News in Activities

Japan ready to welcome a missionary of peace

Japan ready to welcome a missionary of peace

by: Kagefumi Ueno, Tokyo-UCAN in Activities,

The pope has made unstinting efforts over the past six years to shorten the moral distance between the Vatican and Asia. His visit to Japan will be made in such a context... As a young priest, Francis was keen to go to Japan to pursue missionary work. His application was, however, turned down because of his poor health. He may still have a special feeling for Japan which might have prodded him toward making his visit.

Pope Francis shows way to peace and mutual respect

Pope Francis shows way to peace and mutual respect

by: Father Myron Pereira SJ - La Croix International in Activities,

The visit of Pope Francis to the Gulf states from Feb. 3-5 marks yet another step forward in the "dialogue of life" between Christians and Muslims in today's world. The pope will travel to Abu Dhabi for the first time after accepting an invitation by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, crown prince of Abu Dhabi, to participate in the International Interfaith Meeting on "Human Fraternity."

Pope invites youths to join online global prayer network

Pope invites youths to join online global prayer network

by: Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service in Activities,

Pope Francis helped launch a new mobile app and online platform connecting people around the world in prayer. The pope presented "the official platform of the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network: Click To Pray," on Jan. 20 after praying the Angelus with visitors gathered in St. Peter's Square.

What you don’t know about panettone

What you don’t know about panettone

by: Amanda Ruggeri - BBC in Activities,

Instantly recognisable for its tall, domed shape, panettone is pinpointed for its two main associations: with Christmas and with Italy. But it’s much more than a holiday cake. Merry Christmas. May the Infant Jesus fill all of us with Joy, Hope and Peace.

Paris archbishop intercedes to Mary for France's protection

Paris archbishop intercedes to Mary for France's protection

by: Pierre Sautreuil - La Croix International in Activities,

On the evening before another day of protests by the “Yellow Vests” movement, and while many commentators were predicting outbursts of widespread violence, the Archbishop of Paris turned towards the Virgin Mary, asking her to “look after our country” and to help the protesters return to the path of dialogue.

The cry of the poor becomes louder, says pope

The cry of the poor becomes louder, says pope

by: Carol Glatz-Catholic News Service in Activities,

The pope established the World Day of the Poor to encourage the whole church to reach out to those in need and let U.N. groups estimate there are some 700 million peothe poor know their cries have not gone unheard, the pope said in his message this year. ple in the world who are unable to meet their basic needs and that 10 percent of the world's population lives in extreme poverty.

Vietnamese Youth Day

Vietnamese Youth Day

by: Vietnam reporter in Activities,

Some 15,000 young Catholics from ten northern dioceses attended the Youth Day gathering held on Nov. 14-15 at the state-run Fair Exhibition Center in Hai Phong City. Ten bishops and 300 priests concelebrated the Eucharist.

Commentary to the 33th Sunday in Ordinary Time -B-

Commentary to the 33th Sunday in Ordinary Time -B-

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini in Activities,

The anxieties, pains, the groans of the dying prelude the imminent death; the pangs of a woman in labor herald the beginning of a new life. Jesus taught us the proper perspective: “When these things begin to happen, stand erect and lift up your heads, for your deliverance is drawing near” (Lk 21:28). “The fate of the world is in God’s hands, so I look up.” 

Rejoice, be glad, and act

Rejoice, be glad, and act

by: It is a source of great joy when a bishop, priest or religious speaks out in solidarity with victims of human rights abusesRejoice, be glad, and act Religious priests and nuns join a protest march in Manila on Sept. 21. (Photo Vincent Go) Edita Burgo in Activities,

It is a source of great joy when a bishop, priest or religious speaks out in solidarity with victims of human rights abuses. " A few weeks after the abduction of my son Jonas, I joined a group of relatives of victims of enforced disappearances along with a few priests and nuns to have a dialogue with a number of bishops."

Catholic schools celebrate new A level success

Catholic schools celebrate new A level success

by: Ruth Gledhill - The Tablet in Activities,

Catholic schools in both the state and private sectors recorded another exceptional set of A level results yesterday, with many citing students achieving top grades and securing places at universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. In a separate development, there was  a significant drop of 22.8 per cent in the number of young people taking Religious Studies at A level in England and Wales.

Keep the state out of our classrooms

Keep the state out of our classrooms

by: Editor's desk - The Tablet in Activities,

Debates about the religious education of the young are as important as any imaginable. In the Catholic case, however, contributions tend to focus on seeing off threats to Catholic interests represented by the 10 per cent of the state-school system that bear the Catholic brand-name. 

Ampleforth faces possible closure if it fails to improve standards.

Ampleforth faces possible closure if it fails to improve standards.

by: Ruth Gledhill - The Tablet in Activities,

Ampleforth College, one of the country’s top Catholic schools, faces possible closure if it does not improve standards including the safeguarding of pupils and the rigour of its checks on staff. The Department for Education has written to Ampleforth College warning that “the Secretary of State is satisfied…. that any one or more of the independent school standards is or are not being met in relation to the school.”