News in Religious

Indianapolis archdiocese introduces Arch. William Tobin as new leader

Indianapolis archdiocese introduces Arch. William Tobin as new leader

by: Kevin Rader in Religious,

Archbishop Joseph Tobin was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to lead the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. The new archbishop said he is humbled to be missioned at a place where the Catholic church outdates the country. "I was quite surprised three weeks ago when I was told the Father wished me to serve in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. I imagine you might have been surprised too," said Tobin.

Vatican's deputy official for religious to lead Indianapolis archdiocese

Vatican's deputy official for religious to lead Indianapolis archdiocese

by: Reporters in Religious,

“I was quite surprised three weeks ago when I was told the Holy Father wished me to serve in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. … Together we accept this mission and in the eyes of faith, we allow God to surprise us, because we know that God is faithful.” Since Aug. 2010, Archbishop Tobin has been secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

How nuns have become soldiers in the battle for the White House

How nuns have become soldiers in the battle for the White House

by: Patricia Montemurri - Detroit Free Press in Religious,

As the Nov. 6 election looms, these nuns have come to represent the divide among American Catholics, both in the pews and in the voting booth. Both Obama and Romney are battling for the Catholic vote, a crucial slice of the electorate that represents about 1 out of 4 voters nationwide.

Some things you may not have known about Mother Teresa

Some things you may not have known about Mother Teresa

by: David Van Blema - UCA News in Religious,

These facts and personal perspectives come from the author of 'Mother Teresa: The Life and Works of a Modern Saint'  Mother Teresa departed this Earth on September 5, 1997. What do we know about her now that we didn’t know then?

Priest makes a difference amid Agent Orange fallout

Priest makes a difference amid Agent Orange fallout

by: UCA News in Religious,

Vietnam sanctuary for Agent Orange child victims in Ho Chi Minh City. Many of the children at Father Tu's care homes are severely disabled When Bui Anh The grinds his teeth, cries and flexes his body, a nun holds him close and pats him on the shoulder. “I love you very much,” she says.

A fact-based assessment of U.S. religious life

A fact-based assessment of U.S. religious life

by: Mary Johnson & Patricia Wittberg in Religious,

We believe that the church and the U.S. public deserve an accurate picture, devoid of distortions, ideology and fatalism, of the complex demographics of religious institutes. These demographics are among the most serious issues facing religious life throughout the universal church. 

The Nun Who Broke Into the Nuclear Sanctum

The Nun Who Broke Into the Nuclear Sanctum

by: William J. Broad - The New York Times in Religious,

Sister Megan Rice, 82, a Roman Catholic nun of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, and two male accomplices have carried out what nuclear experts call the biggest security breach in the history of the nation’s atomic complex, making their way to the inner sanctum of the site where the United States keeps crucial nuclear bomb parts and fuel.

Number of women joining religious orders  triples in three years in England

Number of women joining religious orders triples in three years in England

by: Francesca Gillett - Catholic Herald in Religious,

The number of women joining religious orders in England and Wales has almost tripled in the last three years, according to bishops’ conference figures. Asked if this marked the beginning of a revival for women religious in Britain Fr Richard Nesbitt, Westminster vocations director, said “something is definitely happening”.

Young want to be heard, invited, challenged

Young want to be heard, invited, challenged

by: Cindy Wooden - CNS in Religious,

Young people don't want the religious "to lower the bar, to soft-pedal the demands of the Gospel," Archbishop Tobin said. Usually, young people will consider joining a religious community only if they are asked, he said.  For many young Catholics, WYD can be the one church event where they have the time, space and camaraderie they need to start pondering the way God wants them to live their faith in the church and in the world.

Hayes Encounter of Religious

Hayes Encounter of Religious

by: Fr. John O'Byrne, cmf in Religious,

A two-day Conference on "The Future of Consecrated Life in the United Kingdom and Europe" was held in the parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Hayes, Middlesex on Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th May. Over 200 Religious men and women from the United Kingdom and Ireland attended.

The future of Consecrated Life in the UK and Europe

The future of Consecrated Life in the UK and Europe

by: Fernando Prado, cmf in Religious,

This conference which took place in London last week had a remarkable and unprecedented reception and was organised by the Claretian Missionaries of the United Kingdom & Ireland.  Claretian Publications hope to publish the conclusions drawn in these meetings, with both English and Spanish translations, in the very near future.

The Church and the Sisters: What Is Really Happening?

The Church and the Sisters: What Is Really Happening?

by: Ann Carey - The Catholic World Reporter in Religious,

From the moment the United States Bishops announced on April 18 that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) had issued a document ordering a supervised renewal of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), confusion and misinformation about the initiative have run rampant.

Religious life is like the wheel: people keep on reinventing it.

Religious life is like the wheel: people keep on reinventing it.

by: Christopher Jamison OSB - The Tablet in Religious,

‘The future depends on the possibility of dialogue between the old and new orders’.
Religious life is like the wheel: people keep on reinventing it. This is good in so far as it shows the Lord reinvigorating this important part of the Church’s life. What’s problematic is that new religious orders soon make the sorts of mistakes from which experience could save them while the old orders quietly fade away for lack of new life.

Former club dancer becomes a nun, teaching others to dance for God

Former club dancer becomes a nun, teaching others to dance for God

by: Domenico Agasso Jr - L'Stampa in Religious,

Sister Anna Nobili, a former club dancer, has been running the "Holy Dance" school for human and spiritual training for three years now. Up until a few years ago she worked as a club dancer at the most “in” venues in Milan; now she is a nun and dances “in praise of God.” 

Leader of 'radical' US nuns rejects Vatican criticism

Leader of 'radical' US nuns rejects Vatican criticism

by: Jane Little - BBC News in Religious,

The leader of a group of US nuns the Vatican accuses of flouting Church teaching has rejected the claims. "I've no idea what they're talking about," Sister Simone Campbell, head of Network, a Catholic social justice lobby, told the BBC. "Our role is to live the gospel with those who live on the margins of society. That's all we do."

Church mourns death of popular nun in Meghalaya, North East India.

Church mourns death of popular nun in Meghalaya, North East India.

by: Lissy Maruthanakuzhy - UCAnews in Religious,

Sister Amalia Pereda Ortiz de Zarate was a pioneer of rural healthcare. Thousands of people are mourning the death of a Spanish nun, who revolutionized healthcare in the rural northeastern state of Meghalaya. The Missionaries of Christ Jesus nun died at age 84 on Monday at Nirmali Convent in Shillong, the state capital.