News in Activities

Bangladeshi student leaders pledge to promote Christian values

Bangladeshi student leaders pledge to promote Christian values

by: Stephan Uttom - UCANews-Dhaka in Activities,
Bangladeshi Catholic student leaders have pledged to promote Christian values at their schools and colleges to help their peers in a complex and addictive world. 
Some 80 student leaders from eight Catholic dioceses in the country, made the pledge during a national training program held by Young Christian Students (YCS) on Sept. 8-11.
Priests visit anti-Christian riot-hit Indian villages

Priests visit anti-Christian riot-hit Indian villages

by: Purushottam Nayak,- UCAnes in Activities,

Kandhamal, the hilly tribal district in eastern India has witnessed several incidents of anti-Christian violence in the past two decades. In August 2008 marauding crowds of Hindu extremists murdered Christians, destroyed churches and convents, set fire to Christian homes and institutions and raped nuns, in what came to be known as the largest persecution of Christians in modern Indian history.

Pope Francis' Apostolic Visit to Georgia and Azerbaijan

Pope Francis' Apostolic Visit to Georgia and Azerbaijan

by: Salt+Light Media in Activities,

 On Friday, September 30, Pope Francis embarks on his 16th pastoral visit outside Italy, to the former Soviet Republics of Georgia and Azerbaijan. After his arrival at the Georgian capital Tbilisi on Friday morning, the Holy Father will meet with the president, with government authorities and representatives of civil society, after which he will meet the country’s Orthodox leader Patriarch Elia.

Columban missionary priest to receive humanitarian award

Columban missionary priest to receive humanitarian award

by: reporter, Manila in Activities,

A Columban missionary priest in the Philippines is to receive an international humanitarian award for his lifetime’s work promoting children's rights and welfare. Father Shay Cullen, founder of the Preda Foundation in the Philippines, will receive this year’s Hugh O’Flaherty Humanitarian Award in recognition of his work to protect the rights of exploited children.

SNP depute candidates clash over Catholic schools in Scotland

SNP depute candidates clash over Catholic schools in Scotland

by: IAN DUNN - Scottish Catholic Observer in Activities,

“There is a comprehensive programme of relationships and moral education in all Catholic schools that promotes the unique dignity of each person, made in the image and likeness of God,” he said. “Catholic schools work in partnership with parents, local authorities and other agencies to meet the needs of pupils and their families. 

Church leaders warn against Pokemon Go addiction

Church leaders warn against Pokemon Go addiction

by: Mark Saludes - UCAN Manila in Activities,

Church leaders in the Philippines have urged Catholics "to exercise discipline in the use of technology" amid the Pokemon Go craze, which is seeing people play the game even in churches. Brother Manuel de Leon, president of Notre Dame College in Kidawapan, Mindanao, said that while technology is a "welcome development," young people should be taught about a "technology with a soul."

Taize East Asia gathering

Taize East Asia gathering

by: UCANews in Activities,

 More than 200 East Asian Christians joined a five-day Taize program of common prayers for peace in Hong Kong Aug. 10–14. It was the first time Hong Kong hosted the gathering although there was a small unofficial one of 50 participants in 2015.

Food For the Soul

Food For the Soul

by: Kristina Cooper - Parish Practice The Tablet in Activities,
A church in France has adopted the Alpha course as its ‘handbook’ for formation and mission. Participants find the approach transformational as students and young professionals become leaders and evangelists. Bringing your parish from maintenance to mission is one of the great challenges of today. 
Despite threat from ISIS, 100 children receive First Communion in Iraq

Despite threat from ISIS, 100 children receive First Communion in Iraq

by: Deacon Greg Kandra in Activities,

The first communion Mass in Alqosh was an historic moment for a “frontier town” that has been under threat from the militants of the Islamic State (IS) for a long time. Now it can “hope for peace and normalcy” around these hundred children, said Mgr Basil Yaldo, auxiliary bishop of Baghdad and close associate of the Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako.

The Catholic practice is not in decline in the UK

The Catholic practice is not in decline in the UK

by: Christopher Howse - The Tablet in Activities,

Just at the moment, when Westminster Cathedral is regularly full at Sunday Mass and sustains half-hour queues for Confession, I get the impression,  unscientific as it is, that Catholic practice is not in decline. According to a report by John Bingham in The Daily Telegraph, the same can be said, with a little more scientific basis, of Christians in Britain at large. 

Good News

Good News

by: UCANews in Activities,

The word “Gospel” means “Good News.” The reason it’s called the Good News is because—surprise of surprises—mistake, failure, and sin are part of the salvation equation. I want to share again these words from Julian of Norwich, because they are so powerful: “First there is the fall, and then we recover from the fall. Both are the mercy of God!” 

These two game-changing Olympians are serious Catholics

These two game-changing Olympians are serious Catholics

by: Mary Rezac-CNA in Activities,

 Simone Biles and Katie Ledecky are two of the names to know in this year's summer Olympic games in Rio. But behind her jaw-dropping performances is a strong family and faith life that Biles (literally) carries with her. In a recent interview with Us Magazine, the athlete unpacked her Olympic bag, explaining the significance of each item. Along with her bottled water, bobby pins, Beats headphones and cheetah-print umbrella, Biles carries a white rosary.

Greatest Olympic prize is solidarity, says Pope

Greatest Olympic prize is solidarity, says Pope

by: Katherine Backler-The Tablet in Activities,

The Pope offered special prayers for and greetings to the people of Rio where the Olympics will be held. Greatest Olympic prize is solidarity, says Pope. Pope Francis has said that all those participating and watching the Olympics should aim not for medals but for “solidarity” and “the recognition that we are all members of one human family”. 

High price paid by Fr Hamel

High price paid by Fr Hamel

by: The Tablet in Activities,

What makes the gruesome killing of Father Jacques Hamel all the more frightening is the impossibility of preventing such crimes. An elderly priest saying morning Mass for a small weekday congregation could hardly be more vulnerable. His quiet Normandy town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray would never stand out as high risk. 

World at war needs signs of brotherhood, friendship, pope says

World at war needs signs of brotherhood, friendship, pope says

by: Junno Arocho Esteves-Catholic News Service in Activities,

In a world traumatized by war, young people gathered for World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland, gave strong signs of hope and brotherhood, Pope Francis said.

World Youth Day was a “prophetic sign for Poland and Europe” and took on a “global dimension” in a world threatened by a war fought in pieces, the pope said Aug. 3 at his weekly general audience.