News in World Issues

France's president challenges country's Muslims

France's president challenges country's Muslims

by: Anne-Bénédicte Hoffner - La Croix International in World Issues,

Emmanuel Macron says he wants to work together with French Muslims to “to fight the spreading fanaticism” of the Islamic State group’s ideology, and to counter those who want to turn mosques into “places that preach hatred and violence".

Muslim and Christian victims of violence aid one another

Muslim and Christian victims of violence aid one another

by: Fr. Manoling V. Francisco, S.J - Philippine Star - in World Issues,

            As we aid and shelter our brothers and sisters caught in our wars, the cup of suffering becomes a cup of solidarity.  Suffering shared is mercy experienced.  As St. John Paul II writes, “The Eucharist is not merely an expression of communion in the Church’s life; it is also a project of solidarity for all humanity.  …  The Christian who takes part in the Eucharist learns to become a promoter of communion, peace and solidarity in every situation” (Mane Nobiscum Domine, 2004).  May we Muslims and Christians drink from the same cup of suffering, and in doing so, allow God Almighty to transform our cup of suffering into a cup of blessing.

Macron's need to balance audacity with caution

Macron's need to balance audacity with caution

by: Global Pulse - La Croix International in World Issues,

Despite the Republic on the Move political party's success in the French National Assembly elections, President Macron does not have a blank check. He will need to work closely with civil society organizations in order to achieve his ambitions

African Catholics and the problem of integration in India

African Catholics and the problem of integration in India

by: UCAN - Ritu Sharma, New Delhi In in World Issues,

The Indian church is looking at different ways of accommodating foreigners studying in major cities African Catholics and the problem of integration in India. Thousands of young people from Africa, many of them Catholics, migrate each year to major Indian cities, mainly to study, creating a new challenge for the Indian church.

 'Terror wins when suspicion corrodes our common humanity'

'Terror wins when suspicion corrodes our common humanity'

by: Lorna Donlon - The Tablet in World Issues,

'Terror wins when suspicion corrodes our common humanity,' says Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster in wake of London Bridge attack. There are no easy answers or quick fixes to the “outrageous blasphemy of terrorism,” but we each have a part to play in the action that is needed to find solutions.

Restoring Europe’s credibility

Restoring Europe’s credibility

by: Céline Schoen - La Croix International in World Issues,
In Brussels, French President Emmanuel Macron is seen as the embodiment of a new dynamism, able to carry out long-term projects, such as reform of the Eurozone. During his first meeting with Angela Merkel on Monday evening, the German Chancellor did not rule out “changing the treaties if that made sense". 
France must stand together

France must stand together

by: Geneviève Jurgensen - La Croix International in World Issues,

 Electing someone in the second round of the French presidential election who represents an open France with a large majority is important for those facing the same radicalization as we are.

The myth of an inevitable Brexit must be confronted and challenged

The myth of an inevitable Brexit must be confronted and challenged

by: Sir Tom Devine - The Tablet in World Issues,
Brexit, it ain’t necessarily so: The myth of an inevitable Brexit must be confronted and challenged. Despite Lib Dem dissent and doubts in the liberal media, there appears to be a virtual consensus among England’s political establishment that the result of the withdrawal process is not in doubt. Scotland’s leading historian believes this is a myth that must be punctured 
Mary McAleese interview: Border lands - The trouble with Brexit

Mary McAleese interview: Border lands - The trouble with Brexit

by: Lorna Donlon - The Tablet in World Issues,

The former Irish president shares her concerns about Brexit and Europe’s refugee crisis with Lorna Donlon. Mary McAleese, Ireland’s former president, knows what it’s like to flee her home, to be, as she once described it, “a refugee on my own island”. Growing up in the Catholic Ardoyne area of north Belfast in the 1960s and 1970s, she witnessed first-hand the violent sectarianism that ruptured the city, destroying lives and families, and buttressing hatreds and fears that had blighted Northern Ireland for generations.

