News in Activities

Bishop challenges policies that led to 'avoidable tragedy' of migrant drownings

Bishop challenges policies that led to 'avoidable tragedy' of migrant drownings

by: Ellen Teague - The Tablet in Activities,

 Offering prayers for at least 27 migrants who died in the Channel a year ago, Bishop Paul McAleenan, lead bishop for migrants and refugees for the bishops of England and Wales, said: “This avoidable tragedy challenges us to reflect on our collective responsibility for protecting refugees and migrants from life-threatening danger. As more of our brothers and sisters attempt to make this crossing in search of a better life, unacceptable discourse and policies continue to rob them of their human dignity.”

Pope arrives in Kazakhstan as 'pilgrim of peace'

Pope arrives in Kazakhstan as 'pilgrim of peace'

by: CNS - The Tablet in Activities,

“I have come to echo the plea of all those who cry out for peace, which is the essential path to development for our globalised world.” Arriving in Kazakhstan, a country that borders Russia, Pope Francis said he came as a “pilgrim of peace” at a time when “our world urgently needs peace, it needs to recover harmony”.

Catholic faith can coexist with ancestral worship

Catholic faith can coexist with ancestral worship

by: Michel Chambon - UCANews in Activities,

Doctor Judith Bovensiepen teaches Social Anthropology at the University of Kent in the United Kingdom. Her research explored post-conflict recovery as well as oil development in rural Timor Leste, one of the only two Catholic-majority countries in Asia.

Filipino grandma assumes daughter’s Catholic role as mother

Filipino grandma assumes daughter’s Catholic role as mother

by: Joseph Peter Calleja - UCANews in Activities,

It was still the wee hours when Edna, a single mother, prepared to leave her home in the Philippines. Her sons — Peter, 16, and Chris, 4 — were up to say goodbye not knowing where their mother was going or when she will be able to return. The 38-year-old was returning to Saudi Arabia to work as a domestic helper. It’s her second time. The first did not turn out well but it paid her loans and sent her sons to school.

Are you still our leaders? asks bishop at Owo Mass

Are you still our leaders? asks bishop at Owo Mass

by: Ellen Teague - The Tablet in Activities,

Bishop Emmanuel Badejo of Oyo who spoke at a huge funeral Mass on 17 June for victims of the Pentecost attack in Owo had strong words for Nigeria's federal government, saying it has failed to demonstrate “any desire to protect the Christian religion.” He blamed people in power who are failing to tackle Nigeria’s lack of security. “We are compelled to ask: ‘Nigeria, our leaders, are you still our leaders? Are we at war? How many more must die?’ Leaders must be leaders, not mere dealers,” he said.

Bishop Alan celebrates beatifcation of Pauline Jaricot

Bishop Alan celebrates beatifcation of Pauline Jaricot

by: Eldred Willey - Diocese of East Anglia Bulletin in Activities,
  • As Missio prepares for the beatification of one of its founders, Bishop Alan will be celebrating a Mass for the charity’s volunteers and supporters in East Anglia.The Mass will take place on Saturday June 25 at 11.30am at Cathedral of St John the Baptist, Unthank Road, Norwich. All are welcome to join this celebration of the legacy of Pauline Jaricot and the work of Missio in the diocese.

Faith on the Ward: Pastoral care and health workers

Faith on the Ward: Pastoral care and health workers

by: Alberto Cano Arenas, SJ - La Civiltà Cattolica in Activities,

The health professions, like so many other vocations, can be a privileged springboard and an open pathway to God. Doctors, psychologists, nurses and those involved in care reflect on the profound mystery of the human being who suffers and loves, resists and hopes, trusts and fights. They touch the very mystery of God, even if only for a moment.

Priceless treasures': Vietnam Catholics keep alive Easter traditions

Priceless treasures': Vietnam Catholics keep alive Easter traditions

by: UCA News reporter, Thua Thien Hue in Activities,

Joseph Tran Quang Khung from St. Thomas Tran Van Thien Parish in Quang Binh province said that after Easter Sunday local Catholics traditionally clean and decorate the graves of their relatives at the parish cemetery as they believe that the “Risen Christ brings the spring and new life to people and the world.”

Faith and resilience sustain poor in the Philippines

Faith and resilience sustain poor in the Philippines

by: Jose Mario Bautista Maximiano - UCNews in Activities,

Tropical Storm Agaton (Megi), the Philippines' first tropical cyclone in 2022, has caused massive flooding and landslides, leaving a trail of death and destruction in Leyte, Samar, Capiz and other provinces in the Visayas.Samar and Leyte provinces have recorded 151 deaths.

