News in Religious

Inter-Congregational Formation Course for Novices

Inter-Congregational Formation Course for Novices

by: Fr. Chris Newman, cmf in Religious,

The Claretian Missionaries and the Conference of Religious of England and Wales will continue their service to the young religious in Formation. Starting on the 21st of October  there will be an Inter-Congregational Formation Course for Novices consisting on six weekends along the October 2013 - May 2014 period.

  It's about the Church, not us, says sisters' new head

It's about the Church, not us, says sisters' new head

by: Catholic News Agency in Religious,

Sister Carol Zinn, the newly elected head of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, said the Vatican’s doctrinal assessment of the conference is “much more about the future” of the Catholic Church and not primarily about the conference itself.

U.S. nuns strike a positive note on Vatican investigatio

U.S. nuns strike a positive note on Vatican investigatio

by: Mark I. Pinsky in Religious,

U.S. Catholic nuns — accused by Rome of “radical feminism” for advocating social justice at the expense of issues such as abortion, gay marriage and euthanasia — responded to a Vatican knuckle rapping with a brief, conciliatory statement on Monday (Aug. 19).

"The Martyr Seminary"

"The Martyr Seminary"

by: Fr. Jose Felix Valderrabano cmf in Religious,

 It happend 77 year ago, when 51 Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians) were killed in hatred of the faith in August 1936, in Barbastro, Spain. Pope John Paul II called them "Martyr Seminary" during their Beatification on the 25th of October, 1992. We celebrate today August 13 their feast.

Latest Book on Consecrated Life in the UK

Latest Book on Consecrated Life in the UK

by: Angel Ochagavia, cmf in Religious,

"THE GOD WE BELIEVE IN, THE GOD WE ANNOUNCE", Looking at the UK with a missionary heart. The book contains all the talks presented during the second Religious Life Congress organised by the Claretian Missionaries i Hayes on 21st-22nd of May, 2013.

Francis: church shouldn't fear structural renewal

Francis: church shouldn't fear structural renewal

by: Frances D`Emilio in Religious,

Pope Francis called for structural renewal in the Catholic church to keep up with the times, although advising future priests and nuns Saturday to shun costly trappings like the latest smart phones so they can use more resources to help the poor.

Syrian priest dies during ‘rebel attack’ on Franciscan convent

Syrian priest dies during ‘rebel attack’ on Franciscan convent

by: Cindy Wooden - Catholic Herald in Religious,

A 49-year-old Syrian priest and hermit was killed earlier this week, apparently when a group of rebels attacked the Franciscan Convent of St Anthony in Ghassanieh, a village in the north of the country near the Turkish border. Father Francois Murad was not a Franciscan, but had taken refuge in the convent.

Pope Francis received the Leaders of the Confederation of Latin American and Caribbean Religious (CLAR).

Pope Francis received the Leaders of the Confederation of Latin American and Caribbean Religious (CLAR).

by: Alberto Rossa - in Religious,

In an unprecedented gesture, Pope Francis received and spoke for an hour with the Leaders of the Confederation of Latin American and Caribbean Religious (CLAR). In an atmosphere of trust and simplicity, Francis urged the leaders of CLAR to not be afraid to continue carrying their mission to the boundaries and borders... "Courage! Advance to new horizons! Don't be afraid to take risks by going to the poor and the new emerging subjects in the continent"

MPs welcome IF campaigners at Westminster

MPs welcome IF campaigners at Westminster

by: Tablet in Religious,

Minister of State for International Development Alan Duncan told the Religious their enthusiasm was needed to help win the argument on aid to developing countries. Some 57 MPs came to speak to their constituents,

Pope tells sisters the church needs them, they need the church

Pope tells sisters the church needs them, they need the church

by: Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service in Religious,

Pope Francis told 800 superiors of women's orders from around the world that the Catholic Church needs religious women and that religious women need to be in harmony with the faith and teachings of the church. "What would the church be without you?" the pope told the women May 8. "It would be missing maternity, affection, tenderness and a mother's intuition."

Vatican cardinal criticises the way LCWR reform was handled

Vatican cardinal criticises the way LCWR reform was handled

by: Cindy Wooden - The Catholic Herald in Religious,

The head of the Vatican’s department for religious life has said that dialogue has been missing from the Vatican-ordered reform of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. Brazilian Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, said that should change in future.

Religious Recall Vatican II Shaped Their Vocations

Religious Recall Vatican II Shaped Their Vocations

by: Marie Elena Giossi - The Tablet (US) in Religious,

“We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe” was the theme of this year’s diocesan celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life, which drew more than 100 attendees to the Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston, April 27

With Pope Francis, it's prime time for Jesuits

With Pope Francis, it's prime time for Jesuits

by: Rachel Zoll in Religious,

For decades, the Society of Jesus has faced the same struggles to find priests that have plagued the wider Roman Catholic Church. The Rev. Chuck Frederico says he usually heard from five a week, or fewer possible candidates. Then, last month, the former Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio stepped out on the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica — the first Jesuit to be elected pope. The number of queries jumped to four or five each day.

Acclaimed priest remembered for a life of service

Acclaimed priest remembered for a life of service

by: UCA News in Religious,

Multi-talented and awarded priest dies in Philippines. Fr James Reuter's mass media work brought a string of awards. After some 70 years of service in the Philippines, American Jesuit priest James Reuter died at the age of 96 on Monday, following a stroke.

New President of the Union of Superiors General (USG)

New President of the Union of Superiors General (USG)

by: L'Osservatore Romano in Religious,

The new President mentioned in particular the aims which in his opinion consecrated life should strive for today: to let oneself be evangelized  to be able, in turn,  to evangelize, to seek God first of all, to be with the poor, to take seriously today's challenges that come from ecology, from the defence of human rights, and from justice and peace.