Pope Francis: address to EU Heads of State and Government

Pope Francis: address to EU Heads of State and Government

by: Vatican Radio in World Issues,

Pope Francis addressed Heads of State and Heads of Government of European Union countries on Friday afternoon, the eve of the 60° anniversary of the signing of the treaties creating the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community – the first major structural steps toward creating the European Union.

Is the idea of a multispeed Europe gaining ground?

Is the idea of a multispeed Europe gaining ground?

by: Céline Schoen and Delphine Nerbollier - La Croix International in World Issues,

Leaders from France, Germany, Italy and Spain met at the Chateau de Versailles outside Paris for a working dinner on Monday. It was an opportunity to demonstrate their unity ahead of a full EU summit starting in Brussels today and to underline their support for the idea that the speed of integration should vary between members states of the bloc.

EU between cohesion and discord at Malta summit

EU between cohesion and discord at Malta summit

by: Jean-Baptiste François, Valletta LaCroix International in World Issues,

Ahead of Friday's informal summit meeting in Valletta, European Council President Donald Tusk made a strident call for unity and pride. It was a response to Brexit and to Donald Trump’s provocations. 

In visit to Kurdistan, U.S. bishop hears priorities of Iraqi Christians

In visit to Kurdistan, U.S. bishop hears priorities of Iraqi Christians

by: Dale Gavlak • Catholic News Service in World Issues,

After meeting with church leaders in northern Iraq, a U.S. bishop said he will advocate differently for Iraqi religious minorities. Bishop Oscar Cantu of Las Cruces, New Mexico, told Catholic News Service by phone that the Iraqi Catholic clergy do not want to see a safe corridor set up for Christians, as some in Washington have suggested.

The United Kingdom is disunited over Brexit

The United Kingdom is disunited over Brexit

by: Agnès Rotivel - LaCroix International in World Issues,

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland attempted to negotiate with Theresa May in Cardiff with regard to their being able to continue to benefit from a European Single Market. In vain, so it would seem.

The danger is that in times of crisis we look for a savior

The danger is that in times of crisis we look for a savior

by: El Pais - Osservatore Romano in World Issues,

On Donald Trump, Pope Francis says: “I don’t like to aniticipate events. Let us see what he does, we can’t be prophets of disasters”. Friday, just when Donald Trump was being sworn in to office in Washington, Pope Francis was giving a long interview to EL PAÍS at the Vatican, during which he was calling for prudence in the face of the alarm bells that were ringing due to the new US president.

In Holy Land visit, bishops see problems related to Israeli settlements

In Holy Land visit, bishops see problems related to Israeli settlements

by: Judith Sudilovsky • Catholic News Service in World Issues,

Bishops from Europe and North America lauded this 100-year-old hilltop family farm southwest of Bethlehem as an example of the nonviolent resistance needed to oppose Israeli expansion onto Palestinian land. “This farm is what we want to encourage — a peaceful resistance … a moral voice to the international and local community,” said U.S. Bishop Oscar Cantu.

The US Presidential 2016 Election. What they stand for?

The US Presidential 2016 Election. What they stand for?

by: Charles C. Camosy - The Tablet in World Issues,

2016 Election: The US presidential circus has highlighted the fact that no one knows what the two main parties stand for anymore  For many years, a simple choice between two alternatives dominated the US political agenda. But the 2016 presidential campaign marked a turning point, especially in the loyalties of pro-lifers. Their new support and new thinking means no party can take them for granted any more

The sound of arms must cease

The sound of arms must cease

by: Cardinal Pietro Parolin in World Issues,

The Secretary of State’s address at the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly.  The following is the address by , Secretary of State and Head of the Holy See Delegation to the General Debate of the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly, which he delivered on 22 September in New York.

Put ethics first, priest warns Catholic physicians

Put ethics first, priest warns Catholic physicians

by: Ryan Dagur, - UCANews in World Issues,

 A moral theologian has reminded Catholic doctors to uphold the ethical values of their profession and refrain from doing things harmful to human life, particularly to unborn children."The most important principle is to maintain life," said Father Carolus Boromeus Kusmaryanto, addressing Catholic doctors participating in a seminar in Jakarta.