News in Video

How to get an "A Plus" during the Year of Faith

How to get an "A Plus" during the Year of Faith

by: CatholicismLive - Fr. Mark Clarke, cmf in Video,
Father Mark Clarke, CMF,  is always 'in school' as the Director of Campus Ministry / Young Adult Ministry for the Archdiocese of San Antonio, TX. So, we asked him, "How do we get an A+ during the Year of Faith?" Enjoy his tips.
Blood Cries Out:  Shocking Tribute to Pakistan Martyr

Blood Cries Out: Shocking Tribute to Pakistan Martyr

by: Ooberfüse in Video,

The 2nd March 2012 is the 1st anniversary of Pakistan’s Minister For Minorities, Shahbaz Bhatti’s, brutal and cold-blooded assassination at the hands of militant Islamists. To mark the solemn occasion ooberfuse, in association with the British Pakistani Christian Alliance (BPCA), have filmed a chilling and shocking music video to accompany their song Blood Cries Out.

Walking with Jesus in the Old City of Jerusalem

Walking with Jesus in the Old City of Jerusalem

by: Angela McGhin in Video,

Morning is breaking as we set off on our walk, and a bird, a Raven perhaps, squawks in the morning air. For a few quiet minutes we hear, observe and imagine the Old City of Jerusalem as it might have been in Jesus' time. 

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

by: Claire Tomalin in Video,

The Prince of Wales has paid tribute to Charles Dickens as "one of the greatest writers of the English language" on the 200th anniversary of his birth. He was joined by the Duchess of Cornwall, the Archbishop of Canterbury and luminaries from the worlds of literature and theatre for a service of thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey, where wreaths were laid at Dickens's grave in Poets' Corner.

Happy New Year - From the Claretian Missionaries

Happy New Year - From the Claretian Missionaries

by: Fr. Gonzalo Fernandez, cmf in Video,

Claretian Missionaries, aware of the ever faithful love of God our Father, greet the New Year of 2012 with hope and joy. Fr. Gonzalo Fernandez, Prefect of Spirituality, and several of his companions encourage us to trust in God's burning love. They invite us to look forward with renewed enthusiasm in spite of the present world crisis.

The Greatest Speech Ever Made

The Greatest Speech Ever Made

by: Charlie Chaplin in Video,

God came to dwell among us. Since then humanity is capable of bringing forth the highest values. But if any of us look away from God's presence what was supposed to be a Kingdom of Justice, Peace and Love, becomes an Empire of evil. Charlie Chaplin final speech in The Great Dictator film reminds us of this truth.

Change For A Dollar

Change For A Dollar

by: Sharon Wright in Video,

 What moves you to change? Where do you need to be healed and where can you offer some healing? Take ten minutes to watch this powerful clip and see what feelings and thoughts it stirs up. We often don't think about the chain reaction of love we can set in motion through even the smallest kindness.

The Priests - Ave Maria

The Priests - Ave Maria

by: The Priests in Video,

 As we celebrate the Nativity of the Virgin Mary we listen to the Priests rendition of the Ave Maria. It was Thomas Murray who sent us this video on this feast day.

English singer Cherrie Anderson tops WYD chart.

English singer Cherrie Anderson tops WYD chart.

by: Independent Catholic News in Video,

'Faith in You' by British singer Cherrie Anderson, has received the most visits on the web with 400,405 plays and 50,286 votes. The song is one of the seven selected by the jury of the Tuned into Madrid song contest. Since Claretians are particularly proud of Cherrie they will adopt her song as their own WYD Hymn.

Videos addressing controversial topics in the Catholic Church.

Videos addressing controversial topics in the Catholic Church.

by: Rome Reports in Video,

A group of Spanish university students have put together a collection of videos addressing some of the most controversial topics in the Catholic Church. In a series of 25 Youtube videos, they discuss abortion, divorce, and homosexuality as seen through the eyes of a young Catholic.

Fifteen reasons to thank John Paul II

Fifteen reasons to thank John Paul II

by: Univ Forum in Video,

Young people from around the world say thank you to John Paul II in a special video released by the Univ Forum. It's a forum of discussion that for 42 years has brought people together in Rome from every corner of the world.


Holy Week through Art

Holy Week through Art

by: Arch. Vincent Nichols in Video,

Archbishop Vincent Nichols, presents the richness of our Holy Week Celebrations as reflected through arts. The video can help us to understand better the significant of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Lord.

Lenten Season: On the road to Easter

Lenten Season: On the road to Easter

by: The Forge in Video,

The season of Lent has arrived. We move forward on the road to Easter together with the entire Church. The Claretian Missionaries engaged in a four year long spiritual journey share with us the meaning of Lent. Fr. Paul Smith, reflects in this video, on key aspects of this Lenter journey to the centre of the mistery of Christ.

WYD song contest shines light on pop stars across the world.

WYD song contest shines light on pop stars across the world.

by: in Video,

Filipino born Cherrie Anderson is a singer and song writer who is now among one of the most popular artists on the World Youth Day website. Her song 'Faith in You' has been selected by a jury of ten young people to represent the UK in the contest 'Tuned into Madrid'. She will be part of the UK Claretian Youth Group attending WYD.