News in World Issues

Young 'cannot cope with daily life'

Young 'cannot cope with daily life'

by: BBC - Prince's Trust in World Issues,

Unemployed young people are more likely to feel like they are unable to cope, the trust says. One in 10 young people feel they cannot cope with day-to-day life - with those not in work, education or training more than twice as likely to feel this way - according to a Prince's Trust survey.

UK high on OECD's family breakdown table

UK high on OECD's family breakdown table

by: BBC in World Issues,

The UK has one of the highest rates of family breakdown in the Western world, with just 68.9% of children living with both parents, research suggests. The UK comes fourth in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)'s table, behind Belgium, Latvia and Estonia.

Archbishops: It is not too late to stop this shambolic Bill

Archbishops: It is not too late to stop this shambolic Bill

by: Ed West and Simon Caldwell in World Issues,

The Church in England and Wales has criticised Government plans to push ahead with same-sex marriage next year, after the Culture Secretary announced a timetable for the historic change. In a statement released on Tuesday Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster and Archbishop Peter Smith of Southwark said: “The Government has chosen to ignore the views of over 600,000 people who signed a petition calling for the current definition of marriage to stay.

“Euthanasia pathway” under investigation in Britain

“Euthanasia pathway” under investigation in Britain

by: Simon Caldwell CNS in World Issues,

The British government has opened an independent inquiry into allegations that an end-of-life protocol is operating as a euthanasia pathway. It said the inquiry would investigate complaints raised by families who say that relatives have died after they were placed, without their knowledge, on the Liverpool Care Pathway.

Catholic teaching: The new zeitgeist for Britain’s Left

Catholic teaching: The new zeitgeist for Britain’s Left

by: Matthew Taylor - BBC in World Issues,

Catholic Social Teaching has been the focus of recent political and economic seminars and debates. In the last couple of months I have received some intriguing invitations from Catholic friends: one to an event on business ethics organised by Catholic bishops and featuring some of our most high-profile corporate leaders.

The child bride who amazed India when she said “I won’t”

The child bride who amazed India when she said “I won’t”

by: UCA News - Ben Arnoldy in World Issues,

The determination of a 12-year-old may have sparked a fundamental social change in India.  When Rekha Kalindi was nearing age 12, her parents told her they were planning to marry her off. Rekha’s response would reverberate all the way up to the president of India: “No.”.

Global security must not rely on nuclear weapons

Global security must not rely on nuclear weapons

by: VIS in World Issues,

"Global security must not rely on nuclear weapons", the archbishop said in his English-language remarks. "The Holy See considers the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) an important tool to achieve this aim, without mentioning its potential civil and scientific application through its International Monitoring System

Police close ‘offensive’ art exhibition

Police close ‘offensive’ art exhibition

by: Chirendra Satyal - UCA News in World Issues,

Artist says he did not want to hurt feelings.  However Damodar Gautam, the second leader of the national office, urged caution on the part of artists working on controversial themes. “Artists should be careful not to hurt the religious sentiments of any religion,” he said. “The rights of any artist are not limitless in that sense.”

Korea: Thousands protest against abortion

Korea: Thousands protest against abortion

by: UCAnews in World Issues,

Participants urged the government to abolish Article 14 of the Mother and Child Health Act, which was passed in 1973, saying the clause encourages women to have abortions. According to Article 14, abortion can be performed in cases of pregnancy by rape or incest, certain kinds of genetic, mental, or physical conditions, or danger to the mother’s health. 

Cardinal O'Brien accuses David Cameron of 'immoral' tax stance

Cardinal O'Brien accuses David Cameron of 'immoral' tax stance

by: David Miller - BBC Scotland in World Issues,

"They should change their policy and implement the Robin Hood tax immediately so that the banks and financial institutions start paying their fair share to help those hit hardest by this crisis." The cardinal was speaking in support of a campaign by the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF). The aid agency estimates a tax of 0.05% on major financial transactions, such as the trading of stocks, bonds and derivatives, would raise £20bn each year in the UK alone.

The Observatory's Report on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians

The Observatory's Report on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians

by: Observatory's Report in World Issues,

This report portrays the most important developments with regard to freedom of religion, the most striking cases of intolerance and discrimination throughout Europe – and what individuals and institutions say about it. The report includes several statistics as well as analysis of the meaning of freedom of religion in the European context.