News in Activities

Hong Kong Catholics welcome Our Lady of Fatima statue

Hong Kong Catholics welcome Our Lady of Fatima statue

by: UCAN - Hong Kong January 18, 2017 in Activities,

A statue of Our Lady of Fatima blessed by Pope Francis started its Asian pilgrimage with Hong Kong as its first stop to celebrate the centennial of the Marian apparition in Portugal. Pope Francis blessed six Centennial Pilgrim Statues of Our Lady of Fatima at the Vatican on Jan. 11 before sending them on tour in six continents. Hong Kong is the first place in the world where a statue landed. 

Manila Archdiocese to build rehab center for drug users

Manila Archdiocese to build rehab center for drug users

by: reporter, Manila in Activities,

Rehabilitation 'farm' is aimed at preventing drug users being killed in Philippine anti-narcotics campaign Manila Archdiocese to build rehab center for drug users. The Archdiocese of Manila is to build a rehabilitation center for drug dependents amid Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs in which more than 6,000 people have been killed.

Commentary to the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Commentary to the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

by: Fr. Fernando Armelini - Claret in Activities,

 How long will the night last?  Man fears the darkness of the night and is heartened when he sees the first signs of dawn. Sentries scan the horizon, waiting for the dawn (Ps 130:6). Long are the nights of those who burn with fever, are troubled by nightmares and are in the state of tossing and turning up in the morning (Jn 7:3-4). 

Interreligious dialogue timely for Asia

Interreligious dialogue timely for Asia

by: Prof. Bonifacio Tago Jr., Manila - UCAN in Activities,

The urgent need for interreligious dialogue in Asia should be the highlight of the region's observance of the global "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity" taking place Jan. 18 to 25.  Asia is the birthplace of most of the world's mainstream religions, including Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism, and even Christianity. 

Global Mercy Meeting in Manila

Global Mercy Meeting in Manila

by: Joe Torres, Manila - UCAN in Activities,
The five-day World Apostolic Congress on Mercy, the fourth since it started in 2008 in Rome, has drawn a record number of participants. The majority of international delegates come from the United States, Malaysia, Singapore, Italy, France, and Indonesia, while local participants mostly come from Davao in Mindanao, Bacolod in the central Philippines, and the province of Bulacan, north of Manila. 
Silk Road route back in business as China train rolls into London and 14 European cities

Silk Road route back in business as China train rolls into London and 14 European cities

by: The Guardian Saturday 14 January 2017 in Activities,
After 16 days and 7,456 miles, the locomotive’s arrival heralds the dawn of a new commercial era East Wind freight train. When the East Wind locomotive rumbles into east London this week, it will be at the head of 34 carriages full of socks, bags and wallets for London’s tourist souvenir shops, as well as the dust and grime accumulated through eight countries and 7,456 miles.
Commentary to the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (A)

Commentary to the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (A)

by: Fr. Fernando Armelini - Claret in Activities,

What is important is to listen and discover where God wants to lead each one and “to live the vocation you have received” (Eph 4:1). “Angel of the Lord” is whoever supports the brother and helps him discern and continue along the path laid for him by God.  To internalize the message, we repeat: “Lord, what do you want me to do? Help me to understand and to realize your plan of love.”

Manila mercy meeting an 'opportunity for healing'

Manila mercy meeting an 'opportunity for healing'

by: Joe Torres - UCANews in Activities,

A global meeting on mercy, to be held in Manila later this month, is an "opportunity for healing" amid drug-related killings in the country. "It will be a healing for us, an opening that there is still hope for those whom we consider the least, the lost, and the last," said Bishop Ruperto Santos, coordinator of the World Apostolic Congress on Mercy.

Coming to Newark Archdiocese: A Different Kind of Cardinal

Coming to Newark Archdiocese: A Different Kind of Cardinal

by: Sharon Otterman - The New York Times - DEC. 22, 2016 in Activities,

Cardinal Tobin assumes his role in an uneasy time. He said that he hoped to lead with joy and transparency, and that he intended to encourage dialogue to bridge divisions. But he would go further if he believed that policies ran counter to the moral values that Jesus taught.

