News in JPIC News

Council of Europe hailed for religious freedom resolution

Council of Europe hailed for religious freedom resolution

by: Carl Bunderson - CNA in JPIC News,

A resolution passed by the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly is being lauded as an important – although limited – recognition of religious and conscience rights in the public sphere. “The important step with this resolution is the mention of the right to conscientious objection and the enlargement of its scope of application,”

Our cathedrals can pull Britain out of depression

Our cathedrals can pull Britain out of depression

by: Francis Davis and Elizabeth Berridge - Catholic Herald in JPIC News,

Since the banking crash and in the face of the restructuring of our national debt many from the churches have had a lot to say about the future of capitalism and the morality of our economy. At St Paul’s Cathedral the “Occupy” demonstrators made a good deal of noise. Archbishop Vincent Nichols launched an important initiative to encourage business leaders to discuss the ethics of their firms and the Anglican Church will be using its shareholdings in banks to block excessive bonuses.

Saudis execute maid for infant's death

Saudis execute maid for infant's death

by: UCA News in JPIC News,

The Ministry of External Affairs confirmed that Rizana Nafeek, who was imprisoned at Saudi Arabia's Dawad-mi Prison since 2005, was executed around 11:40 am local time yesterday. Before her execution, Nafeek retracted a confession that she said was made under duress, and said the infant died from choking while feeding from a bottle.

Traditional Values Resolution Hijacked at Human Rights Council in Geneva

Traditional Values Resolution Hijacked at Human Rights Council in Geneva

by: Stefano Gennarini, J.D in JPIC News,

The new draft makes the case that traditional values undermine the rights of women and minorities. It finds that certain traditions and religions spread “stereotypes about femininity, sexual orientation and the role and status of women in society.” It also lists some “best practices” to show how, in some circumstances, traditional values can reinforce human rights.

Study reveals widening wealth gap

Study reveals widening wealth gap

by: Press Association in JPIC News,

 A new survey has found 'widening disparities' between households at the top and bottom The top 10% of Britain's wealthiest households are more than 500 times richer than those in the bottom 10% - and the gap has been widening, a report has found.

Women’s rights champion featured in film

Women’s rights champion featured in film

by: Sumon Corraya, UCA News Dhaka in JPIC News,

“Angela Gomes is a living example in the field of women’s rights and empowerment. She has continued changing lives of tens of thousands of poor and neglected women. With this film we want to spread her life and ideals across the country and also in the world,” said Noor-E-Alam, the director.

Catholics in Inner Mongolia appeal for prayers amid repression

Catholics in Inner Mongolia appeal for prayers amid repression

by: UCAnews in JPIC News,

 “It is very likely that the faithful have to quietly pass Pentecost this Sunday, one of the four major church feasts widely celebrated in China, as they did so at Easter,” a source told UCA News. To avoid arrest, underground priests remain in hiding and cannot carry out normal pastoral work because they have refused to support the patriotic association, the source said.

 London Vigil to address religious persecution

London Vigil to address religious persecution

by: Mike MacLachlan - UCA News in JPIC News,

The plight of Christians in South Asia will be highlighted at a “night of witness” in London this month. The vigil, at Westminster Cathedral May 17, will feature music and readings “in solidarity with people persecuted in countries including India [and] Pakistan,” says the organiser, Aid to the Church in Need.

Scandal can be the cost of truth

Scandal can be the cost of truth

by: William Grimm in JPIC News,

Being a journalist with integrity is a dangerous way to make a living. People with something to hide fear and hate journalists, because beyond providing sports scores and traffic accident reports, their vocation is to expose what is hidden in darkness so that it might be cleansed in the light. A good journalist is a passionate pursuer of truth, but also a target.

Philippines: Farmers win Hacienda Luisita battle

Philippines: Farmers win Hacienda Luisita battle

by: UCAnews in JPIC News,

Farmers of the sugar estate owned by President Benigno Aquino’s family claimed victory in their decades-old struggle as the Supreme Court ruled in their favor yesterday. The court affirmed its November 2011 ruling ordering distribution of the 4,916 hectares of Hacienda Luisita and rejecting offers of shares of stock. 

£255,000 drive to reduce divisions in Northern Ireland town.

£255,000 drive to reduce divisions in Northern Ireland town.

by: Press Association in JPIC News,

Protestant and Catholic youngsters from Lurgan will be invited to take part in film making and amateur dramatics as part of the £255,000 initiative to build better cross community relations.  A team of young ambassadors aged 15-19 have also been recruited from both sides of the religious divide to promote community relations in the town.

Korea: Rights group also slams naval base arrests as 'serious failure of governance'

Korea: Rights group also slams naval base arrests as 'serious failure of governance'

by: UCAnews in JPIC News,

Some 35 sisters and priests from the Association of Major Superiors of Religious Women in Korea and the Catholic Solidarity to Realize Peace in Jeju held a press conference  to protest against the arrest of 29 people including 19 Religious on January 10. They had been praying in front of a naval base construction site on the resort island and urging a halt to the project. All were released within two days.