News in Activities

Pope prays for grace to cry at concentration camp

Pope prays for grace to cry at concentration camp

by: Megan Cornwell- Catholic News Service in Activities,

Speaking to reporters on the flight back from Armenia on Sunday, the Pope recalled his 2014 visit to Redipuglia in northern Italy to mark the 100th anniversary of World War I. "I went in silence," he said, walking alone among the graves.



The persecution of the Ahmadis must not be allowed to spread

The persecution of the Ahmadis must not be allowed to spread

by: Giles Fraser-The Guardian in Activities,

Driven out of Pakistan, the Muslim Ahmadiyya community now have their global headquarters in the UK. They deserve our protection and respect. These are some of the most persecuted Muslims in the world. Originating in the Punjab, the reason the caliphate is based in Southfields is because of the victimisation that Ahmadiyya Muslims now receive in Pakistan.

Christians upset as cross demolished in Mumbai

Christians upset as cross demolished in Mumbai

by: Laveena Francis, - UCA News Mumbai in Activities,

Civic authorities in Mumbai demolished a century-old cross June 9 to reclaim government land from encroachment but Christian leaders allege it is part of an anti-Christian policy by the Maharashtra state government to remove Christian symbols from the nation's financial capital.

Let priests decide on the mass

Let priests decide on the mass

by: The Tablet in Activities,

French-speaking Catholics are about to face the same aggravation that overtook their English-speaking co-religionists at the end of 2011. That is when the new English translation of the rite of Mass was imposed in place of the translation that had been in use for 40 years. That translation was by no means perfect, but its language patterns were closer to those used in ordinary speech.

French Catholics face battle royale over Roman Missal translation

French Catholics face battle royale over Roman Missal translation

by: Tom Heneghan - The Tablet in Activities,

The French-speaking Catholic world is heading for the same tug-of-war over translating the Roman Missal that their English-speaking cousins fought and lost five ago. As in the case of the English text, the Vatican insists on a precise translation of the new Latin text approved in 2002.

Commentary to the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

Commentary to the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

by: Fr. Joseph Pellegrino, SJ in Activities,

The Lord of Life. God transformed their grief into complete joy. We are all tempted to be bound by the negatives of life. We certainly hear enough, too much really, about the horrible things that happen throughout the world.  

New Deacons Ordained at Pontifical Scots College

New Deacons Ordained at Pontifical Scots College

by: Vatican Radio in Activities,

On the Sixth Sunday of Easter at the Pontifical Scots College in Rome, three seminarians were ordained to the diaconate.The three men were ordained by Bishop Joseph Toal from the Diocese of Motherwell in Scotland. Paul Denney, Bernard Mournian and Jonathan Whitworth have been in priestly formation for six years.

Pilgrimage from Canterbury to Rome

Pilgrimage from Canterbury to Rome

by: Keith Morris - East Anglia Diocese in Activities,

A 2,000 km pilgrimage from Canterbury to Rome is the epic challenge facing 69-year-old Mary Kirk, from Suffolk, who is walking in support of refugees “who are travelling in the opposite direction to escape war and horror”, and for the homeless in the UK..

Hong Kong symposium raises religious rights awareness

Hong Kong symposium raises religious rights awareness

by: reporter, Hong Kong in Activities,

"We hoped the event would give young Catholics here more information about the church in China and transform their concern into prayers," he said. Tsang said many young Catholics are satisfied participating in parish activities but not engaging in issues on social justice and religious freedom. The symposium aimed to change that prevailing attitude, he said.

Angelican Centre in Rome Marks 50 Years

Angelican Centre in Rome Marks 50 Years

by: Catherine Pepinster - The Tablet in Activities,

It has become one of the most regular events of the papal calendar: a visit by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Pope. But in 1966, Anglican-Catholic relations took a huge leap forward when Archbishop Michael Ramsey visited Pope Paul VI – the first encounter between pope and primate of England since the Reformation.

UK University opens Benedict XVI centre

UK University opens Benedict XVI centre

by: Madeleine Teahan - Catholic Herald in Activities,
St Mary’s University Twickenham has established a “Benedict XVI Centre” for research into religion and social sciences. On its website St Mary’s said the centre was an “international hub for research and engagement activities in the area of religion and the social sciences (primarily economics, sociology, and political science).” 
Pope tells us all to practice mercy daily

Pope tells us all to practice mercy daily

by: Reporters - Vatican Radio in Activities,

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has told members of the Curia to tend to their flocks with generosity and mercy and has urged them to become a ‘model’ for all. The Pope was speaking during his homily at Mass in St Peter’s Basilica on Monday morning, as he celebrated the Feast of the Chair of Peter and the Jubilee of Mercy.

Forever Being Ahead of our Souls

Forever Being Ahead of our Souls

by: Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I. in Activities,

Sometimes nothing is as helpful as a good metaphor. In his book, The God Instinct, Tom Stella shares this story: A number of men who made their living as porters were hired one day to carry a huge load of supplies for a group on safari. Their loads were unusually heavy and the trek through the jungle was on a rough path. 

Theologian tells Catholics not to lose hope amid terrorism

Theologian tells Catholics not to lose hope amid terrorism

by: Joe Torres, UCAN Manila Philippines in Activities,

In the wake of recent terror attacks, a leading theologian has urged Catholics not to lose hope and to continue holding on to their faith. Speaking during the first day of a three-day theological symposium in Cebu City on Jan. 20, Dominican Father Timothy Radcliffe blamed the rise of terrorism for causing a "crisis of hope." 

Filipinos' devotion is heroic but it needs to be purified.

Filipinos' devotion is heroic but it needs to be purified.

by: Joe Torres, UCA News Manila Reporter in Activities,

There is no stopping Julian Vincent Mendoza, a 30-year-old father of three, from fulfilling a vow he made seven years ago. He, along his wife and three children, wade through a sea of bodies, all devotees of the Black Nazarene in Manila’s Quiapo district.Julian’s aim, like that of the mammoth crowd of about nine million at this year's feast, is to touch the statue