News in World Issues

Ukraine’s churches unite behind nation, seek prayers for peace

Ukraine’s churches unite behind nation, seek prayers for peace

by: Adelaide Mena - CNA/EWTN News in World Issues,

Ukrainian religious leaders are standing together in their opposition to Russia’s use of troops in Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula, and ask for payers for a peaceful end to the situation. The Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, which unites various Christian Churches along with Muslim and Jewish leaders, came together “to speak with a unified voice” against Russia’s deployment of troops in Crimea.

Spanish bishop publishes pastoral letter on abortion

Spanish bishop publishes pastoral letter on abortion

by: Rome in World Issues,

 I think that as Christians we are called to reason through our faith.”  One of the the Pope's main arguments centers around the concept of the "throwaway culture.” He described it as a costly way of living that makes no room for the weakest, like the elderly, the sick, and the most vulnerable, like the unborn.

The big question that the generation raised on porn must answer

The big question that the generation raised on porn must answer

by: Rhiannon and Holly - New Stateman in World Issues,

Where is the direct connection between "gender stereotyping" and porn? As always, it’s very unclear. Iceland recently tabled its own motion to ban pornography altogether, including the proposal to make it illegal to purchase porn with Icelandic credit cards, in order to "protect children" from the "violent imagery" that has become increasingly common.

Archbishop Vincent Nichols 'leads an organisation that sees what's happening on the ground.

Archbishop Vincent Nichols 'leads an organisation that sees what's happening on the ground.

by: Anne Perkins - The Guardian in World Issues,

David Cameron claims moral high ground on welfare, yet thinks the ends justify any means. In his spat with Vincent Nichols, the archbishop of Westminster, the prime minister would do better to just listen. Archbishop Vincent Nichols 'leads an organisation that sees what's happening on the ground. And he isn't standing for election'.

Did a prayer meeting really bring down the Berlin Wall?

Did a prayer meeting really bring down the Berlin Wall?

by: Peter Crutchley / BBC in World Issues,

The date 9 November 1989 is etched in history as the day the Berlin Wall came down. But was it actually a prayer meeting held exactly one month earlier that made the fall of the Wall inevitable? Ignoring death threats and huge banks of armed police, thousands gathered at St Nicholas Church in the East German city of Leipzig on 9 October to pray for peace.

“Save a Girl” Campaign

“Save a Girl” Campaign

by: Reggie Littlejohn in World Issues,

 For most of us, hearing “it’s a girl” is cause for enormous joy, happiness and celebration.  But in many countries, this announcement is a death sentence.  Experts estimate that up to 200 million women are missing in the world today due to gendercide, mostly in China and India.

How can there still be 30m people living as slaves in 2013?

How can there still be 30m people living as slaves in 2013?

by: Sophie McBain - New Statesman magazine in World Issues,

The Global Slavery Index, which covers slavery in 162 countries, defines slavery to include forced labour, forced marriage, debt bondage and bonded labour and human trafficking. It has found that the vast majority of enslaved people are in Asia.

For a world free of nuclear weapons

For a world free of nuclear weapons

by: L’Osservatore Romano in World Issues,

We publish here is  the intervention given on 26 September  in New York by the Archbishop Secretary for Relations with States, during the High-Level Meeting of the United Nations  General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament. It represent the Holy See views on nuclear arms.

Syria: Pope warns Barack Obama that military strike would be 'futile'

Syria: Pope warns Barack Obama that military strike would be 'futile'

by: Tom Kington - The Telegraph in World Issues,

The Pope has warned US president Barack Obama that targeting Syria with military strikes would be a "futile pursuit".  Foreign ambassadors were summoned to a briefing by Dominique Mamberti, the Vatican's foreign secretary, on Thursday, on the Pope's appeals to halt hostilities in Syria. The Pope's push for a peaceful solution in Syria includes a four-hour vigil to be held in St Peter's Square on Saturday evening.