News in Activities

Italian bishops champion ‘voiceless’ migrants

Italian bishops champion ‘voiceless’ migrants

by: Isabella Haberstock de Carvalho - The Tablet in Activities,

'We feel responsible for this army of the poor, victims of war and hunger, of deserts and of tortures' the bishops wrote. The leadership of the Italian bishops’ conference has pledged its support for migrants arriving in the country while warning against a growing culture of xenophobia across Europe.

Croatia: Where Football Is Much More Than A Game

Croatia: Where Football Is Much More Than A Game

by: Sven Milekic - The Tablet in Activities,

Despite the many disappointments in between these heroics, football has remained sacred in Croatia. As well as being staunch Catholics – 86 per cent of the total population – Croats worship football. And while church attendance is in decline mobilisation for football games remains massive. Football is breakfast, lunch and dinner; alpha and omega.

Time and space in the Eternal City

Time and space in the Eternal City

by: Guillaume Goubert - La Croix Intenational in Activities,

In a series of meetings ranging from the Vatican to the Lateran Emmanuel Macron showed he understood how to communicate a message at the level of this unique world city. In particular, he displayed a keen awareness of the current situation of a Europe that is continuing to tear itself apart over the issue of migration.

Laudato Si' - Major new research institute at Campion Hall

Laudato Si' - Major new research institute at Campion Hall

by: Catholic News in Activities,

The Jesuits in Britain have announced that a new research institute called the Laudato Si' Institute (LSI) is being established at Campion Hall, the Jesuit permanent private hall of the University of Oxford. The LSI will be established during the academic year 2018-2019 and will formally open in September 2019.

Increase in number of Catholics worldwide, according to Vatican stats

Increase in number of Catholics worldwide, according to Vatican stats

by: James Roberts - The Tablet in Activities,

The newly released Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae 2016 reports a 1.1 per cent increase in absolute Catholic numbers between 2015 and 2016. In 2015 there were 1,285 million baptised Catholics and in 2016 1,299 million. However the world population increased by 1.14 per cent (from 7.383 billion to 7.467 billion) meaning that as a proportion of world population the proportion of Catholics fell, from 17.73 per cent of the world’s population in 2015 to 17.67 per cent in 2016.

Dictatorships begin with taking over media, warns Pope

Dictatorships begin with taking over media, warns Pope

by: Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service in Activities,

All dictatorships begin the same way: media outlets are put in the hands of "unscrupulous" people who spread lies and weaken democracy, Pope Francis said. Typical standards, norms and laws in regard to communications are first eliminated, the pope said in his homily June 18 during morning Mass at Domus Sanctae Marthae.

Cardinal Nichols: Church and police working well together to fight human trafficking

Cardinal Nichols: Church and police working well together to fight human trafficking

by: The Tablet - News in Activities,

The collaboration between the Catholic Church and law enforcement officers to tackle modern slavery is starting to work. Cardinal Vincent Nichols told a UN conference this week that the collaboration between the Catholic Church, through the Santa Marta group, and law enforcement officers to combat human slavery around the world, is starting to work. 

Hebei Diocese bans pilgrimage reports as China steps up repression

Hebei Diocese bans pilgrimage reports as China steps up repression

by: reporters, Hong Kong in Activities,

A source who asked to be unnamed told that Hebei Provincial Ethnic and Religious Department had given the company verbal notification that neither its newspaper nor website should report pilgrimages in May. Webmasters in other dioceses told that they had submitted articles on local or inter-provincial pilgrimages to Faith Weekly but none had been published.

Harsh new rules in the classroom: the cap on faith-based admissions

Harsh new rules in the classroom: the cap on faith-based admissions

by: Mike Craven - The Tablet in Activities,

The decision to keep the cap marks a crossroads for Catholic education. The Catholic community should be proud of its schools, but if it is to secure their future it has to recognise the new and more hostile political reality. Most crucially, it must make the most of its assets – the communities of people in each school who make them the success they are.

The church should rethink its Sunday rituals

The church should rethink its Sunday rituals

by: t Élodie Maurot - La Croix International in Activities,

For example, it can propose contemplation sessions, a very open prayer with a ritual gesture, where families would be welcomed just as they are today. The spiritual demand is enormous. The need for a break, too.

Chinese-state Protestants plan 'socialist' Christianity

Chinese-state Protestants plan 'socialist' Christianity

by: reporters, Hong Kong in Activities,

China's two main Protestant organizations have launched a five-year blueprint that includes writing a secular version of the Bible. They agreed to cooperate with the principle of Sinicization; to insist on self-government; to reflect the core values of socialism; and to espouse the leadership of the Communist Party.

More Indian or more Christian?

More Indian or more Christian?

by: Jason Keith Fernandes, New Delhi - UCAN in Activities,

There is of course no need for Catholic leaders in India to actively proclaim a refusal to participate in nationalist projects; this would be a foolhardy venture in the current climate. But there is similarly no need for us to contribute to nationalist rhetoric by asking that we become more Indian. Our call is to be more Christian, loving all without distinction.

Vietnam War vets donate bikes to ease kids' plight

Vietnam War vets donate bikes to ease kids' plight

by: ) reporter, Hue - UCAN in Activities,

American veterans who fought in the Vietnam War are offering hundreds of bicycles to poor students as way to ease people's suffering in parts of the country still dealing with the effects of the conflict. "We want to supply these bicycles for Vietnamese students from poor families in remote areas so that they can pursue their studies," said Michael Shuman, a former U.S. Marine.

Bishop pays first Easter visit to remote area in Vietnam

Bishop pays first Easter visit to remote area in Vietnam

by: Yen Bai City Vietnam - UCAN- in Activities,

A bishop visited Catholics — many whom were from ethnic minorities — in a mountainous part of north-western Vietnam over the Easter triduum, a first since Catholicism was introduced to the area over a century ago. Accompanied by two priests and two seminarians, Bishop John Mary Vu Tat of Hung Hoa paid pastoral visits to nine parishes, subparishes and mission stations in Yen Bai province March 28-April 1.

A Woman’s Voice: Conversations of Discernment and Grace

A Woman’s Voice: Conversations of Discernment and Grace

by: Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation in Activities,

“A Woman’s Voice: Conversations of Discernment and Grace” is a very important and timely documentary, to premiere on Easter Sunday 2018 on Salt and Light TV, Canada’s Catholic Television Network. The date was no coincidence: for what better launch date could there be for a documentary about some outstanding and astounding women than Easter? 

The untold story of the role of Catholic nuns during the Troubles in North Ireland

The untold story of the role of Catholic nuns during the Troubles in North Ireland

by: Rosie Dawson - The Tablet in Activities,

Sr Kathleen is one of 20 or so religious sisters who took part in an oral history project – the Witness seminars – initiated by independent scholar Dr Dianne Kirby and Lisa Isherwood, professor of feminist liberation theologies at the University of Winchester. The seminars record the largely untold story of the role of Catholic nuns during the Troubles.



by: Vatican News in Activities,

Dear brothers and sisters, Happy Easter! Jesus is risen from the dead! This message resounds in the Church the world over, along with the singing of the Alleluia: Jesus is Lord; the Father has raised him and he lives forever in our midst.