need to eradicate the death penalty.

Explosive new book details war on unborn baby girls

Explosive new book details war on unborn baby girls

by: Marianne Medlin in JPIC News,


Imagine waking up one day to find that every single woman in the U.S. has disappeared. Picture this, writes author and scientific journalist Mara Hvistendahl, and you will come close to understanding the magnitude of over 160 million baby girls being selectively aborted in Asia and East Europe over the last few decades.

Iran: Pastor Nadarkhani refuses to recant during trial

Iran: Pastor Nadarkhani refuses to recant during trial

by: Christian Solidarity Worldwide in JPIC News,

 Iranian pastor Yousef Nadarkhani has twice refused to recant his Christian faith during two court hearings held in Rasht, Gilan Province on 25 and 26 September. Sources close to CSW indicate that recanting will again be demanded at sessions scheduled for 27 and 28 September, and that if he continues to refuse, he will be executed thereafter.

Travellers set for final showdown at Dale Farm

Travellers set for final showdown at Dale Farm

by: Peter Griffiths - Reuters in JPIC News,

 Travellers and their supporters barricaded themselves behind newly built brick walls and chained themselves to fences on Monday as officials prepared to evict them from an illegal site in southeast England at the end of a decade-long battle.

Slavery in Europe: How big a problem is it?

Slavery in Europe: How big a problem is it?

by: CNN's Max Foster in JPIC News,

British authorities recently rescued 24 men that they said were kept as slaves - some for as long as 15 years. the men, from England and parts of Eastern Europe, are "all believed to be victims of slavery." police said. So how big a problem is slaveryh in Europe?

Dale Farm travellers lose High Court eviction appeal.  Bishops pleads for Essex travellers

Dale Farm travellers lose High Court eviction appeal. Bishops pleads for Essex travellers

by: BBC in JPIC News,

 The Bishop of Brentwood Thomas McMahon has pleaded with Basildon Council to reach a last-minute agreement with hundreds of travellers just hours before the deadline passed for them to leave England's largest illegal campsite. Bishop McMahon, and the Anglican Bishop of Chelmsford, Stephen Cottrell, offered to mediate between the local authority and around 240 traveller families at Dale Farm in Crays Hill, Essex, who had been given until midnight tonight to leave or face eviction.