News in Reporters

More than 6,000 schools face teacher strike action In UK

More than 6,000 schools face teacher strike action In UK

by: BBC - Katherine Sellgren in Reporters,

"Nothing can replace the great teaching offered by gifted professionals, but I would far rather see schools stayed open and offered a restricted curriculum than see hard-working families have to lose a day's pay themselves or have to pay for ad hoc and expensive last-minute childcare."

Global communication online

Global communication online

by: Fabio Colagrande in Reporters,

“The Church has something to learn from bloggers”, that is, from those who communicate through the internet, beginning “with their way of freely expressing themselves in an up-to-date language”. Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli.

Sacred art needs more attention in China

Sacred art needs more attention in China

by: ucanews in Reporters,

The Beijing diocese began its Year of Evangelization in April, she said, adding that “we believe sacred art can play a certain role in evangelization.”Too few people in mainland China devote themselves to sacred art. “By organizing the exhibition we hope to attract more artists to create works rooted in Christian themes, as well as to provide a platform for encouraging more works by artists already engaged in this field.”

Madrid’s Restaurants Collaborating with WYD

Madrid’s Restaurants Collaborating with WYD

by: in Reporters,

Pilgrims will eat in restaurants throughout the city. Young people attending World Youth Day (WYD) the third week of August will benefit from the restaurant network of the Greater Madrid Area, thanks to an agreement with the FEHRCAREM (Association of Modern Restaurant Chains) restaurant association.

Pope Benedict urges end to fighting in Libya

Pope Benedict urges end to fighting in Libya

by: BBC's David Willey in Reporters,

Pope asked for Europeans to show goodwill to migrants escaping the conflict. The Pope has urged diplomacy and dialogue to end the conflict in Libya, in his blessing at Easter Sunday Mass in St Peter's Square at the Vatican.

Girls' behaviour in class is 'deteriorating'

Girls' behaviour in class is 'deteriorating'

by: BBC in Reporters,

A Department for Education spokesman said: "Teachers can't teach effectively and pupils can't learn if discipline is poor or there is continual low-level disruption. "That's why we're giving teachers tough new powers and underlining their clear authority to crackdown on badly-behaved pupils."