Child protection website launched by Vatican commission

Child protection website launched by Vatican commission

by: CNS Reporter in Activities,
Pope's Council of Cardinals identified protection of children and young adults as a church priority. The Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors has launched a beta version of its website in English and has included its template for local guidelines on preventing sexual abuse, and resources.
Miss Universe donates gifts for poor to Caritas Manila

Miss Universe donates gifts for poor to Caritas Manila

by: reporter, Manila in Activities,

Reigning Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach has donated some personal items to Caritas Manila to contribute to the Catholic Church's program for the poor this Christmas. "We are all doing this out of pure love and good faith," said the 2015 international beauty queen after meeting Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila on Dec. 12.

Mumbai Catholics protest attempts to remove crosses

Mumbai Catholics protest attempts to remove crosses

by: UCANews in Activities,
Catholics in the western Indian city of Mumbai protested on Nov. 25 against efforts by local authorities to remove or demolish wayside crosses. The protest was in response to a notice issued by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation that seeks to remove or demolish all wayside crosses built in the last 50 years.
Hold tight, please, on the Mercy Bus

Hold tight, please, on the Mercy Bus

by: Frank Cottrell-Boyce - The Tablet in Activities,

A Salford priest found an original way to promote the Pope’s special year of prayer and bring a breath of fresh air back into the sacrament of Confession. Fr Frankie Mulgrew responded to the Pope’s Year of Mercy by creating the “Mercy Bus”. This was an actual bus, which was driven around the Salford Diocese all through Lent earlier this year offering blessings and Confession wherever it stopped.

 Church 'faces religious persecution' in the Philippines and in the world

Church 'faces religious persecution' in the Philippines and in the world

by: Mark Saludes,- UCA News Manila in Activities,

Archbishop Villegas said even people within the church "try to silence the institution" in its promotion of social justice and human rights.  According to a report released by the organization, religious freedom has "deteriorated or was drastically hampered in 82 countries" between 2012 and 2014. The report also showed that Christians are currently the "most persecuted minority" in the world. 

Colour Of Blood': London Turns Red For Millions Killed In Religious Persecution

Colour Of Blood': London Turns Red For Millions Killed In Religious Persecution

by: Harry Farley - Journalist- 23 November 2016 in Activities,

Parliament joined dozens of landmark sites across London and the UK. Key landmarks were lit in "the colour of blood" on Wednesday evening for the millions persecuted for their faith around the world. Muslim, Jewish and Christian leaders took part in the Red Wednesday campaign organised by the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) to highlight the lack of religious freedom around the world. 

Why unity matters - The Tablet Interview

Why unity matters - The Tablet Interview

by: Julie Etchingham - The Tablet in Activities,

Justin Welby talked to Julie Etchingham during his latest visit to Rome about what links and what divides the Catholic Church and the Anglican Community. Pope Francis and Justin Welby had just signed a Common Declaration charting the next steps towards unity.

Vietnam youth have duty to proclaim, witness God's mercy

Vietnam youth have duty to proclaim, witness God's mercy

by: reporter, Ho Chi Minh City in Activities,

They came in their thousands, Catholic young people from 10 dioceses in northern Vietnam, to hear again the timeless messages of truth and mercy. More than 20,000 young Catholics attended the "Go and Do Likewise" gathering held by Vinh Diocese at the square in front of the Bishop’s House in Nghe An Province on Nov. 16-17.

The man who shared a little and saved thousands

The man who shared a little and saved thousands

by: T.K. Devasia, Kottayam - UCA News in Activities,

P.U. Thomas was 17 years old when he was hospitalized for peptic ulcer. When he saw the hunger in the eyes of a patient in the next bed, he felt compelled to share the food his mother brought from home. From this simple act grew a life of service and a program that now feeds 5,000 people every day.