tagged articles with: church

Faith leaders help to forge historic climate deal

Faith leaders help to forge historic climate deal

The Tablet - World Issues el Wed, Dec 30th 2015

United Nations secretary ­general Ban Ki-moon has acknowledged the contribution of faiths to last weekend’s accord between 195 countries to stem carbon emissions and set the world on a more sustainable ­environmental path. He included “faith leaders” in his list of civil society climate campaigners who have “come together under one banner and brought forth this moment of hope”. 

English Bishops: BBC's cuts to religion aid extremism

English Bishops: BBC's cuts to religion aid extremism

John Bingham, BBC Religious Affairs Editor - Church Issues el Mon, Dec 28th 2015

Corporation is preparing significant cuts to its religion and ethics budget despite accusations that it has already sidelined faith issues. Rt Rev Rachel Treweek remarked that the decision to cut religious programming had presumably been taken 'to reduce the possibility of offending people with too much God stuff over the holiday'

History and Mystery: The O Antiphons in a Favorite Advent Hymn

History and Mystery: The O Antiphons in a Favorite Advent Hymn

Roseanne T. Sullivan - Spirituality el Thu, Dec 17th 2015

Many Catholics are becoming interested in including the O antiphons as part of their Advent preparations, by singing or reciting or listening to recordings (or doing all of these things) between Dec. 17 and 23. Everyone can find renewed inspiration at the end of Advent by praying the O antiphons as a countdown to the great feast that is to come. Names of a Scriptural type of the Messiah. He is the Wisdom of God, the Ruler of the House of Israel, the Root of Jesse, the Key of David, the Dawn, the King of the Nations, and God with us.

The Year of Mercy and the importance of conversion

The Year of Mercy and the importance of conversion

Vatican Radio - Activities el Mon, Dec 7th 2015

(Vatican Radio) Before the recitation of the Marian Prayer on the second Sunday of Advent, Pope Francis referred to Sunday’s liturgy in which John the Baptist, preaches "a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins". The Holy Father pointed out that conversion is not just for atheists but also for those who already consider themselves Christians.

Ideas that the Faith should be built on

Ideas that the Faith should be built on

Editorial -The Tablet - 05/11/15 - Articles el Thu, Dec 3rd 2015

What does a merciful Church look like, not just from the papal balcony overlooking the Piazza San Pietro but at the grass roots? Some answers to this question were beginning to emerge at a three-day conference at Durham University few week ago, held as the high point of this year’s celebrations of The Tablet’s 175th anniversary. 

Lord's Prayer cinema ad ban in England

Lord's Prayer cinema ad ban in England

Caroline Wyatt-BBC Religious affairs correspondent - Church Issues el Mon, Nov 23rd 2015

The Church of England has said it is "disappointed and bewildered" by the refusal of leading UK cinemas to show an advert featuring the Lord's Prayer. The Church called the decision "plain silly" and warned it could have a "chilling" effect on free speech. It had hoped the 60-second film would be screened UK-wide before Christmas.

Has Pope Francis just opened a door for non-Catholics to receive communion?

Has Pope Francis just opened a door for non-Catholics to receive communion?

Christopher Lamb in Rome- The Tablet - Ecumenism el Fri, Nov 20th 2015
In 1996 the late Cardinal Basil Hume wrote to Tony Blair, then an Anglican and on the verge of becoming Prime Minister, asking him to refrain from taking communion when he attended Mass with his family. Blair, married to a Catholic, reluctantly agreed but in his letter of reply to the cardinal wrote: “I wonder what Jesus would have made of it.”
Benedict XVI speaks out on some issues

Benedict XVI speaks out on some issues

Tim Stanley - The Telegraph - Activities el Thu, Nov 19th 2015

We've heard very little from Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI since his retirement, but he's made a surprise return to public life. Benedict has written a letter to the atheist mathematician Piergiorgio Odifreddi, covering subjects from the sex abuse scandal to evolution – and extracts have been released by Italy's La Repubblica newspaper.

Mobilising faith communities in ending sexual violence

Mobilising faith communities in ending sexual violence

Cardinal Vincent Nichols- London - Activities el Wed, Nov 4th 2015

His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols addressed the Inter-faith Consultation Conference on mobilising faith communities in ending sexual violence in conflicts on 9 February 2015 at Lancaster House. Echoing the words of Pope Francis, the Cardinal said that "sexual violence as an instrument of warfare and conflict is a deep wound in the body of humanity", and "that it is as old as humanity is a cause for our lasting shame." 

Raised to the altars: one who fell for the poor

Raised to the altars: one who fell for the poor

Robert Ellsberg-The Tablet - Activities el Fri, May 22nd 2015

Romero, the late Archbishop of San Salvador, was a fearless defender of the poor. He was assassinated by a right-wing death squad while celebrating Mass in 1980 as his country began to descend into civil war. At a press conference in San Salvador on Monday, church spokesman Mgr Rafael Urrutia said that among the 300,000 people expected to attend.

Is economic growth the enemy of saving the environment? These Catholics say no

Is economic growth the enemy of saving the environment? These Catholics say no

Elise Harris - CNA - World Issues el Fri, May 22nd 2015

In an international forum on economic growth and environmental sustainability, Catholic leaders and experts in the field argued that rather than being opposed, the two go hand-in-hand, and can lead to greater prosperity all-around. “Protecting the environment need not compromise legitimate economic progress,” Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington said May 20.

Filipino Cardinal Tagle voted president of Caritas global network

Filipino Cardinal Tagle voted president of Caritas global network

Abigail Frymann Rouch, Hannah Roberts in Rome - The Tablet - Church News el Fri, May 15th 2015

Philippines Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle has been elected president of Caritas, the international confederation of more than 150 Catholic development agencies. The cardinal-archbishop of Manila, dubbed “the Asian Pope Francis”, succeeds Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, who has served two four-year terms as president.

Church agencies rush to respond as second earthquake hits devastated Nepal

Church agencies rush to respond as second earthquake hits devastated Nepal

Liz Dodd- The Tablet - Activities el Tue, May 12th 2015

 Church agencies have warned that the 7.3 magnitude earthquake that hit Nepal on Tuesday could have a devastating impact on the crippled country. Catherine Cowley, Protection Coordinator for the Catholic aid agency Cafod, said that the second disaster could have immense impact. To donate to Cafod click here http://www.cafod.org.uk/