News in Activities

Spanish nuns face fine for restoring church organ

Spanish nuns face fine for restoring church organ

by: Alistair Coleman and Martin Morgan in Activities,

A convent of Spanish nuns is facing a steep bill for having a priceless church organ repaired without the state's permission. The sisters of Santa Ines in Seville, southern Spain, decided that the instrument in their convent church needed to be fixed, and accepted an offer from a local charity to have it restored it for free.

First World Day of the Poor - 19 November 2017

First World Day of the Poor - 19 November 2017

by: Fr. Joseph Santiago CMF in Activities,

This Day is meant, above all, to encourage believers to react against a culture of discard and waste, and to embrace the culture of encounter.  God created the heavens and the earth for all; yet sadly some have erected barriers, walls and fences, betraying the original gift meant for all humanity, with none excluded.

The Tablet 100 (Cont.): Catholics bringing a distinctive slant to politics, society, business, arts and culture

The Tablet 100 (Cont.): Catholics bringing a distinctive slant to politics, society, business, arts and culture

by: Brendan Walsh, Editor - The Tablet in Activities,

 The Tablet 100 is a portrait of a relatively small religious community that gives a distinctive slant to our society and culture. This is more than just a list of interesting people doing interesting things. Some are well known for their faith commitment; some wear it more lightly and tentatively. But there are important values held in common, a shared sensibility: a protectiveness towards the dreams of others, and perhaps the understanding that how the cards fall in this life is not all that matters.

The Tablet 100: Catholics bringing a distinctive slant to politics, society, business, arts and culture

The Tablet 100: Catholics bringing a distinctive slant to politics, society, business, arts and culture

by: Brendan Walsh, Editor - The Tablet in Activities,

The Tablet 100 is a portrait of a relatively small religious community that gives a distinctive slant to our society and culture. This is more than just a list of interesting people doing interesting things. Some are well known for their faith commitment; some wear it more lightly and tentatively. But there are important values held in common, a shared sensibility: a protectiveness towards the dreams of others, and perhaps the understanding that how the cards fall in this life is not all that matters.

Commentary to the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A –

Commentary to the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Activities,

When the wind of test blows “the lamp of the godless is extinguished, the light of the virtuous is bright” (Pro13:9).  “Grant, O Lord, that on the last day, I can repeat, like Paul, ‘I have finished my course, I have kept myself faithful."

Catholics encouraged by Cursillo Movement in Vietnam

Catholics encouraged by Cursillo Movement in Vietnam

by: UCA News in Activities,

“The Cursillo Movement is a spiritual way that helps laypeople live out their ministry like yeast, salt and light for the world,” said Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Tran Van Toan of Long Xuyen. He called on participants to love and serve people in need in their daily life.

Before pope's visit, Suu Kyi govt holds prayers for peace

Before pope's visit, Suu Kyi govt holds prayers for peace

by: John Zaw, Mandalay & Michael Sainsbury, Bangkok - UCAN in Activities,
Pope Francis' visit to Myanmar and neighboring Bangladesh has coaxed an overdue show of compassion from Aung San Suu Kyi for her Muslim Rohingya countrymen. In tandem with confirmation of the typically packed papal itinerary that begins in Yangon Nov. 27 and winds up in Dhaka six days later, Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) party is launching an unprecedented interfaith peace prayer rally across the country.
Catalan has always meant Spaniard

Catalan has always meant Spaniard

by: Angela McGhing - Rorate Coeli in Activities,

The seeds of the problem that ecloded this Friday, the pseudo-independence of the northeastern Spanish region of Catalonia, were all present in that Statut, whose most radical ideas would end up being declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court.

German bishops abandon controversial Missal translation

German bishops abandon controversial Missal translation

by: Christa Pongratz-Lippitt-The Tablet in Activities,

The German bishops appear to have abandoned a controversial new German translation of the Missal that was based on Liturgiam authenticam, the Congregation for Divine Worship’s 2001 document that insisted on greater fidelity to the Latin original in liturgy translations. 

Ars Moriendi Charismática - Facing Current Challenges

Ars Moriendi Charismática - Facing Current Challenges

by: José Cristo Rey García Paredes, CMF in Activities,

This experience of accompanying different Congregations of Religious Life in times like this is beautiful for me; a time, in which many people wonder if this way of life has a future, and if religious consecration makes sense.  

