News in Religious

Papal Message: Proposing Vocations in the Local Church

Papal Message: Proposing Vocations in the Local Church

by: Vatican Information Service (VIS) in Religious,

"Proposing Vocations in the Local Church" is the theme of the Pope's Message for the forth-eighth World Day of Prayer for Vocations.The Lord does not fail to call people at every stage of life to share in His mission and to serve the Church in the ordained ministry and in the consecrated life. The ability to foster vocations is a hallmark of the vitality of a local Church.

Young Religious Men and Women

Young Religious Men and Women

by: in Religious,

150 Young religious men and women from 15 different countries have been gathering for several days in Madrid as preparation for the Consecrated Life Week in Madrid organized by the Institute of Consecrated Life.

‘Life without tension would be boring’

‘Life without tension would be boring’

by: Anna Arco in Religious,

Anna Arco meets an American priest who has agreed, with some reluctance, to take a senior role in the Roman Curia  Over a cup of tea, with the rain pouring outside, he talks about living in Britain’s secular culture, the Roman Curia he is about to join and the challenges of his new job.