tagged articles with: church

‘Underground' Church Administrator dies in China.

‘Underground' Church Administrator dies in China.

UCAnews - Church News el Fri, Feb 10th 2012

The news of the death of Father Lawrence Zhang Wenchang has sparked heated words on the popular Chinese website Tianzhujiao Zaixian (Catholic Church online). Some netizens praised Fr Zhang’s fidelity to Rome.  He was arrested in 1958 and sent to prison for counter-revolutionary crimes. He received reform-through-labor in a farm from 1962-82, after which he began to visit Catholics and work part-time.

Beware suspicion, inertia and impatience

Beware suspicion, inertia and impatience

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor - Ecumenism el Wed, Feb 8th 2012

 It is good, too, as Pope Benedict reminded us, to remember what we have in common. For years I was Chairman of something called ‘ARCIC - The Anglican-Roman Catholic Ecumenical Commission' - and we used to study together many matters. But the key to our work was a term called, koinonia, which means ‘communion'.

The Games are coming and they are a great opportunity.

The Games are coming and they are a great opportunity.

Christopher Jamison OSB - The Tablet - Activities el Tue, Feb 7th 2012

‘The Games are coming and we need to make the most of this unique opportunity. School sport is a place where so many Christian beliefs can be learnt and expressed but two in particular stand out: communion and integrity. Communion is the central reality of contemporary Catholic theology, a reality much more profound than contemporary understandings of community.

The situation of the church in Egypt

The situation of the church in Egypt

Zenit.org - Church Issues el Sun, Feb 5th 2012

Father Antoine Rafic Greiche, official spokesman for the Catholic Church in Egypt, warned that the success of the Salafists was a grave concern for Christians. "We were expecting the Muslim Brothers to do well but we did not expect at all the success of the Salafists," he said.

“Ireland Stand Up”

“Ireland Stand Up”

Michael Kelly - The Catholic World Report - Reporters el Mon, Jan 23rd 2012

  96,000 postcards have been sent to Ireland’s prime minister protesting the closing of country’s Embassy to the Holy See.  The Irish Government is coming under increased pressure to reverse a controversial decision to close the country’s Embassy to the Holy See.-

In England and Wales: 'Parishes are enriched by migrant communities'

In England and Wales: 'Parishes are enriched by migrant communities'

Bishop Patrick Lynch - Church Issues el Thu, Jan 12th 2012

In a statement released to coincide with the World Day for Migrants and Refugees celebrated on Sunday January 15, Bishop Patrick Lynch said that parishes have been greatly enriched by “the strong sense of community and commitment to family life within many of our migrant communities, by their love for the Scriptures, by their devotion to Our Lady and especially by their joyful participation in the celebration of the Eucharist.

The Agency FIDES publishes list of Church people killed in 2011

The Agency FIDES publishes list of Church people killed in 2011

Fides Agency - Church News el Wed, Jan 4th 2012

The FIDES news service noted the words of Pope Benedict XVI, who said on December 26 of that year, “As in ancient times, today the sincere adherence to the Gospel may require the sacrifice of life, and many Christians in various parts of the world are sometimes exposed to persecution and martyrdom”.  Fides’ list  includes not only missionaries ad gentes in the strict sense, but all pastoral care workers who died violent deaths.

New Year Message from the Archbishop of Canterbury

New Year Message from the Archbishop of Canterbury

Dr. Rowan Williams Archbishop of Canterbury - BBC - Church Issues el Mon, Jan 2nd 2012

Speaking in his annual BBC New Year message, the Archbishop of Canterbury reflects on the importance that Christianity bestows on young people and challenges us to actively support our local youth facilities and opportunities which, he argues, play a crucial part in a healthy society.

We are living through a time of great transition for the Church

We are living through a time of great transition for the Church

Bishop Michael Campbell OSA - Church Issues el Mon, Jan 2nd 2012

New Year Pastoral Letter from the Bishop of Lancaster. "At the beginning of this New Year I would ask you to join me in grappling with the two-fold task of planning how our diocese’s parishes and schools adapt to these new circumstances and secondly to make ourselves ready to launch into the challenge of the New Evangelisation."

Speak up for Christianity

Speak up for Christianity

Tim Shipman - Mail Online - World News el Sat, Dec 17th 2011

Speak up for Christianity, Cameron tells Archbishop: PM calls on the Church to defend 'values and moral code' of the Bible.Mr Cameron declared Britain ‘a Christian country’ and said politicians and churchmen should not be afraid to say so. 

Efforts converge to strengthen a dialogue of culture and peace

Efforts converge to strengthen a dialogue of culture and peace

L'Osservatore Romano- Archbishop Dominique Mamberti - Church Issues el Mon, Dec 12th 2011

Archbishop Dominique Mamberty, head of the Delegation of the Holy See addresses the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and thanks its efforts in promoting a growing political will that seeks to reinforce a dialogue of culture and of peace within the OSCE region.

Filipino Priests’ Assembly: ‘A much awaited moment’

Filipino Priests’ Assembly: ‘A much awaited moment’

Doris Benavides - Church News el Mon, Dec 5th 2011

“Historic” was the word used by Filipino priests to describe their First National Assembly held Nov. 8-11 in Los Angeles, which included an opening Mass followed by a day of workshops on spiritual growth and pastoral enrichment, a Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, a priests’ concert and the election of a new leadership council.

A new church initiative in Maoist area of West Bengal, India

A new church initiative in Maoist area of West Bengal, India

George Vayaliparampil - The C.S.F. - Reporters el Tue, Nov 22nd 2011

A study commission headed by the Claretian Missionary Father Michael presented a report to the assembly of Bishops and Major Superiors to take practical measures for the church presence in developmental activities. This joint initiative of Regional Bishops and Major Superiors is to be grounded in the poor areas of West Bengal which is traditional considered as Maoists stronghold.