News in World Issues

Is economic growth the enemy of saving the environment? These Catholics say no

Is economic growth the enemy of saving the environment? These Catholics say no

by: Elise Harris - CNA in World Issues,

In an international forum on economic growth and environmental sustainability, Catholic leaders and experts in the field argued that rather than being opposed, the two go hand-in-hand, and can lead to greater prosperity all-around. “Protecting the environment need not compromise legitimate economic progress,” Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington said May 20.

Forty years after the fall of Saigon, a reflective Vietnam

Forty years after the fall of Saigon, a reflective Vietnam

by: Sebastian Strangio, Ho Chi Minh City - Ucanews in World Issues,

Saigon — nearly no one calls it by its official name — has come a long way in forty years. In 1986, after years of socialist deprivation, the Communist Party announced doi moi, a series of reforms that loosened the state’s grip on the economy and created a system of “market-oriented socialism.” As Vietnam reopened to the world, foreign investment arrived. The economy boomed and many people were lifted out of poverty

US Bishops welcome Iran nuclear agreement

US Bishops welcome Iran nuclear agreement

by: Bishop Oscar Cantú - Independent Catholic News (ICN) in World Issues,

"We welcome the most recent step the United States and its international partners has taken with Iran. We encourage our nation to continue down this path. Now is the time for dialogue and building bridges which foster peace and greater understanding."

Political parties pledge support for persecuted Christians but lukewarm on faith schools

Political parties pledge support for persecuted Christians but lukewarm on faith schools

by: Liz Dodd, Paul Wilkinson - The Tablet in World Issues,

The two largest political parties in the United Kingdom have pledged to support persecuted Christians in manifestos released this week ahead of May’s general election. The Labour Party on Monday committed itself to establish a “Global Envoy for Religious Freedom” as well as a multi-faith advisory council on religious freedom within the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

The conflation of religion in geopolitical conflict

The conflation of religion in geopolitical conflict

by: Zairil Khir Johari for The Malaysian Insider in World Issues,

When attempting to make sense of geopolitical conflict, it is often too tempting to apply simplistic ideological labels, such as Sunni versus Shia, Islam versus the West, or democracy versus communism, as if it was predetermined that certain races, civilizations and ideologies were naturally irreconcilable.

Care for Creation

Care for Creation

by: Ann Schneible for Catholic News Agency in World Issues,

Set to finish his encyclical on the environment next month, Pope Francis said during his daily Mass at the Vatican on Monday that Christians who fail to safeguard nature do not care about God's handiwork. Pope urges faithful to protect the environment God created. Says Christians have a 'responsibility' to care for the earth by helping it 'grow according to its laws'.

Making war is not the best way to respond to Islamic State

Making war is not the best way to respond to Islamic State

by: Giles Fraser - The Guardian in World Issues,

Remember “mission accomplished”? President George Bush, standing on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln proudly declaring victory in Iraq. That was more than 11 years ago – and since then not a single day has passed without blood having been shed in that region.

Is this the end of Britishness?

Is this the end of Britishness?

by: Ian Jack - The Guardian in World Issues,

A shared history of 300 years could be washed away if Scotland votes for independence. What was the complex identity the United Kingdom created – and should we mourn its loss? Why would this shared history be so easily washed away? In her introduction, Colley directed us away from the notion that nations were characterised by cultural and ethnic homogeneity – of “blood and soil” – and towards Benedict Anderson’s definition of a nation as an “imagined community”: ethnically and culturally diverse, but artificial and problematic.

Christians continue to flee Iraq. Is there hope for them?

Christians continue to flee Iraq. Is there hope for them?

by: Lucy Schouten – The American Spectator in World Issues,

The Middle East's Christian Diaspora. The Christian population of Iraq, which has its roots in the ancient Assyrians who embraced Christianity in biblical times, numbered 1.3 million before 2003. Over the next decade, nearly a million Christians fled to neighboring countries. Many who became refugees fled to the West if they could.

Cardinal Dolan slams anti-Catholic NY Times ad

Cardinal Dolan slams anti-Catholic NY Times ad

by: EWTN News/CNA in World Issues,

“In keeping with a long, shadowy, legacy of antipathy, justices who happen to be Catholics… are branded and bullied by a group who only succeed in providing the latest example of a prejudice that has haunted us for centuries,” Cardinal Dolan said in his July 3 column for Catholic New York

Who wants to destroy the family?

Who wants to destroy the family?

by: Vincenzo Pinto in World Issues,

"Families are the home Church where Jesus grows," Francis said. "He grows in the spouses' love and in the children's lives. For this reason, the enemy attacks the family so much. The devil does not want it. He tries to destroy it, to prevent love from becoming free....

Called on the world to do more to help the poorest people

Called on the world to do more to help the poorest people

by: Jenniver Newton - Mail OnLine in World Issues,

Pope calls on the world’s governments to bring in an ‘ethical mobilisation’ to help the poor and redistribute wealth. Says governments should promote an 'ethical mobilisation' of solidarity with those less well off. Made his comments in an address to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Bring Back Our Girls, Yes But What Of Our Country?

Bring Back Our Girls, Yes But What Of Our Country?

by: Emmanuel Onwubiko - The Nigerian Voice in World Issues,

For the better part of the last two weeks, the international campaign in the media for the World Powers to assist the Nigerian Government to take swift, decisive and effective measures to rescue the over two hundred young school girls kidnapped on gun points by the dreaded armed Islamic Insurgents Boko Haram has heightened.