News in JPIC News

Paxman visits the homeless

Paxman visits the homeless

by: Catholic Herald in JPIC News,

 Newsnight presenter, Jeremy Paxman, visits Anchor House in east London and hears stories of homelessness from its residents. “What struck me most was how these amazing people, who have obviously been through quite a lot in their lives, have not given up and now have huge ambitions for the future,” Mr Paxman said.

Morality of the profit motive

Morality of the profit motive

by: The Tablet - 9/7/11 in JPIC News,

 The Holy See has identified a new public enemy – the speculator. In remarks to delegates at the Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Pope Benedict referred to the way food had become a commodity that was now traded without regard to the needs of the world’s hungry people.

One year to go to prepare for the Olympic Truce!

One year to go to prepare for the Olympic Truce!

by: in JPIC News,

Justice and Peace Commissions from Brentwood, Southwark and Westminster dioceses are preparing activities for '100 Days of Peace' around the Olympic and Paralympic Games next year.In particular, they are highlighting  two initiatives for peace, one involving churches and schools, and one involving the UK government and the UN.

It’s Game Over for African Dictators

It’s Game Over for African Dictators

by: News from Africa in JPIC News,

The citizens are tired of oppression, high rates of unemployment and escalating costs of living engendered by poor governance. When pushed to the wall, they will have no option but to take up arms against the dictatorial regime.

Westminster: soup runs for homeless to stay

Westminster: soup runs for homeless to stay

by: Ross Macmillan in JPIC News,

Soup runs for the homeless will not be banned from a part of central London after a council U-turn, MPs were told today. Hayes community welcomes the news with relief as they have been helping homless people in central London for the last twenty years.

Latest religiously-motivated attacks in Nigeria

Latest religiously-motivated attacks in Nigeria

by: Christian Solidarity Worldwide in JPIC News,

Religious violence has cost the lives of over 50,000 people since 1999, when one-third of Nigeria’s 36 states instituted the Islamic penal code making Shari’ah (Islamic) law the highest legal authority, creating a de facto state religion in violation of the national, secular constitution.

Street-level crime maps launched online

Street-level crime maps launched online

by: Mark Easton BBC in JPIC News,

"People are going to welcome the fact they can really see what's happening with crime in their area, not just on their street but in their neighbourhood. They will feel a greater connection with the police, with much more information about where they can go to, and who they can work with."

Where Children Sleep

Where Children Sleep

by: James Mollison - in JPIC News,

James Mollison tells us in a very visual way “Where the Children Sleep” A collection of 112 pictures about children from all over the world. Stories that make us reflect on what kind of world we have created