News in Religious

Consecrated Life is precious gift to the Church and the world.

Consecrated Life is precious gift to the Church and the world.

by: Vatican Radio in Religious,

Pope Francis met on Saturday afternoon with Communities of Religious at the “School of Love” in Kkottongnae. Approximately 5000 male and female religious were present for the event.  Pope Francis concluded his address: “Dear brothers and sisters, with great humility, do all that you can to show that the consecrated life is a precious gift to the Church and to the world.

Annual Assembly of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious in the USA

Annual Assembly of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious in the USA

by: Dan Stockman and Cherie Araujo in Religious,
Former LCWR president Mercy Sr. Helen Marie Burns said it appears the group is truly attempting to discuss the issues with the doctrinal congregation.  "I admire deeply the steady, forthright manner with which LCWR has maintained in word and deed a stance of cooperation, restraint and honest communication, But I am continually dismayed by the inability of individuals in the various Roman congregations to listen deeply and to negotiate fairly."
Ugandan Nun Shines Light on Sacred Tradition of Black Catholic Women

Ugandan Nun Shines Light on Sacred Tradition of Black Catholic Women

by: Shannen Dee Williams in Religious,

This mass movement of black women and girls into Catholic religious life has revolutionary implications for the Church and wider society. Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe's inclusion on Time magazine's 2014 list of the world's 100 most influential people represents a pivotal breakthrough moment for black Catholic nuns.

Conference on Consecrated Life 2014

Conference on Consecrated Life 2014

by: Angel Ochagavia, cmf in Religious,

We are inviting you, and all members of your community, to a two day conference on “Church and Consecrated Life as envisioned by Pope Francis” to be held on the 24th and 25th JUNE, in Hayes, West London. Archbishop Jose Rodriguez Carballo, Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life will be with us in his first visit to the UK.

Pope Francis on Religious Life

Pope Francis on Religious Life

by: Antonio Spadaro SJ in Religious,

What, therefore, is the priority of consecrated life? The Pope answered: “Prophecy of the Kingdom, which is a non-negotiable. The emphasis should fall on being prophets, and not in playing at being them. Naturally the devil proposes his temptations to us; one of them is: just appear to be prophets.

Nuns are pioneers of women's education, not oppressors

Nuns are pioneers of women's education, not oppressors

by: Mary Kenny - The Guardian in Religious,

The relentless modern portrayal of nuns as villains overlooks their role in inspiring a generation of women... The rule is that, whether in fictional renderings or the latest news about the ongoing reparations for Ireland's Magdalene laundries, nuns are portrayed as hateful and heartless shrews.

Nuns help debrief stressed typhoon victims arriving in Manila

Nuns help debrief stressed typhoon victims arriving in Manila

by: Simone Orendain - CNS in Religious,

Evacuees, fresh off the military planes that took them here, could make free phone calls, register for transportation to meet loved ones in Metro Manila, get help to start their lives over and receive some much needed stress-debriefing. That was where some local nuns stepped in.

Buddhist and Catholic Nun

Buddhist and Catholic Nun

by: Susan Stabile - UCA News in Religious,

I lived in the vows of a Buddhist nun for a year, in the course of spending two years living in Buddhist monasteries in Nepal and India. Including my years of lay practice, I spent twenty years of my adult life practicing Buddhism, before returning to the Catholicism into which I had been born and baptized.

Trailblazers in Habit - MaryKnoll Sisters

Trailblazers in Habit - MaryKnoll Sisters

by: UCA News in Religious,

'Trailblazers in Habits' tells the story of the Maryknoll Sisters in Hong Kong and their humanitarian work there. The film contains the sisters' accounts of imprisonment and personal struggle, as well as archival footage and reminisces from the beneficiaries of their work.

Pope urges nuns "not to be too spiritual"

Pope urges nuns "not to be too spiritual"

by: UCA News in Religious,

 "I am so disappointed when I meet nuns who are joyless, who may smile with the smile of a flight attendant but not with the smile of joy that comes from within," the pontiff told nuns at the Santa Chiara cloistered convent in the Italian city of Assisi.

Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux

Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux

by: Angela McGhin Reporter in Religious,

Today is the feast day of the widely beloved saint, Therese of Lisieux.  Her religious name was Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face.  St. Therese has been popular in Catholic circles for over a century. She is Patroness of Missions.

Syria: the nun who exposed the stage-management of public opinion

Syria: the nun who exposed the stage-management of public opinion

by: Published by Cranmer in Religious,
 They say the dedication and determination of this lone nun is putting to shame the US intelligence community. Well, as the propaganda mouthpiece of President Putin, they would say that, wouldn't they? But leave aside the politicking and powerplay, and listen to the nun, for she is concerned only with the truth.
Nun helping LRA war victims wins UN prize

Nun helping LRA war victims wins UN prize

by: New Vision in Religious,

GENEVA - A Congolese nun who has dedicated herself to helping women who have escaped cruelty at the hands of Ugandan rebels has won the annual Nansen prize awarded by the UNHCR, the refugee agency announced Tuesday.

The monk who lives up a rock to get closer to God

The monk who lives up a rock to get closer to God

by: Matthew Day - The Telegraph in Religious,

 A Georgian monk has lived up a 131ft pillar of rock for 20 years in a lonely quest to get closer to God. Last of the Stylites Maxime Qavtaradze, who lives on top of the Katskhi Pillar, Georgia. of the Stylites, or Pillar Saints: men of the Byzantine world who believed residing up pillars would remove them from temptation and provide ample opportunity for prayer and contemplation.

Sr. Joan Chittister Interview

Sr. Joan Chittister Interview

by: R&E Newsweekly in Religious,

 “Our purpose is to present the most humane, spiritual, moral, communal model of life for a world in chaos around us—to be an island of care and cohesion in the midst of all the movement,” says Benedictine nun and author Joan Chittister