tagged articles with: church

Pastoral Planning

Pastoral Planning

Daniel Ang - www.timeofthechurch.com - Activities el Sat, Aug 2nd 2014

The experience of Christian communities, Catholic and otherwise, confirms that making no plans for growth results in little or no growth every time and such complacency even places communities at risk of decline as the surrounding culture changes and becomes less open to the offer of faith.

Francis and the Evangelicals

Francis and the Evangelicals

Fr. Dwight Longenecker - Aleteia - Ecumenism el Thu, Jul 31st 2014

 I think he wants Catholics not to be more Protestant, but more Catholic. In other words, he wants Catholics to return to the zeal and passion of the saints and martyrs. He wants Catholics to re-learn the simple life of the apostles and take joy in the most elemental levels of the faith -- a life full of the Holy Spirit in a day to day relationship with Jesus Christ.

Catholic Film Festival Swims Against the Flow

Catholic Film Festival Swims Against the Flow

Eponymous Flower - Activities el Wed, Jul 16th 2014

The International Catholic Film Festival. The aim of the festival is to give space and visibili The aim of the festival is to give space and visibility to  producers and directors of feature films, documentaries, docu-fiction, television series and short films, to promote  the "positive models and universal moral values”  which are therefore consistent with Christianity. 

Is the Catholic Faith fading? Not really.

Is the Catholic Faith fading? Not really.

Filip Mazurczak - First Things - Articles el Mon, Jun 23rd 2014

In absolute terms, the number of Spanish Catholics attending Mass weekly grew by an astonishing further 23 percent between 2012 and 2013, according to CIS. Meanwhile, between 2007 and 2013 the number of Spaniards contributing part of their taxes to the Church rose from eight to nine million.

How Churches Can Help Cut the Divorce Rate of Any City

How Churches Can Help Cut the Divorce Rate of Any City

Mike McManus - Onfaith - Married el Mon, May 12th 2014

 Five steps local churches can take to save marriages and prevent divorce.  In Metro Washington where I live, there were 15,800 divorces compared to only 24,600 marriages, for a divorce rate of nearly two-thirds. Does marriage matter? Isn’t it a private issue concerning two people? No. I’d argue that every divorce is the destruction of a small civilization.

Dutch priest murdered in his church in the besieged Syrian city of Homs

Dutch priest murdered in his church in the besieged Syrian city of Homs

Ruth Sherlock, Beirut and Magdy Samaan - BBC - Missions el Tue, Apr 8th 2014

A Dutch priest who had refused to leave the besieged Syrian city of Homs in solidarity with its residents, was on Monday beaten and then shot dead in his monastery by a masked gunman. During more than three years of war, Jesuit Father Francis Van der Lugt, 75, had insisted on remaining in Homs, risking starvation and near constant shellfire, until every last civilian could be evacuated from the district.

Viewpoint: Advancing the Roles of Women in the Church

Viewpoint: Advancing the Roles of Women in the Church

by M. Francis Mannion - Other Voices in Church - Articles el Wed, Apr 2nd 2014

Some women already hold prominent positions in the offices of the Holy See. While there are presently canonical impediments (which could be changed, since they are man-made), the possibility of appointing women as prefects (heads) of some Roman congregations (departments) might be further explored.

"Never be afraid of tenderness"

"Never be afraid of tenderness"

Andrea Tornielli - Vatican Insider - Articles el Wed, Dec 25th 2013

 In this exclusive interview, Pope Francis speaks about Christmas, hunger in the world, the suffering of children, the reform of the Roman Curia, women cardinals, the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), and the upcoming visit to the Holy Land.

Francis: “The Church is a big and varied orchestra”

Francis: “The Church is a big and varied orchestra”

Domenico Agasso - Vatican Insider - Activities el Thu, Oct 10th 2013

At today’s General Audience in St. Peter’s Square, Francis said: “Never gossip about one another, never argue. Uniformity kills life” Finally,the Pope said: “the Church is Catholic because it is the “House of Harmony”, where unity and diversity merge together to become a strength.” The Pope used the image of a symphony to illustrate the meaning of harmony. In a symphony, different instruments are played simultaneously; each musician has their own unique timber and the notes of their particular instrument are composed for one common piece of music.

The Council of Cardinals: A New Constitution for the Curia

The Council of Cardinals: A New Constitution for the Curia

VISnews - Church News el Mon, Oct 7th 2013

The reform of the Curia and the attribution of of more incisive role to the laity were among the principal themes considered in the meeting of the Council of Cardinals, instituted by the Pope to assist him in the governance of the Church, said the director of the Holy See Press Office, Fr. Federico Lombardi S.J., in a briefing with journalists.

His predecessors and St Francis of Assisi show Pope Francis the way to China

His predecessors and St Francis of Assisi show Pope Francis the way to China

Jeroom Heyndrickx, CICM - Church Issues el Mon, Mar 25th 2013

No doubt, also in dealing with this delicate matter the new pope will be inspired by the spirit of his patron Saint Francis who, in the history of the Church was a pioneer of dialogue. Communism has been the staunch opponent of the Church in China. Pope Francis will have to deal with this matter. He will find inspiration in the way his predecessors approached China.