News in Religious

Religious and migrations: perspectives, response and challenges

Religious and migrations: perspectives, response and challenges

by: Vatican International News in Religious,

The international conference "The religious and migrations in the 21st century: perspectives, response and challenges", organised by the representation before the United Nations of the Passionists International, the Congregation of St. Joseph, Augustinians International and the Vincentians, yesterday concluded two days of intense work

Religious sisters & brothers have prophetic mission to wake up the world

Religious sisters & brothers have prophetic mission to wake up the world

by: reporters Godgossip in Religious,

Today is the end of the Year of Consecrated Life, but its life and mission is to go on and on. Those in Consecrated Life  are to be alive and lifegiving people. We have seen this morning many religious men and women gathered with their respective bishops in every cathedral in England. Their mission is to wake up the world providing our society with meaning of life, sense of destiny, sense of eternity, and making beautiful and attractive the Church of today.

English Benedictines gather on Sunday to discuss future

English Benedictines gather on Sunday to discuss future

by: Christopher Lamb-The Tablet in Religious,

Members of the English Benedictine Congregation (EBC) are due to meet tomorrow for a specially arranged gathering to discuss how to best foster new life in their monasteries. The EBC is composed of 13 autonomous houses of monks and nuns, with 10 based in England and three in the United States. The Extraordinary General Chapter will take place at Buckfast Abbey, in Devon, from Sunday until next Wednesday.

How can Religious life continue?

How can Religious life continue?

by: Sr Maura O'Carroll- The Tablet in Religious,

The Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux and the Institute of Our Lady of Mercy are pulling out of running nursing homes, the Jesuits are closing Heythrop College and the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul are looking for a lay director to lead some of their activities. Sr Maura O'Carroll asks, what is going on?

Next Seminars and Retreats for Religious in Buckden

Next Seminars and Retreats for Religious in Buckden

by: Angel Ochagavia, cmf in Religious,

Fr. Diarmuid O'Murchu will accompany us with his personal dedication and expertise. As we move deeper into the 21st Century, Religious will need to engage authentically with the ongoing decline of the current paradigm, and anticipate in a more discerning way what a new model of consecrated life will look like.

Last Seminar of 2015 for Consecrated men and women.

Last Seminar of 2015 for Consecrated men and women.

by: Godgossip Reporter in Religious,

Fr. Diarmuid O'Murchu will accompany us with his personal dedication and expertise. As we move deeper into the 21st Century, Religious will need to engage authentically with the ongoing decline of the current paradigm, and anticipate in a more discerning way what a new model of consecrated life will look like.

Encounter of Consecrated Men and Women

Encounter of Consecrated Men and Women

by: Fr. Angel Ochagavia, cmf in Religious,

We are inviting you, and other members of your community, to a one day conference entitled “Being Alert, the Challenge of Consecrated Life” Journeying in the footsteps of God” to be held on the 23th June, in HAYES, Middlesex, West London UB3 2AB

Number of new nuns in Britain trebles in five years

Number of new nuns in Britain trebles in five years

by: Rebecca Ratcliffe - The Guardian in Religious,

Women joining the church were keen to become part of a community that was committed to social issues. “In a really obvious sense, the women feel a religious calling to do so. On a more sociological level, these are women who have lived in the world and who find themselves in their late 20s, 30s or 40s making a conscious and hard choice to enter religious life.

Next Seminar on Consecrated Life

Next Seminar on Consecrated Life

by: Angel Ochagavia, cmf in Religious,

 Fr. José Cristo Rey García Paredes, cmf,  has been for many years Director of the Institute for Consecrated Life in Madrid. Author of several books has lectured in many countries all over the world. He has been recently appointed by Pope Francis as a consultor to Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life

The grace of the call

The grace of the call

by: Michael Gilmary, MMA - L'Osservatore Romano in Religious,

Religious life is a particular form of consecrated life, and, as the Year of Consecrated Life opens, it would be helpful to begin in the beginning, that is to say, to begin with a consideration of the call or vocation to religious life.

Latest Book in the UK on Consecrated Life

Latest Book in the UK on Consecrated Life

by: Claretian Missionaries in Religious,

Think of a friend, relative, colleague, priest, sister, who during this Year of Consecrated Life will be glad to receive the latest book on consecrated life. The book “Sharing the Joy of the Gospel – Identity and Missionary Conversion” came off the press on November 30, 2014, when the "Year of Consecrated Life" begun.

Pope Francis Letter for Year of Consecrated Life

Pope Francis Letter for Year of Consecrated Life

by: Vatican Radio in Religious,

The Year of Consecrated Life, starts throughout the universal Church on the first Sunday of Advent, 30 November. In his message, the Pope underlined the aims of the Year of Consecrated Life, namely to look to the past with gratitude, to live the present with passion and to embrace the future with hope.