The fighting women of Ukraine

The fighting women of Ukraine

by: Fr Shay Cullen - UCANews in Activities,

News reports streaming out from Ukraine show the courageous resistance and the unity of Ukrainians in the face of the almighty Russian army of Vladimir Putin, the tyrant ruling Russia as an autocracy. "When a Russian tank passes below an apartment window, that Russian tank can expect brave, valiant Ukrainian women to light the cloth and throw it on the tank close to the engine"

Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill hold emergency online meeting

Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill hold emergency online meeting

by: Loup Besmond de Senneville | Vatican City in Activities,

 Pope Francis has held an emergency online meeting with Patriarch Kirill of Moscow in his latest attempt to help calm the alarming situation in Ukraine.The Bishop of Rome and the head of the Russian Orthodox Church held a video conference on Wednesday during which they "discussed in detail the situation on Ukrainian soil", according to a statement from the Moscow Patriarchate"

US Catholics express solidarity with Ukraine

US Catholics express solidarity with Ukraine

by: Michael Sean Winters - The Tablet in Activities,

Bishop David Malloy, chairman of the bishops’ conference Committee on International Justice and Peace, called on all Americans to help address the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine. “I encourage everyone to give generously to organisations such as Catholic Relief Services and USCCB’s Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe that are bringing tangible relief and the hope of Christ to those in need,” Malloy added. 

Prayers and condemnation at Ukrainian cathedral in London

Prayers and condemnation at Ukrainian cathedral in London

by: Patrick Hudson - The Tablet in Activities,

Religious and political leaders in London joined the Ukrainian community in prayer on the first Sunday after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Archbishop of Southwark John Wilson, Canadian High Commissioner Ralph Goodale, representatives from the Ukrainian Embassy and Members of Parliament attended the morning liturgy at the Ukrainian Greek Catholic cathedral in Mayfair on Sunday.

Levelling up: Government’s White Paper fails to grasp the nettle

Levelling up: Government’s White Paper fails to grasp the nettle

by: Andrew O'Neill - The Tablet in Activities,

The UK has the highest level of regional economic inequality of any comparable country. Since the 2019 election, the government has trumpeted “levelling up” as its flagship policy and the Levelling Up white paper, released last week, was its attempt to bring some definition to a slogan that up to now has been blurry and vague.



by: Claretian Missionaries in Activities,

 The liturgical celebration of the memorial of the Claretian Martyrs, after the celebration of the XXVI General Chapter, invites us to welcome in a special way the first words of the post-capitular exhortation: "Beloved Congregation, take root in Christ and be bold in mission" (QC 1). The lives of our confreres are a beautiful and challenging witness of rootedness and boldness. They could not have given their lives with the freedom and courage they did if they had not been deeply united to the Lord.

Prioritise the young in 2022, say Church leaders

Prioritise the young in 2022, say Church leaders

by: Sarah Mac Donald - The Tablet in Activities,

In his message for the New Year, Archbishop Eamon Martin referred to Pope Francis’ criticism of the “significant reduction worldwide in funding for education and training” while military expenditure has increased “beyond the levels at the end of the Cold War” and is growing “exorbitantly.”

Downside: the UK Church's biggest single heritage challenge

Downside: the UK Church's biggest single heritage challenge

by: Elena Curti - The Tablet in Activities,

To some they are defeated old men running away from their problems. To others, they are a spirited bunch making a bold, possibly prophetic move. The Downside monks’ decision to begin a new life in Devon is dividing opinion. Those who take a sour view fear they will not make proper provision for the treasures they leave behind. The more sympathetic believe their mission must come first.

Architectural heritage - restoring the faith

Architectural heritage - restoring the faith

by: Elena Curti - The Tablet in Activities,

The significant grants announced last month towards the repair and restoration of seventeen churches reveal the increasing recognition of the historic value of the finest Catholic architecture. Preston, Rochdale, Great Yarmouth, Ramsgate, Newport on the Isle of Wight: these are some of the most deprived towns in England – and they all have magnificent Catholic churches.

The Young Have Reawakened the Synodality of the Church

The Young Have Reawakened the Synodality of the Church

by: La Civilta Cattolica in Activities,

What is the Spirit saying to the Church today through the young people and their seeking and their hopes, their fears and their questions that we sometimes struggle to understand? St. Paul VI had said it: “There is an intimate connection, dear young people, between your faith and your life. For it is in the dissatisfaction that torments you, in your criticism of society … that a ray of light shines” (December 2, 1970).

Pope Francis at 85: Gloves come off as Francis' reform hits stride

Pope Francis at 85: Gloves come off as Francis' reform hits stride

by: NICOLE WINFIELD in Activities,

Pope Francis celebrated his 85th birthday on Friday, a milestone made even more remarkable given the coronavirus pandemic, his summertime intestinal surgery and the weight of history: His predecessor retired at this age and the last pope to have lived any longer was Leo XIII over a century ago.