'Party girls' sent to rural Norfolk convent in new reality TV series

'Party girls' sent to rural Norfolk convent in new reality TV series

by: Rose Gamble - The Tablet in Activities,

A convent in rural Norfolk will feature in a new reality TV documentary following five 'party girls' who spend two weeks living with the Daughters of Divine Charity in Swaffham. 'Bad Habits, Holy Orders', aired by Channel 5 in four parts, follows the girls - amongst them a lingerie model, nightclub hostess and self-proclaimed party girl - as they swap social media, alcohol and make up for prayers and helping the sisters with community outreach.

Commentary to the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A –

Commentary to the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A –

by: Fr. Fernando Armellini - in Activities,

God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him” (Gen 1:26-27).  
If the coin had to be “returned” to Caesar because on it was stamped the face of his master, man must be “returned” to God. Man is the only creature on whom the face of God is imprinted. He is sacred and no one can take him as his own. Those who make them their own (enslave, oppress, exploit, dominate, use the, as an object...) should immediately return him to his Lord.

Happiness has become an industry that is selling all of us.

Happiness has become an industry that is selling all of us.

by: Richard Leonard - The Tablet in Activities,

Australians are encouraged to contact someone they know who might be going through a difficult patch and ask: “Are you OK?” The simplicity of the challenge combined with the complexity of our contemporary mental-health culture has struck a chord. R U OK? has taken off, and not just on one day of the year.

Church Summit to tackle online abuse of chidren

Church Summit to tackle online abuse of chidren

by: Christopher Lamb - The Tablet in Activities,

A Church-sponsored summit on how to protect children from online sexual exploitation will take place in Rome next week, culminating in a meeting between Pope Francis and participants from across the world. The conference, organised by the Pontifical Gregorian University’s Centre for Child Protection, is happening just weeks after the Vatican recalled one of its priest diplomats from Washington for allegedly accessing child pornography.

St Francis of Assisi

St Francis of Assisi

by: Catholic Online in Activities,

Francis' conversion did not happen over night. God had waited for him for twenty-five years and now it was Francis' turn to wait. Francis started to spend more time in prayer. He went off to a cave and wept for his sins. Sometimes God's graceoverwhelmed him with joy. But life couldn't just stop for God. There was a business to run, customers to wait on.

Rohingya crisis top of pope's agenda during upcoming visit

Rohingya crisis top of pope's agenda during upcoming visit

by: Rock Ronald Rozario, - UCAN in Activities,

Pope Francis is to visit Myanmar and Bangladesh Nov. 27-Dec. 2 and already Myanmar bishops have issued warnings that he should not use the term Rohingya as it is sensitive in their country. Bishop Gervas Rozario of Rajshahi, chairman of the Bangladeshi Catholic bishops' Justice and Peace Commission, told that the Rohingya crisis would surely be discussed with government leaders in private, more than it being made a public issue.

Pope issues decree of major significance in Asia

Pope issues decree of major significance in Asia

by: reporter, Bangkok in Activities,

The decree, or motu proprio as it is called in church parlance, enables local churches across the world to take a more direct hand in developing and approving the texts used in the celebration of sacraments. The control of liturgical texts and sacramental formulas has been a matter of considerable controversy to many throughout the church, including bishops' conferences in Asia such as in Japan. 

Police arrest lawmaker over school arson attacks

by: Konradus Epa, Jakarta - UCANews in Activities,

A lawmaker in Indonesia’s Central Kalimantan province has been arrested for allegedly orchestrating a string of arson attacks on elementary schools..Yansen Alison Binti, 60, a Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerinda) politician and member of the Central Kalimantan Provincial Legislative Council, was arrested on Sept. 10.

Catholic TV network opens first UK studio at Walsingham

Catholic TV network opens first UK studio at Walsingham

by: Keith Morris - East Anglia News in Activities,

International Catholic TV network EWTN has opened its first studio and office in the UK in Walsingham. Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster wrote: “Over the last 950 years Walsingham has been a place of pilgrimage, proclaiming the joy of the Annunciation; in this new chapter of its history, I welcome the opportunity for the Shrine and EWTN to work together as servants of the New Evangelization.”